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Resorting To The Truth

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He didn’t answer at first. What she wouldn’t give to see those eyes of his behind the dark lenses. “Somehow I’m not surprised you’re still scheming. We’ll see what happens.”

“What does that mean? You already think I’m Allie. I’m simply asking you to keep thinking that.”

“You need to prove yourself to me before I can make any promises.” He checked his watch again. “Now I really do need to go.”

He ran off before she could organize her thoughts and ask how he expected her to prove herself to him.

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_47e92a67-42fc-51ed-a7c5-993a87fa3f69)

SAM QUICKLY DRIED off after his shower. Running into Allie this morning had destroyed his concentration. What was it about her that had him physically reacting like a horny teenager? He never should have touched her. Massaging her side stitch away had been excruciating. He’d never been the least turned on by her when they’d met several years ago. What had changed?

Could she actually be Allie’s long-lost identical twin the way she claimed?

He laughed. That was preposterous.

Then he shook his head. If she were Allie’s twin, she had identical genes and was bound to be as untrustworthy. No matter what, she was bad news.

By the time he made it to the lobby, conference attendees were everywhere. Breakfast was ending and workshops would begin soon. His gaze stopped at Allie, her still-damp hair falling in waves to just below her chin. His mind automatically wandered to what she might have looked like in the shower, his body craving her wet, soapy curves.

He shook his head. This madness needed to stop.

Then he saw her name tag. He could barely make it out from where he stood, but it was definitely Allie Miller. If she were truly her twin, then why wasn’t she using her real name? Charlotte something. Wasn’t that the name she’d given him?

Sam checked his watch. He filled a cup with coffee from the buffet and followed his assistant conference manager down the hall toward his office.

“Everything going okay?” Sam asked Katie, who remained in his doorway after he entered his office.

Her head bobbed excitedly, making her light blond ponytail swing. “So far, so good.” Her excitement was contagious.

“Let me know if you need help with anything and I’ll get you some.” Sam walked around to the other side of his desk. With Ben in England taking care of his parents, Sam would need to make sure Katie could handle things by herself. Ben had complete confidence in her, but she was fresh out of college and had worked at the Grand Peacock less than a year. Sam reached for the messages on his desk and sipped his coffee.

“I might need an extra person directing people for meals,” she told him. “I already recruited Tom to help me decorate for Sunday night’s gathering. They’d like karaoke set up, too.”

“Sounds good.” The less he was required to be near Allie, the better. He was also pretty sure their desk clerk, Tom, had a major crush on Katie. So he’d do whatever she needed.

“I better make certain everyone gets to where they’re supposed to,” Katie said.

“Good luck!”

Her chuckle came from down the hall.

He turned his attention to the message his chief repairman had left on his desk. Sam was pleased to see the elevator part should be installed by late that afternoon.

Next, he checked his email. George, his head of security, needed to talk to him. Sam called him immediately, hoping there had been no further burglaries.

“Hey, George, Sam Briton. Give me some good news.”

“I wish I could, sir. I’m afraid there’s a problem with the video footage from yesterday’s burglary.”

“A problem?” Having cameras along the outdoor paths leading to the bungalows was always a challenge, thanks to the unpredictability of nature, which was why they checked the cameras daily. They were mostly there for the safety of the guests in case someone got hurt. Criminal activity was seldom a problem, so the cameras weren’t monitored 24/7.

“There are four minutes and nineteen seconds of palm fronds waving in the wind,” George reported. “Someone moved the cameras.”

“Moved them? Can you tell who did it and how?” No way could someone pull something like that off and not get caught. They’d have to get up in the palm trees to get access, which would probably require a ladder.

“Looks like whoever did it knew exactly where the cameras were located. And they avoided the path. The footage shows what I assume is the couple staying at bungalow 6 walking toward the main resort. Shortly after that is when the camera is tilted and the trees are all that can be seen.”

“The Snyders,” Sam clarified. “Retired couple, matching outfits.”

“That’s them. After the four-plus minutes, the camera is aimed back where it’s supposed to be.”

“So it was deliberate,” Sam concluded. “No chance a bird or animal bumped it.”

“Correct. I’m headed out there now to see if I can find footprints off the path, evidence of a ladder or any other clues.”

“Good,” Sam said. “Let me know what you find.”

* * *

CHARLOTTE SAT AT a small table in the lobby, sipping a cup of coffee that was upsetting her already roiling stomach. Could she pull off this act? Make everyone believe she was Allie? She told herself it would be easy because no one believed she was Allie’s twin, no matter how many times she repeated it.

Her sister still hadn’t returned her calls and neither had Jack. Charlotte had awoken in the middle of the night and remembered that Allie and Jack had planned a trip this weekend. A New England trip, Vermont, she thought they’d said.

Charlotte could have emailed them, but figured if they weren’t answering their phones, then they weren’t checking email, either. She also surmised they might be in an area with poor cell coverage because Allie was always good about calling Charlotte back. And hearing that Raymond Foster was coming would surely pique her interest. According to what Charlotte read on the internet last night, he owned a conglomerate of most of the food brands in her fridge and pantry.

Veronica and Jared were seated across from Charlotte. From their constant chatter, they were either super relaxed or super nervous. She couldn’t tell which.

“Don’t you just adore this place?” Veronica was saying. “I’d love to bottle that salty ocean breeze and take it home with me.”

Home. That’s where Charlotte should be. Not conducting a ruse that could go wrong at any moment. Her stomach flipped again. What if she ruined things for Allie instead of helped her?

Jared laughed at Veronica’s suggestion. “That would just make me miss this place more.”

They continued their discussion on how to take the island home with them until the young woman in charge—Katie—informed them breakfast was over and workshops would begin in a few minutes. She gave directions to where things were located, reminding them that they’d received a resort map in their registration materials.

Charlotte felt confident about knowing the names of a few people. That was a decent start in pretending to be Allie. Her memory for names was pretty good, thanks to her inner artist that kept accurate pictures of people stored in her brain. Just never ask her what she ate for breakfast yesterday.

She’d checked the schedule for the workshops. Raymond Foster would be doing a two-hour presentation Monday morning with regards to what a client wanted and how to win big accounts. Charlotte thought she should attend that one so she had an idea of what to tell Allie if her sister wanted to pitch to him.

That gave her two days to get Allie to return her call.

* * *

SAM LEANED BACK in his desk chair and studied the week’s schedule Katie had provided. Nothing out of the ordinary, but he could see a few holes where he might be needed with Ben gone.

His phone rang.

“Sam Briton,” he answered after the first ring.
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