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The Christmas Baby

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He probed the older woman’s expression for signs of derision but found none. Only a compassion he’d not expected in the usually acerbic grande dame of Kiptohanock.

“Forgive me for asking this of you, Anna.” Margaret’s voice hitched. “I was never blessed with children myself.” She fussed with the buttons on her coat. “The wonders of modern science. Not like when I was your age...”

He gaped at Margaret.

Somehow the grapevine of Kiptohanock knew the whole story about Anna’s baby. It had to be Evy. The young librarian and the town matriarch had become inexplicably close friends since Evy first came to town.

Margaret’s eyes became misty. “I always believed it would be so wonderful to carry a child at Christmas.”

Anna’s eyes were huge, like a fish caught in a spotlight.

Margaret fidgeted. “Would you consider playing the mother of Jesus in the Living Nativity...?” Her voice trailed away.

He’d never seen Margaret so...un-Margaretlike.

Eyes lowered to the ground, Margaret backpedaled. “Never mind, dear. I shouldn’t have—” Her voice choked. “It’s not as though this is your home anymore or—”

“Of course I’ll do it.”

Margaret halted, midstep.

“Kiptohanock will be my home from now on.” Anna rested her hand atop her belly. “I’d love to play Mary in the nativity, Margaret.”

He frowned. “Anna...”

She raised her gaze. “Just tell me when and where.”

Margaret blinked twice before recovering her usual aplomb. “There will be costume fittings. And the one night performance during Christmas week in the gazebo on the square.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “I still need to find a Joseph, of course.”

As if one entity, Anna and Margaret cut their eyes at him. He shuffled his feet. But surrounded and outnumbered, nothing less than unconditional surrender would suffice.

Besides, how could he resist the opportunity to play Anna’s husband, even if it was just pretend?

“Okay. My arm’s twisted. I’m in.”

Margaret clasped her hands together. “I can’t wait to tell the other ladies.” She moved away. “I’ll send you both the details. This is going to be the best Kiptohanock Christmas ever.”

He groaned. “Where have I heard that before?”

Anna poked him in his biceps. “Your famous last words, I believe. And your arm doesn’t look too twisted to me.” She laughed. “Where’s your Christmas spirit, Ryan Savage? It’ll be fun.”

He grunted. “This is Margaret we’re talking about.”

She stared after the older woman’s retreating figure. “She’s changed. The town has, too.” She heaved a sigh. “Or maybe it’s me that changed.”

He crinkled his eyes. “The more things change, the more they remain the same. I hate to end the fun, but we better get going if we’re going to buy Oscar a Happy Meal.”

Anna’s face shadowed. “I don’t want to take him back to the motel.”

He sighed. “Me, either, but she’s his mother.”

“Something needs to be done about his situation.”

Ryan’s life had suddenly gotten so much more complicated. He was supposed to be wrapping up his teaching career, not getting more involved.

“Does his mother work there every night? Is that why he can’t get a good night’s rest?”

He scrubbed his jaw. “I should make a home visit when she’s not at work. See what the school could do to connect them to one of the county programs.”

“You always know the right thing to do.”

He made a face. “That’s me. Mr. Dependability. Mr. Reliable. Mr. Boring.” He called to Oscar. Maria’s father and mother hugged Oscar goodbye and waved them off.

Strolling toward the parking lot, Anna took hold of Oscar’s hand. “You’re not boring, Ryan. You’re nice.”

“Nice...” Ryan clutched his heart. “Kill me now and be done with it, Anna Banana.”

Oscar ran over to the car.

“Nice is nothing to be ashamed of.” She tucked her hands into her coat pockets. “And that’s not how I see you. You’re also—” Her cheeks reddened.

Good-looking? That’s what she’d said earlier. And feeling as carefree as he’d felt in years, he opened the door for Oscar.

Oscar jumped inside. “It’s beginning to look like Christmas, Mister Sabbage.”

An unfamiliar excitement began to build inside Ryan. Yes, it certainly was.

Chapter Five (#u60d18151-6d40-54d5-aed1-487c7fafd7e6)

The next morning Anna arrived at the trailer from a long overdue grocery trip to find Ryan fixing the steps of her porch. Laying aside the nail gun, he rose as she parked next to his car.

When she reached for a grocery bag, he hurried over. “Let me help, Anna.”

“I’m pregnant, Ryan, not an invalid.”

Grabbing two bags, he ignored her. Resigning herself to his helpfulness, she escorted him to the door.

He waited while she fumbled inside her purse for the key. “You were out early for a Saturday morning.”

Inserting the key, she gave it a turn, but the doorknob twisted in her hand.

He handed her the lightest of the sacks. “Let me try.”

Jiggling the key, he lifted up on the knob and shoved the door with his shoulder. “Voilà!” He motioned as the door swept open.

She stepped over the threshold. “You are amazing.”

He carried the bags to the kitchen. “That’s what the kids tell me.”
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