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Resorting To The Truth

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“At least, we thought it was the front desk.” Evelyn’s voice trembled, and Bob patted her hand.

“What do you mean you thought it was the front desk?” Sam squirmed in his chair.

“We got a call asking us both to come to the front desk immediately. The man said there was a problem with some of the guests’ credit cards, and we needed to bring our credit card and ID for verification.”

Sam narrowed his eyes. “I never heard anything about this.”

“Neither had your desk clerk. Tom, I think it was,” Bob said. “He had no idea what we were talking about.”

“Do you think that’s when your phone was stolen?”

Bob shrugged. “Must have been. I didn’t notice it was missing until quite a while later, but that’s the only time we were away from it.”

“Is there anything else missing?”

“Everything else of value was already locked in the room safe. The phone call made it seem urgent that we complied, so I didn’t think about my phone. I only had it out to be sure we didn’t get a text from our son. He and his wife are expecting their first child in a few weeks.”

Sam got up and walked around the room, checking the windows and French doors leading to the private hot tub. Whoever took the phone must be an employee—or working with one of them—to have gotten into the bungalow without breaking in. The front door automatically locked when it was shut, so a person would need a master key to get in. Sam couldn’t imagine any of his staff taking such a risk. Someone must be desperate to have pulled a stunt like this.

A few minutes later, after assuring the Snyders he would take care of the matter and reimburse them for a new phone, he also promised them two free nights at the resort.

Sam walked back to the lobby, trying to wrap his mind around the blatant theft that had taken place during his watch. He needed to get a written warning out to all guests and employees as soon as possible.

And definitely keep a close eye on Alley Cat. Her arrival on the island coincided with this theft, and he wouldn’t put it past her to be up to her old tricks.

* * *

CHARLOTTE ROSE EARLY the next morning, her head foggy and her eyes barely able to focus. Sleep had eluded her, so she had given up and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt to run on the beach to clear her head.

She’d tried several more times to call Allie last night, with no success. She left her sister messages each time. Charlotte finally left a message on Jack’s phone, too, which he also wasn’t answering.

Charlotte kept a steady pace down the beach. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and not too hot with a constant, gentle breeze. Rhode Island rarely provided mornings like this except for a few weeks in the summer. Definitely not in October.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t the only one with the idea to run on the beach.

He was coming toward her, still a few hundred feet away. Although she’d met Sam barely twelve hours ago, she recognized him immediately from his body shape and the way his long legs ate up the ground.

Without warning, both her mind and body recalled the tension in his well-developed, muscular arms, and the expert way his mouth had reduced her to a quivering idiot.

Should she run past without acknowledging him? Look the other way? Nod at him? Wave?

Her heart rate increased. She sucked in more air and got a stitch in her side, but no way would she slow to a walk with him approaching her. She fought hard against the urge to stop and double over in pain.

He wouldn’t see her distress, no matter what.

His eyes were hidden by his sunglasses, making it impossible to tell if he looked at her as he ran past. His pace was smooth and effortless. He was shirtless and had the sculpted physique to do so.

No words were spoken by either of them.

As soon as he passed by, she stopped short and grabbed her side, sucking in oxygen in small bursts. What was wrong with her? She ran at the gym on a regular basis and rarely had endurance problems.

“Are you okay?” Sam had doubled back. His unexpected question startled her, doing nothing for her already spiked vitals.

“I’m fine.” Her choked words contradicted her statement.

“Straighten up.” He came around behind her and pressed a warm hand to her left side.

“Ouch.” She tried to move away from him, away from his touch. Especially the heat transferring from his body to hers.

“I’m trying to help.” He pressed again, massaging gently. “Right here?” At her nod, he added, “Take deep breaths from your belly. Slowly. That’s it. Now exhale and take another deep breath.”

Deep breathing was nearly impossible with him so close.

The pain slowly subsided and he moved away quickly. She was left standing there with nothing to say but, “Thank you.”

He nodded.

“This never happens to me at the gym.” Why was she explaining?

“It’s easy to overdo it here on the beach. The great scenery makes you forget how far you’ve gone.”

That was the first friendly thing he’d said to her in their short acquaintance. At least he had no clue that his sudden appearance was what made her pulse and breathing go haywire.

He glanced at his watch. “I need to get going. Are you okay now, Allie?”

She swallowed, straightening her back. “I’m fine.” Her words were sharper than she intended, but it bothered her that he still thought of her as Allie. Even if she had decided to be Allie for the week, he wasn’t aware of it.

He turned to take off again.

“You really still think I’m Allie?”

Her words stopped him and he faced her.

His brow furrowed, but she couldn’t gauge his eyes through his sunglasses. “You’ve given me no reason to believe you’re anyone other than Allie Miller. Can anyone verify your identity? Do you have some ID to prove it?”

“Of course I have ID, but it’s in my room. I’ll bring it to your office later, if I must.” Telling him to check the hotel computer would only confuse him more. Allie had added Charlotte’s name to the room without removing her own. For all he knew, she could be either one of them.

“Isn’t there anyone at the conference that will vouch for you? I could ask around.”

“No!” Charlotte shouted, reaching out to him. She stopped before she actually touched him. “No, please, don’t say anything.”

He cocked his head at her vehemence. “So if—and I say if—you aren’t really Allie, then why are you here and not her? Are you in advertising, too?”

She couldn’t answer. After deciding to pretend to be Allie, she should probably let Sam believe that’s who she was. Even if deep down she wanted him to know the real Charlotte.

He laughed, the same humorless laugh from last night. “You’re losing your touch, Allie. You used to be a much better liar.” He took a step in the direction of the resort.

She grabbed his arm to stop him, releasing him a second later. “Please...promise you won’t mention this to anyone. Everyone believes I’m Allie and I’ve decided I’d rather keep it that way.”
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