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Catching Her Rival

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Too many questions. Not enough answers.

All she wanted to do was go back to the hotel and get a good night’s sleep. It only made matters more stressful that her incomplete Monday-morning presentation was hanging over her head. This account could make or break her agency. Where would she be if she didn’t get the account?

Her parents’ spare room in rural upstate New York? The same room she had growing up?

No way.

She inhaled deeply. The floral scent around her was strong. No wonder Dad had needed his inhaler. The last she saw him, though, he was enjoying a piece of wedding cake.

Her parents were wonderful people. Even when Mom was pushing her to “find the right man,” Allie knew her mother’s motives were pure.

That didn’t preclude Allie from feeling like an outsider in her own family, though. She just didn’t think or act like the rest of them.

She stood up, brushed off the back of her dress and picked up her empty wineglass. A quick stop in the restroom to touch up her lipstick and she’d get back to the party.

She adjusted her evening bag’s chain strap on her shoulder and headed inside.

* * *

CHARLOTTE WAS HAVING a wonderful time. She couldn’t remember when she’d laughed so much. Jack really was fun to hang out with. Since she’d moved to Newport from Burlington, Vermont, she hadn’t gotten close enough to call anyone a friend. But Jack fit the bill.

The crowd had begun to thin a little, and she was slightly disappointed that she never did run into her double. She must have taken off earlier in the evening.

“We can leave whenever you’ve had enough,” Jack told her. “Unless you want to take a short break and hit the dance floor again.”

“Let me think about it while I go to the ladies’ room,” she said. “But if you’re ready to go—”

“I’ll get us fresh drinks and we can see how we feel.” He pulled at his collar. “It’s pretty warm in here. Why don’t I meet you out in the hall? I saw a nice seating area around the corner to the left.”

She nodded and headed to the restroom. Even this late, there was a line coming out the door.

“Is there another restroom to use?” she asked one of the bartenders.

“Go right around there—” she pointed down the hallway “—and you’ll see a sign. You can’t miss it.”


Turned out the bathroom was on the lower level. It took a while for her to make her way down the old cement stairs without breaking her neck on her high heels, and then she had to navigate a maze of hallways. But once she committed, she refused to turn back.

* * *

JACK GOT THEM drinks as promised. Another white wine for Charlotte and a Scotch on the rocks for himself. He sipped his drink and waited for his “date” to return.

Very few people came by, and he wondered if Charlotte might have misunderstood where they should meet. He went back into the ballroom and there she was, on the far side of the large room. Charlotte’s back was to him and she was speaking to one of the bridesmaids, which surprised him. She was being more outgoing than he’d thought she would be. Maybe coming to the wedding had helped her remember life before grief. He had no idea what her personality had been like before her mother became ill—perhaps she’d been more outgoing, adventurous.

The DJ switched to “Shout,” and the dance floor filled up quickly. Jack caught himself tapping his foot to the beat, so he set down his drinks and made his way around the crowd to where Charlotte was.

She was unaware of his presence. He came up behind her and grabbed her waist. “Let’s dance.” She squealed and said something, but the music was too loud for him to hear her. “Sorry, Patience,” he apologized to his cousin for interrupting their conversation. Then he took Charlotte’s hand and pulled her behind him onto the dance floor.

He found an open spot and then turned to face her. His jaw dropped. The woman wasn’t Charlotte.

The woman he’d dragged onto the dance floor was her very angry double.

* * *

“WHAT DO YOU think you’re doing?” Allie had to yell over the blaring music to be heard. She ripped her hand out of his.

The man who’d pulled her away from her conversation with the sister of her new sister-in-law stood there with his mouth hanging open.

She widened her eyes, an attempt to clue him in that she was waiting for an explanation.

“You’re not Charlotte,” he finally yelled back over the loud music. “But, damn, you two could be twins.”

“Yeah, right. If this shtick is an example of what you think is a good pickup line, then you’re in for a shock, buddy. This ain’t workin’ at all.”

She turned to leave the dance floor. The song ended and the volume lowered as the DJ played a slow song. Instead of letting her walk away, the crazy guy spun her into his arms.

She stiffened. “What are you doing? Let me go.”

He loosened his grip, though their bodies remained a few inches apart. “I’m sorry. Please, don’t make a scene. My cousin—the bride—would never forgive me.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you dragged me away from my conversation with her sister.” Who must also be his cousin, if he was telling the truth.

They swayed to the music, and her anger slowly abated. She remembered the feeling of being held by a handsome man and had the urge to press against his solid form but didn’t want him getting the wrong idea.

“Who are you?” His breath was warm on her cheek. “Besides being my date’s doppelgänger?”

“Allie. Who are you?” She wasn’t about to give him a last name, even if she did share it with the groom.


“Just Jack?” She looked him straight on.

“Just Allie?” he countered with a damn sexy grin.

She considered it. “Allie Miller, sister of the groom.”

Jack’s feet planted in place, and he stared at her. His eyes narrowed. “Really? The groom’s sister?”

She got that reaction all the time. She’d spent her life explaining. “Scott was born in China. I wasn’t.”

Allie nearly laughed as the lightbulb figuratively came on over Jack’s head.

The song was ending and Allie halfheartedly tried to free herself, but he held her hand. “Let me get you a drink as way of apologizing for my behavior.” Another slow song began, and he pulled her closer.

“No need,” she said a little breathlessly. “I’ve been hearing all night about this woman who looks exactly like me, but I haven’t seen her yet.”

He chuckled, his warm breath ruffling her hair against her cheek. “I know. I’ve been trying to find you again ever since I saw you in the line at the bar. I think Charlotte thought I was crazy until other people started telling her they’d seen you, too.”
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