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Silver River Secrets

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“What? You two do speak to each other, don’t you?”

“When we have to.” He took another sip of beer while he debated. Finally, he said, “Okay, let’s get it over with.”

Still, as he and Sam approached the two women, who were now turned to face them, he found breathing difficult.

“Hello, Kris, Lacey,” Sam said. “Saw you this afternoon coming into town, Lacey. Nice set of wheels.”

“Thanks, Sam.” Lacey’s gaze shifted to Rory. “Hello, Rory.”

“Lacey.” Rory nodded without smiling.

Lacey’s long brown hair curled about her heart-shaped face, and her eyes were as big and brown as he remembered. His chest tightened even more.

“Good crowd,” Sam said, looking around.

“It is.” Kris nodded.

An awkward silence fell. Then, just as Rory was about to say, “Nice seeing you,” or some other phrase to signal his exit, Sam said, “Kris, you need a refill.”

Kris looked at her half-full glass of wine and then at Sam. “I do?”

Sam tilted his head.

“Oh, I guess I do,” Kris said.

Sam lifted the glass from Kris’s hand. “You two excuse us?”

Before either Rory or Lacey had time to respond, Sam steered Kristal toward the bar.

Rory stared after them. Thanks a lot, Sam. He turned back to Lacey, intending to say, “See you around,” but what came out was, “Sorry to hear about your grandmother’s accident. Being laid up must be tough on her.”

“It is, but she’s recovering.” Lacey shifted her feet and looked toward the door.

Okay, she’s as anxious to get away as you are. Let her go.

“She’s at Riverview now, right?” he said.

“Yes. That’s why I’m here again, helping her to move.”

“I figured that.”

Why else would she be in Silver River? Certainly not to see him. And why were they standing here making conversation, anyway?

“Your business doing well?” she asked.

“If you mean the shop, yeah, business is great.”

“Still working for your grandfather, too?”

He nodded. “Part-time.” Working for his grandfather’s real estate investment business was more an obligation—and a necessity—than a pleasure. “What about you? Still with, what? Some historical society, right?”

A smile lit up her face, the first he’d seen all evening. “Yes. The Boise Historical Society. I’m doing what I love—writing about history.”

They’d both made lives for themselves without each other. And yet, after what had happened, he should be glad they’d managed to move on.

They fell silent while the music and conversation swirled around them. Okay, now go! Then his gaze fell on her empty glass. “Looks like you’re ready for another drink.”

She frowned but said, “Why, I suppose I—”

“There you are, Rory!”

Rory looked around to see Helen Lewis hurrying along the walkway.

Helen skidded to a stop. “I’ve been looking for you. I just had to tell you how well our car runs since you gave it a tune-up. Jasper and I were about to trade it in, but not now.”

“Glad it’s working for you,” Rory said.

Helen turned to Lacey. “This man is a wonder.” She peered through her black-framed glasses. “Oh. I don’t think I know you.”

“This is Lacey Morgan,” Rory said. “Lacey, Helen Lewis. She and her husband are new in town. He works for Thompson’s Building Supply, and Helen works at the Visitor’s Center. Lacey, ah, used to live here,” he added to Helen.

Helen’s eyes widened. “I’ve heard about you. You’re the one who—”

Catching Lacey’s stricken look, he finished quickly, “Went to high school same time as I did.”

Helen frowned as she cut her gaze to Rory and then back to Lacey. “Oh. Right. You were high school buddies.”

“Buddies” didn’t exactly describe his and Lacey’s relationship back then, but he wasn’t about to correct Helen. “We were on our way to get Lacey another glass of wine.” He nodded toward the bar.

Lacey shook her head. “No, I really need to leave now. Busy day tomorrow. Nice meeting you, Helen. Good to see you again, Rory.”

The words tumbled from her mouth, and before Rory could reply, he was staring at her back as she hurried along the walk to the B and B’s door.

Helen pressed her fingers to her lips. “Oh, dear, I hope I didn’t run her off.”

Rory raised a hand. “Don’t worry about it. Lacey and I were only saying hello.”

* * *

INSIDE THE B AND B, as Lacey set her empty wineglass on a table, she realized her hands were shaking. She felt queasy, too. Bad enough to have spent time talking to Rory, but then to meet a stranger who apparently knew all about her past... Too much.

Taking a deep breath, she hurried through the dining room to the stairs. She put her foot on the bottom step, but then on impulse swiveled around and marched toward the front door.

Five minutes later, she sat in her car at the entrance to the highway, waiting for traffic to clear. She rolled down the window and, along with sounds of the music from the party, the fresh air rushed in, tinged with the smell of grass and hay and the river.

Once on the highway, she pressed her foot to the accelerator, watching the speedometer inch up past the speed limit. Except for a pale glow of light lingering behind the mountains and the lights of the houses she passed, darkness covered the land.

She sped along for a few miles and then came to her senses and eased her foot off the accelerator. No point in risking a ticket. Calmer now, she loosened her grip on the steering wheel and leaned back against the seat. Putting distance between herself and the party—and Rory—was just what she needed.
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