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Catching Her Rival

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Jack asked Charlotte, “You were born in Rhode Island, also?”

She shook her head, her confusion evident by her pursed lips. “No. I was born in upstate New York.”

* * *

“HOW CAN THAT BE?” Jack verbalized the question that had to be on all of their minds. “You look so much alike, you sound alike and you were born on the same day. But in different states?”

Jack had been sure from their birthdays that they were twins. But now he didn’t know what to think.

“Coincidence?” Charlotte suggested.

“It’s more than coincidence,” Allie said. “We’re obviously related. Now we need to figure out how we’re related.”

“Maybe we’re cousins?”

“That’s a possibility, but it seems unlikely. Siblings giving birth on the same day in different states... Anyway, I don’t think we’d look this much alike if we were cousins unless both our birth mothers and fathers were twins.”

“Wouldn’t that make you genetic twins?” Jack asked.

“I think you’re right,” Allie said. “But what are the chances that both sets of parents would put us up for adoption? There must be more to it.” She stuck out her hand, palm down, and said to Charlotte, “Put your hand out next to mine.”

As soon as Charlotte did, the resemblance was remarkable. Just like their matching feet.

“You can’t argue with proof like that,” Allie said, “but only a DNA test will tell us for sure.” The other two nodded their agreement. “There’s nothing more we can do tonight.”

“What about your mom?” Jack suggested. “We could ask her some questions and see if she can fill in the blanks.”

Allie shook her head. “I’d rather keep her out of this, at least for tonight. She had pretty bad bronchitis six weeks ago, and between that and the wedding prep, she hasn’t quite regained her strength. Besides, she should just be allowed to enjoy the rest of her son’s wedding day.”

“Of course,” Charlotte said. “And it is getting late.”

Allie jumped up from the sofa. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how late it was. I need to help pack up. Mom’s probably looking for me. Let’s exchange information,” she said to Charlotte, “and we can get together soon.”

Charlotte and Jack stood up, too. “We can help,” Jack said.

“Yes,” Charlotte agreed. “Tell us what needs to be done.”

“Oh, wow, thanks, but I’m sure we’re fine. Huge family and all.”

“I understand completely,” Charlotte said, and Jack nodded his agreement. Allie must really want to keep her mom from seeing Charlotte.

Charlotte retrieved her cell phone from her silver clutch. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you so you have mine.”

“Good idea. I left mine in the car.” Allie recited the number.

Jack was trying to be cool. He could get Allie’s phone number from Charlotte, he supposed. He really wanted to see her again, but she was in the middle of some big family stuff with the wedding and now meeting Charlotte.

And he didn’t want to appear overeager.

“Where are you staying in town?” Jack asked Allie, trying to play it casual.

She named a popular downtown hotel. “I’ll be checking out in the morning.”

“Where do you live?” Charlotte asked before Jack could. “We never talked about that.”

“In Providence,” Allie said.

“Oh, good!” Charlotte was giddy with excitement. “I was afraid you flew in from halfway across the country. Jack and I both live here in Newport.”

“My office is in Providence,” Jack said, pleasantly surprised. “We should get together, maybe grab coffee or lunch this week.” He made the suggestion before thinking it through. Cool, Jack. Real cool.

Allie smiled, and he took that as a good sign. “I’d like that.”

Me, too, he mouthed.

Jack glanced at Charlotte and saw her satisfied grin—she’d obviously not missed his exchange with Allie. “You ready?” he asked Charlotte.

At her nod, he stepped back so the two women could say their goodbyes.

* * *

CHARLOTTE’S MIND WAS RACING as she sat in the passenger seat of Jack’s car on the way home. Amazing! There was someone else in the world whom she must be related to. She wasn’t sure yet how, but they’d soon find out. She was positive they were connected.

“You’re pretty quiet,” Jack said as they drove up Bellevue Avenue. “Are you okay? In shock, perhaps?”

Charlotte turned toward him and grinned. “I’m better than okay.” She was definitely more excited than she’d been in a while. “I’m really glad you asked me to come to the wedding with you.”

“I’m glad, too.” He gave her arm a pat. “Talk about a coincidental meeting.”

“I know. I’m not sure how Allie and I would ever have met otherwise.”

“And she lives so close,” Jack said. “It didn’t hit me until I asked where she was staying that she could have come in for the wedding from anywhere.”

“I’m sure that makes you very happy, too,” Charlotte teased.

“Of course it does. Now you two will be able to get together.”


He glanced at her quickly before returning his attention to the road. “What does that mean?”

She smirked, but it was too dark in the car for Jack to see her. “It means I’m not blind. I saw how attracted you are to her.”

The muscles in his jaw tensed. “Do you have a problem with that?”

She chuckled. “I think it’s great.” She paused a few seconds. “We are just friends, right? Nothing romantic going on?”

“Of course. I don’t mean that to sound harsh, but even I’m a little confused. You and I are friends, and I never considered you anything more.”
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