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Straight from the Heart

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Frank interrupted. “Okay, let’s just calm down and let Sam tell us what happened.”

Sam watched his three top attorneys, his gaze hooded. He folded his hands across his desk and began to speak in a slow forceful manner. “I am still head of Logan and Associates, and I make all hiring decisions without asking your permission. I’m only consulting you as a courtesy. If anyone has a problem with that, you’d better say so now so you can pack your things and get out.”

“Wait a minute, Sam.” Derek put up a hand. “I was only voicing my opinion…what I think is best for the firm.”

Sam’s mouth twisted wryly. “You know, Derek, I don’t remember ever asking you to take the responsibility for my firm.” He put a heavy emphasis on the word my.

Derek didn’t say another word.

“We either do this together, or I do it alone,” Sam added. “Your choice.”

“I’m with you, Sam,” Frank immediately said.

“Me, too,” Theo stated.

All eyes swung to Derek. “I was just questioning whether Culver’s the best choice, that’s all.”

Sam eyed Derek, his expression calculating. “If you have any problems with Lucas, we’d better get them out of the way now, because if we’re lucky enough to have him join us, I won’t tolerate any dissension among my staff.”

Derek glanced down at the desk, clearly struggling.

Sam got up and walked to the window, looking out at the glass skyscrapers of downtown Houston and the busy streets below.

Silence ensued.

Theo broke the stalemate. “Hell, Derek, why don’t you just admit it? You’re afraid Culver might outshine you in a courtroom. But this isn’t about you and your gigantic ego. It’s about the future of the firm.”

“I know,” Derek admitted grudgingly. “I’m behind Sam all the way.”

“That’s good to hear.” Sam turned from the window. “I just hope things don’t come to a head before I get Lucas on board.” There was a pause, then he added, “Damn bad luck to have Blake pay us this surprise visit.”

“You need to get him back to London, Sam,” Theo suggested quietly.

“I will, but first I’ll let him spend some time with his mother and sister.”

“We don’t have the valuable commodity of time,” Derek said.

“I’m well aware of that,” Sam muttered.

“Have you heard anything else?” Frank asked.

“Not a word,” Sam muttered. “Holt’s keeping a lid on everything until he’s ready to pounce.”

“Hell, Sam,” Frank said. “Your daughter works at the D.A.’s office. Surely you can get some information out of her.”

Sam’s eyes turned a steel blue. “I will not drag my daughter into this. Do you understand me?”

Frank’s brown eyes narrowed. “My God, you haven’t told her, have you?”

Sam looked away. “No. I need to have all my i’s dotted and my t’s crossed before I tell her. Besides, I won’t compromise her job.” His face was grim. “Everything depends on tonight.”

“What’s happening tonight?” Theo asked.

“I invited Lucas to the dinner party,” Sam answered. “If he shows, I know we have a chance of convincing him to accept the offer. If not…”

Sam let the words hang, and each knew exactly what he meant.

Finally Frank asked, “Will Blair be there?”

“Of course,” Sam snapped.

“I don’t think you’ve thought this through,” Frank said slowly. “After the day Lucas and Blair just had in court, do you think it’s wise to expect them to sit down to a friendly dinner? You know how she is about defense attorneys.”

“Dammit,” Sam clenched his fists. “This is all happening too fast. I haven’t had time to think about Blair and her feelings.”

The three men shared a secret glance.

“Well.” Sam slapped a hand on the desk. “Blair’s a mature adult woman and I know she can handle it.”

Theo gave a gruff laugh. “I don’t mean any disrespect, Sam. But do you actually know your daughter? She’s been trying to beat Culver for two years. It’s common knowledge around the courthouse—and so is her dislike of the man.”

“I know,” Sam said tightly.

“Again, I don’t mean any disrespect,” Theo continued, “but are you sure Culver is the right man for the job? After all, Blair did beat him today.”

“Have you ever seen him in a courtroom?”

“Not lately,” Theo murmured.

“Today was just a fluke. Raye was guilty, and everyone knew it, even Lucas, and though he wouldn’t admit it, he didn’t give this case his best.”

“Why do you say that?” Theo wanted to know.

“Because Lucas has this chemistry, especially with female jurors. You have to see it to believe it, but he can razzle-dazzle a jury better than anyone I’ve ever seen. I need that type of charisma on my side. Someone who can beat the odds and win.”

“Why didn’t he do that with the Raye case?” Derek asked.

Sam shot him a piercing glance. “Because he didn’t choose the jury. Tenney did, and Lucas didn’t get to establish that intimacy with them. Besides, Raye was guilty as hell.”

He paused, then asked, “Are you questioning my judgment?”

“No, of course not,” Derek was quick to say.

“I’ve researched this, and I know Lucas Culver inside and out. He’s the best, and we need him.”

“What about Blair?” Frank asked again.

“Blair will understand…in time.”
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