2 When Jesus saw the harbinger he said, Behold the man of God! Behold the greatest of the seers! Behold, Elijah has returned!
3 Behold the messenger whom God has sent to open up the way! The kingdom is at hand.
4 When John saw Jesus standing with the throng he said, Behold the king who cometh in the name of God!
5 And Jesus said to John, I would be washed in water as a symbol of the cleansing of the soul.
6 And John replied, You do not need to wash, for you are pure in thought, and word, and deed. And if you need to wash I am not worthy to perform the rite.
7 And Jesus said, I come to be a pattern for the sons of men, and what I bid them do, that I must do; and all men must be washed, symbolic of the cleansing of the soul.
8 This washing we establish as a rite – baptism rite we call it now, and so it shall be called.
9 Your work, prophetic harbinger, is to prepare the way, and to reveal the hidden things.
10 The multitudes are ready for the words of life, and I have come to be made known by you to all the world, as prophet of the Triune God, and as the chosen one to manifest the Christ to men.
11 Then John led Jesus down into the river at the ford and he baptized him in the sacred name of him who sent him forth to manifest the Christ to men.
12 And as they came out of the stream, the Holy Breath, in form of dove, came down and sat on Jesus’ head.
13 A voice from heaven said, This is the well-beloved son of God, the Christ, the love of God made manifest.
14 John heard the voice, and understood the message of the voice.
15 Now Jesus went his way, and John preached to the multitude.
16 As many as confessed their sins, and turned from evil ways to ways of right, the harbinger baptized, symbolic of the blotting out of sins by righteousness.
The Christine Ministry of Jesus – Introductory Epoch
Jesus goes to the wilderness for self-examination, where he remains forty days. Is subjected to three temptations. He overcomes. Returns to the camps of John and begins teaching.
The harbinger had paved the way; the Logos had been introduced to men as love made manifest, and he must now begin his Christine ministry.
2 And he went forth into the wilderness to be alone with God that he might look into his inner heart, and note its strength and worthiness.
3 And with himself he talked; he said, My lower self is strong; by many ties I am bound down to carnal life.
4 Have I the strength to overcome and give my life a willing sacrifice for men?
5 When I shall stand before the face of men, and they demand a proof of my messiahship, what will I say?
6 And then the tempter came and said, If you be son of God, command these stones to turn to bread.
7 And Jesus said, Who is it that demands a test? It is no sign that one is son of God because he does a miracle; the devils can do mighty things.
8 Did not the black magicians do great things before the Pharaohs?
9 My words and deeds in all the walks of life shall be the proof of my messiahship.
10 And then the tempter said, If you will go into Jerusalem, and from the temple pinnacle cast down yourself to earth, the people will believe that you are the Messiah sent from God.
11 This you can surely do; for did not David say, He gives his angels charge concerning you, and with their hands will they uphold lest you should fall?
12 And Jesus said, I may not tempt the Lord, my God.
13 And then the tempter said, Look forth upon the world; behold its honors and its fame! Behold its pleasures and its wealth!
14 If you will give your life for these they shall be yours.
15 But Jesus said, Away from me all tempting thoughts. My heart is fixed; I spurn this carnal self with all its vain ambition and its pride.
16 For forty days did Jesus wrestle with his carnal self; his higher self prevailed. He then was hungry, but his friends had found him and they ministered to him.
17 Then Jesus left the wilderness, and in the consciousness of Holy Breath, he came unto the camps of John and taught.
Six of John’s disciples follow Jesus and become his disciples. He teaches them. They sit in the Silence.
Among the followers of John were many men from Galilee. The most devout were Andrew, Simon, James, and John, with Philip and his brother of Bethsaida.
2 One day as Andrew, Philip and a son of Zebedee, were talking with the harbinger, the Logos came, and John exclaimed, Behold the Christ!
3 And then the three disciples followed Jesus, and he asked, What do you seek?
4 And the disciples asked, Where do you live? And Jesus answered, Come and see.
5 And Andrew called his brother Simon, saying, Come with me, for I have found the Christ.
6 When Jesus looked in Simon’s face he said, Behold a rock! and Peter is your name.
7 And Philip found Nathaniel sitting by a tree, and said, My brother, come with me, for I have found the Christ! In Nazareth he abides.
8 Nathaniel said, Can anything of good come out of Nazareth? And Philip answered, Come and see.
9 When Jesus saw Nathaniel come he said, Behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile!
10 Nathaniel said, How can you speak about me thus?
11 And Jesus said, I saw you as you sat beneath the fig tree over there, before your brother called.