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Straight from the Heart

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“She’s had a rough time. I hope this hasn’t upset her.”

Lucas grinned. “Sounds like you’re pretty fond of Blair.”

Roger grinned back. “You could say that, but Blair doesn’t let anyone get too close to her. I keep trying, though. Think I’ll check on her.” He glanced at his watch. “Damn, I have to be in court in five minutes. I’ll catch her later. I’ve got to run. Tell Jacob I said hi.” With that, he dashed into the courthouse.

Lucas stared after him with a puzzled expression. He now understood Blair Logan a little better. No wonder she was so cold and detached. He’d never dreamed she’d had this kind of trauma in her past and was a little surprised he hadn’t heard anything about it before. He hoped Raye hadn’t caused her any more stress. Still, it was none of his business, he told himself, walking resolutely toward his vehicle.

He threw his briefcase into his Ford Expedition and got into the driver’s seat. But he didn’t start the engine. He kept thinking about Blair. Maybe he should reassure her that Hector was just talk and she had nothing to worry about. No, he told himself again. She wouldn’t thank him for his concern.

Concern? Was he concerned for Blair? Yes, he was, he had to admit. He’d always thought Blair was strong enough to handle anything. Could he be wrong? Could her strength only be a facade to hide her fear and pain?

Without a second thought, he climbed out of the car and headed to the district attorney’s office. He had to tell her that Hector wasn’t a threat to her.

And Blair Logan was going to eat him alive.

IT DIDN’T TAKE Lucas long to find Blair’s office. The door was open a crack. He pushed it a fraction to see if she was inside. He stared in disbelief. Blair, a Blair he’d never seen before, was dancing around the room singing under her breath. Her dark hair was loose around her shoulders, her eyes sparkled and her face was enraptured. God, she was beautiful. So feminine, so enticing…

She held her arms out and her hips swayed gracefully. She’d had ballet lessons, he decided. It showed in every seductive line of her body.

“It feels so-o-o-o good. Oh, oh, oh, yeah,” she sang. She whirled around and came to a complete stop when she saw Lucas.

“OhmyGod,” she murmured. She quickly gathered her hair and twisted it into a knot. She reached for a large clasp that lay on her desk and fastened it to her hair, but several strands lingered around her face.

She inhaled deeply and demanded, “What are you doing here?”

She’d immediately collected her wits, her cool businesswoman demeanor back in place, but Lucas didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were on the opening of her blouse. Several buttons had come undone and her lacy bra was showing. Blair wore lacy things. He’d never have figured that.

“Your blouse is open,” he told her, and her cheeks turned a delicate pink.

She nervously buttoned her blouse to the top.

She was mortified that he’d seen her doing a victory dance, and she was desperately striving for some measure of respectability. But she feared she’d lost every ounce of that. Oh God, how had she let this happen? And of all men…Lucas Culver.

“If you’re through leering,” she said coolly. “You can tell me why you’re here.”

Lucas realized he had a silly grin on his face, but for the life of him he couldn’t stop smiling. “You know,” he replied, “it went right out of my head.”

“Then you can leave.”

His grin broadened. “You really enjoyed beating me today, didn’t you?”

He had guessed why she was making a fool of herself. Of course he would! How did she get out of this?

“A victory is always a…pleasure,” she answered, and the words sounded phony even to her own ears.

Lucas stepped closer, although the desk was between them. “If I’d known it would make you so effervescent, I’d have let you beat me a long time ago.”

“You didn’t let me anything,” she flared. “I beat you fair and square.”

Lucas held up his hands. “Okay, I concede.”

They stared at each other and Blair felt his dark eyes touching her in a way she usually hated when other men did it. But Lucas was making her feel warm and bubbly…and angry.

“What do you want, Lucas?” she asked abruptly. “And stop staring at me like that. I don’t like it.”

“It’s hard not to,” he said wickedly. “Especially after seeing…so much.”

“Get out of my office,” she said, her confidence beginning to shred.

Her words had no effect on him. “Don’t be so rigid, Blair. I’m only teasing you.”

She decided to take another approach. “I’m not used to being teased, so can we just forget about this?”

He lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”

“Okay,” she snapped. “Have your fun, but you’d better enjoy it because you’ll never, ever get another glimpse—”

“Of you being human,” he finished for her.

She bit her lip, not knowing what else to say, wishing he’d do the decent thing and leave.

He saw her nervousness and relented. “Okay, Blair, I’ll forget about it.”

“Fine,” she said ungraciously.

“I only came by to reassure you that you had nothing to worry about from Raye. He just has a big mouth.”

She glanced apprehensively at him. Surely he didn’t know. It had happened so long ago and ever since, her family and friends had been very protective of her feelings. The attack wasn’t a topic for idle conversation. She didn’t want anyone’s pity. “Why do you think I’d be worried?”

He watched her for a moment and he could see she didn’t want him to know about the past. So he gave in to her wishes. “He was my client and I feel responsible for his behavior.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. This she could handle. “You don’t have to be. I can take care of myself.”

“I’m sure you can, but I had to make the effort.”

“Well, you wasted your time.” That came out wrong, but she couldn’t take it back.

His eyes gleamed. “Believe me, I didn’t waste my time.”

“You said you were going to forget it,” she reminded him.

“Forget was the wrong word,” he said with a devilish grin.

“You’re very good with words. So don’t tell me that.”

“I promise no one will hear about your secret passion from me, but I can’t wipe it from my memory. I have a feeling I’ll remember it late at night when—”

She cut him off. “Goodbye, Lucas, and next time you plan on coming into my office, would you please have the decency to knock?”
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