15 And Jesus said, Behold the catch! from henceforth you shall fish no more for fish;
16 You shall cast forth the Christine net into the sea of human life, upon the right side of the boat; you shall ensnare the multitudes to holiness and blessedness and peace.
17 Now, when they reached the shore the Christine master called to Peter, Andrew, James and John and said,
18 You fishermen of Galilee, the masters have a mighty work for us to do; I go, and you may follow me. And they left all and followed him.
19 And Jesus walked along the shore, and seeing Philip and Nathaniel walking on the beach he said to them,
20 You teachers of Bethsaida, who long have taught the people Greek philosophy, the masters have a higher work for you and me to do; I go and you may follow me; and then they followed him.
21 A little farther on there stood a Roman tribute house, and Jesus saw the officer in charge; his name was Matthew, who once abode in Jericho;
22 The youth who once ran on before the Lord into Jerusalem and said, Behold the Christines come.
23 And Matthew was a man of wealth, and learned in wisdom of the Jews, the Syrians and the Greeks.
24 And Jesus said to him, Hail, Matthew, trusted servant of the Cæsars, hail! the masters call us to the tribute house of souls; I go and you may follow me. And Matthew followed him.
25 Ischariot and his son, whose name was Judas, were employed by Matthew and were at the tribute house.
26 And Jesus said to Judas, Stay your work; the masters call us to a duty in the savings bank of souls; I go and you may follow me. And Judas followed him.
27 And Jesus met a lawyer who had heard about the Christine master and had come from Antioch to study in the school of Christ.
28 This man was Thomas, man of doubt, and yet a Greek philosopher of culture and of power.
29 But Jesus saw in him the lines of faith, and said to him, The masters have a need of men who can interpret law; I go, and you may follow me. And Thomas followed him.
30 And when the evening came and Jesus was at home, behold, there came his kindred, James and Jude, the sons of Alpheus and Miriam.
31 And these were men of faith, and they were carpenters of Nazareth.
32 And Jesus said to them, Behold, for you have toiled with me, and with my father Joseph, building houses for the homes of men. The masters call us now to aid in building homes for souls; homes built without the sound of hammer, ax, or saw;
33 I go, and you may follow me. And James and Jude exclaimed, Lord, we will follow you.
34 And on the morrow Jesus sent a message unto Simon, leader of the Zelotes, a strict exponent of the Jewish law.
35 And in the message Jesus said, The masters call for men to demonstrate the faith of Abraham; I go, and you may follow me. And Simon followed him.
The twelve apostles are at Jesus’ home and are consecrated to their work. Jesus instructs them. He goes to the synagogue on the Sabbath and teaches. He casts an unclean spirit out of one obsessed. He heals Peter’s mother-in-law.
Now, on the day before the Sabbath day, the twelve disciples who had received the call were met with one accord in Jesus’ home.
2 And Jesus said to them, This is the day to consecrate yourselves unto the work of God; so let us pray.
3 Turn from the outer to the inner self; close all the doors of carnal self and wait.
4 The Holy Breath will fill this place, and you will be baptized in Holy Breath.
5 And then they prayed; a light more brilliant than the noonday sun filled all the room, and tongues of flame from every head rose high in air.
6 The atmosphere of Galilee was set astir; a sound like distant thunder rolled above Capernaum, and men heard songs, as though ten thousand angels joined in full accord.
7 And then the twelve disciples heard a voice, a still, small voice, and just one word was said, a word they dared not speak; it was the sacred name of God.
8 And Jesus said to them, By this omnific Word you may control the elements, and all the powers of air.
9 And when within your souls you speak this Word, you have the keys of life and death; of things that are; of things that were; of things that are to be.
10 Behold you are the twelve great branches of the Christine vine; the twelve foundation stones; the twelve apostles of the Christ.
11 As lambs I send you forth among wild beasts; but the omnific Word will be your buckler and your shield.
12 And then again the air was filled with song, and every living creature seemed to say, Praise God! Amen!
13 The next day was the Sabbath day; and Jesus went with his disciples to the synagogue, and there he taught.
14 The people said, He teaches not as do the scribes and Pharisees; but as a man who knows, and has authority to speak.
15 As Jesus spoke, a man obsessed came in; the evil spirits that obsessed the man were of the baser sort; they often threw their victim to the ground, or in the fire.
16 And when the spirits saw the Christine master in the synagogue they knew him, and they said,
17 You son of God, why are you here? would you destroy us by the Word before our time? we would have naught to do with you; let us alone.
18 But Jesus said to them, By the omnific Word I speak; Come out; torment this man no more; go to your place.
19 And then the unclean spirits threw the man upon the floor, and, with a fiendish cry, they went away.
20 And Jesus lifted up the man and said to him, If you will keep your mind full occupied with good, the evil spirits cannot find a place to stay;
21 They only come to empty heads and hearts. Go on your way and sin no more.
22 The people were astonished at the words that Jesus spoke, the work he did. They asked among themselves,
23 Who is this man? From whence comes all this power that even unclean spirits fear, and flee away?
24 The Christine master left the synagogue; with Peter, Andrew, James and John, he went to Peter’s house where one, a near of kin, was sick.
25 And Peter’s wife came in; it was her mother who was sick.
26 And Jesus touched the woman as she lay upon her couch; he spoke the Word; the fever ceased and she arose and ministered to them.
27 The neighbors heard what had occurred, and then they brought their sick, and those obsessed, and Jesus laid his hands on them, and they were healed.