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Silver River Secrets

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Gram sighed. “Maybe so, but I’m sure gonna miss Cousin Bessie.”

“I know. I’m glad you two were apartment neighbors these past years. But I can understand her wanting to go with her son and his family when he was transferred. You have a lot of close friends in town, especially your bridge club.”

“Not like family. Not much left of our family now... Just you and me.” Gram gave her a sidelong glance.

Lacey knew what was coming next. Sure enough, Gram let a few seconds go by and then said, “Would be nice to live closer to each other.”

Lacey tucked the last pair of sheets and pillowcases into a drawer in the hall closet. “Anytime you want to move to Boise, I’ll find a place for you.”

Gram folded her arms. “Only way I’d ever leave Silver River is in a pine box, and then I’ll go only as far as Restlawn. I’ll not run away like you did.”

Lacey’s stomach churned. “I didn’t run away. I went away to college, which I had planned to do before...before...” She shut the drawer and spread her hands. “Gram, please, let’s not spoil my visit.”

Gram wrinkled her brow. “You’re right. I’m sorry, honey. I just wish you would come back home where you belong.”

Where you belong. Gram’s words brought an ache to Lacey’s heart. No, as much as she might wish it were so, she did not belong in Silver River. Not anymore.

If she could somehow prove her father’s innocence, then she could hold her head high and live here again. But, after ten years, what hope did she have of that?

CHAPTER TWO (#u2e101700-237b-59ac-8810-5cbd4da22278)

BY THE TIME Lacey returned to Sophie’s, dusk had spread a rosy glow over the landscape. The globe lights lining the driveway shone like miniature moons. Inside the B and B, the sounds of lively music, talking and laughter drifted in from the courtyard. Instead of joining the party, Lacey went toward the stairway. Despite Sophie’s encouragement, she’d decided to skip the party. She wouldn’t be here to celebrate Silver River Days, anyway. If not for her grandmother, she wouldn’t come to town at all. Ever.


Uh-oh, caught.

She turned to see Kristal Wilson enter the front door. Lacey warmed at the sight of her old high school friend, one of the few who stood by her after the tragedy.

“I heard you were staying here,” Kris said as they exchanged a hug.

Lacey shook her head. “The grapevine in this town never ceases to amaze me. I just arrived this afternoon. I planned to give you a call.”

Kris tucked a lock of silver-blond hair behind her ear, revealing a dangling silver heart earring. “I know, but here we are, and we can go to the party together.” She gestured toward the door to the courtyard.

Lacey shook her head. “Uh-uh. I decided to skip it. It’s been a long day, and besides, I’m not dressed for it.” She pointed to her sleeveless blue tunic top and black tights.

“Who dresses up in Silver River?”

“You do. You always look like a million.”

Kris grinned as she smoothed the collar of her bright yellow blouse, which she wore with a brown pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes. “That’s because I’m a walking advertisement for the shop.”

“No, you love clothes. You always have.”

Kris waved dismissively. “Okay, okay. But, Lacey, come to the party, just for a little while, so we can catch up. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait till we go to lunch, and who knows when that will be?”

“Well...okay, for a little while.”

Still, Lacey felt her muscles tense as she stepped into the crowded courtyard. There were so many people. Had the whole town come out? On the way to the bar, she nodded and smiled at familiar faces. Then, glasses of Chardonnay in hand, she and Kris strolled the walkway circling the burbling fountain. Music from the four-piece combo filled the air, and balloons and streamers added a festive touch. They chatted about Remy’s move and Kris’s job at her aunt’s clothing store and the problems of being a single parent to eight-year-old Lucas.

“Thank goodness for day camp,” Kris said. “It’s been a lifesaver this summer.”

At the buffet table, they sampled the appetizers.

“Has anything changed between you and Sam?” Lacey asked, plucking a potato chip from a napkin-lined basket.

Kris munched a cracker topped with cream cheese. “Not really. He’ll never forgive me for breaking up with him and marrying Nolan.”

They chatted for a while longer, and then Lacey said, “I really should go. But we’ll get together for lunch soon.”

“I look forward to that... Oh, oh...” Kristal placed her fingers to her lips.


“If you leave now, you’ll run smack into him.”

“Him, who?”

“Rory. He and Sam just arrived.”

* * *

RORY DRAGGED HIS steps as he followed Sam into the courtyard at Sophie’s B and B. He wasn’t really in a party mood. After a busy day at the shop, all he wanted was to go home, snap open a beer, kick back and relax. But he’d told Sophie and Hugh he would come and help celebrate the upcoming festival. On the way in, he’d met Sam, and so here they were. He wouldn’t stay long, just say a few “hellos,” and then leave.

Sam pulled two bottles of beer from an ice-filled tub. “Here you go.” He handed one to Rory.

“Thanks.” Rory opened the beer and took a sip. The cold liquid made his taste buds tingle.

“Hits the spot, doesn’t it?” Sam held up his bottle.

“Yeah, but I could drink beer at home.”

“Not with all the food you’ll find here.” Sam gazed around. “Let’s head over to the buffet table... Uh-oh.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Kristal’s here.”

“That’s okay, isn’t it? You two are on speaking terms.”

“Yeah, but are you and Lacey? ’Cause she’s here, too.”

Rory followed the direction of Sam’s nod, and sure enough, Kristal and Lacey stood at the buffet table. Feeling his chest tighten, he took a deep breath. “I never expected Lacey to be here. She keeps to herself when she comes to town.”

“Not this time. But Kris spotted us, so we might as well say hello.”

Rory frowned. “But I...”
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