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The Christmas Baby

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She tried not to let her jaw drop. “Not the one who...?”

He shook his head. “That one’s still in jail. This is his older brother, Canyon. A respected agriculture pilot now. Lives in the family homeplace. The swashbuckling girl pirate is his. Canyon married the widowed mother of Captain Hook. She owns the florist shop.”

Anna smiled. “From the looks of things, it’s his, hers and theirs.”

Ryan folded his arms across his chest. “They found their happily-ever-after after much heartache. Kristina lost her first husband in Afghanistan.”

Anna’s heart stirred with sympathy for the woman who appeared to be in her first trimester. “I had friends on the base who lost their husbands that way, too. Sudden and horrific.”

“What you endured was as horrific as losing a husband to combat, Anna.” Ryan closed his eyes momentarily. “Perhaps worse.”

“Either way.” She sighed. “Goodbyes are never easy.”

“No.” He stared out over the color-dappled water. “They’re not.”

Did he pine for the woman who’d broken their engagement? The woman must’ve been an idiot to bail on a man like Ryan. Great guys weren’t a dime a dozen. She’d found one in Mateo. Ryan, her dear friend, was no less a prize for some woman to claim.

She inhaled sharply. Some woman, not her.

“Are you okay?” He made a move to touch her but let his hand fall to his side. “Do you need to sit down?”

“I’m fine. Got to get my teacher legs back. Anyway, I’m glad to see Canyon Collier and his lady got their happy ending.” She placed her hand on her abdomen, rubbing small circles on her belly.

“You were born to be a mother, Anna. You’ll be the best.”

“I hope so.” She patted his arm. “By the way, I like the scruffy look on you.”

He snorted. “Thank you, I think.”

“I mean it.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “You rock the intellectual vibe.”

He rolled his eyes. “You mean the geeky vibe.”

“I mean the too cool for school, good-looking—”

“You think I’m good-looking?”

She blushed.

“Thank you, Anna.”

And they shared a look from which she couldn’t turn away. Her pulse pounded.

* * *

Ryan gestured to the end of the pier, where the judges handed out the award for Best Powerboat to the Coasties. “Nobody does Christmas better than Kiptohanock.”

She gave him a sideways look. “And yet you’re leaving.”

He could hardly believe he was standing on the waterfront with Anna after all these years. How many times had he wished...? He shook himself. Best not to get too attached. She was right. He was leaving.

The excitement in the crowd ratcheted as the judges awarded the remaining prizes. Braeden Scott won best in the sailboat division. Ten-year-old Max smirked at his glowering archrival, Izzie.

But the sea turtle float scored People’s Choice. The little redheaded girl smirked right back at Max. Santa Paws garnered Best in Show. The high school captured the Best Costume and Best Crew Spirit award.

And finally what everyone had been waiting for. With electric reindeer mounted on the bow, one last vessel negotiated the waters between the anchored parade participants. Excited, Maria and Oscar bobbed like baited hooks in the water. Mrs. Guzman and Anna exchanged smiles.

Father Kiptohanock threw a mooring line to a Coastie, who tied the boat to the dock cleats. Applause ensued. Father Kiptohanock—like an old-time waterman but in a faux fur-trimmed red slicker and Wellingtons—stepped onto the wharf.

Anna’s mouth fell open. “Is that Seth Duer?”

“Not so loud.” Ryan laid his finger on his lips. “It’s Seth’s turn this year. Margaret Davenport made sure he didn’t weasel out of it.”

“Margaret’s still orchestrating Kiptohanock life?”

The sixty-something lady was as well-known and Shore-famous as the Sandpiper’s Long John doughnuts. In her case, though, it was for her meddling, autocratic ways and sharp tongue.

He did a half-hearted fist pump. “Long live the Queen.”

Released from parental restraints, Maria, Oscar and the other children swarmed Seth Duer—aka Father Kiptohanock—for the anticipated candy. And Ryan’s heart swelled when Oscar shared his candy with Maria’s little brother. Oscar was a good kid. A kid in need of a helping hand.

Anna giggled. “Is it my imagination, or does Father Kiptohanock resemble a Yuletide Gorton’s Fisherman?”

“Minus the beard.” Ryan grinned. “But I think the bushy mustache counts.”

She laughed so hard she braced against the seawall for support. “Only in Kiptohanock.”

He got the feeling it was the first time in a long while that she’d laughed—really laughed.

Then he spotted Margaret Davenport plowing her way through the onlookers. At the determined gleam in her eyes, he wondered who she had in her sights. And with dismay, realized it was none other than Anna.

He broadened his chest. If she’d come to criticize Anna, she’d have to go through him first. Nobody was dissing Anna on his watch.

Anna’s smile faded as she glanced at his face. “What’s—?”

“I’m so glad I caught the two of you.” Margaret’s gaze pinged from Ryan to Anna. “Nice to see you home again, Anna.”

Anna’s hand flew protectively over her stomach.

Margaret focused on Ryan. “Your brother promised me he’d have those animals for the Living Nativity by Christmas week.”

“If Luke said he’d have them, then—”

“Fine.” She fluttered an imperious hand. “Actually, I came over to talk with Anna.”

He widened his stance. “I don’t think—”

“I believe congratulations are in order, Anna.” Margaret’s face softened. “I’m sorry your husband will not be here to share in your joy.”
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