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The Pleasure Of His Company

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A taste of paradiseFor two weeks each year, Kingsley Diallo puts aside his responsibilities as CEO of a multibillion-dollar company and heads to Aruba. It’s his chance to surf, unwind and enjoy the anonymity of just blending into a crowd. Then one day he sees Adah Palmer-Mitchell on the edge of the beach and wants to make a meaningful connection with her. Instinct tells him she’s keeping a secret, but the stunning island setting and Adah’s sensual beauty are an irresistible combination…Disillusioned by romance, Adah agreed to an engagement to bolster her parents’ business interests. Suddenly that love-free arrangement is a sacrifice she’s not sure she can make. Handsome, charismatic and confident, Kingsley awakens her dormant desires, tantalizing her with the possibility of a passionate future. As their dangerous game of attraction escalates, can she choose between family loyalty…and the call of her heart?
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