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Family to the Rescue

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Family to the Rescue
Lissa Manley

When the town's most eligible bachelor rescues her from drowning, Kim Hampton can't help being drawn to him. But the last thing the single mom's looking for is love. She needs to focus on supporting herself and her young son. Then Seth Graham rescues her again - by offering her a job at his sporting goods store.The more time he spends with Kim and her boy, the more she falls for Seth. Will she help him open his heart to a family of his own?

If anything happened to Seth, Kim would never forgive herself.

Kim rushed forward and pushed through the cluster of people who had gathered around the scene. She made it to his side and fell on her knees next to him, resisting the strong urge to take his hand in hers; she was almost afraid to touch him.

Just then, Seth turned his head and looked at her, his beautiful sky-blue gaze hitting her like a laser. Her heart sped up as they stared at one another for one beat, then two.

His eyes widened slightly, and it looked as if he recognized her. A shaky ghost of a smile crossed his face and, strangely, Kim felt an odd yet unmistakable connection flare between them.

“Seth…” she whispered.

“Did I die?” he asked, his deep voice raspy.

Relief flooded through her. He was talking—that had to be a good sign. She shook her head and grasped his icy hand, feeling tears burn her eyelids. “No, you saved both of us.”


decided she wanted to be a published author at the ripe old age of twelve. After she read her first romance as a teenager when a neighbor gave her a box of old books, she quickly decided romance was her favorite genre, although she still enjoys digging in to a good medical thriller.

When her youngest was still in diapers, Lissa needed a break from strollers and runny noses, so she sat down and started crafting a romance, and she has been writing ever since. Nine years later she sold her first book, fulfilling her childhood dream. She feels blessed to be able to write what she loves, and intends to be writing until her fingers quit working, or she runs out of heartwarming stories to tell. She’s betting the fingers will go first.

Lissa lives in the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon, with her wonderful husband of twenty-seven years, a grown daughter and college-aged son, and two bossy poodles who rule the house and get away with it. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, crafting, bargain hunting, cooking and decorating. She loves hearing from her readers and can be reached through her website, www.lissamanley.com, or through Steeple Hill Books.

Family to the Rescue

Lissa Manley

And without faith, it is impossible to please Him.

For whoever would draw near to God

must believe that He exists and that

He rewards those who seek Him.

—Hebrews 11:6

For Kevin. For always having faith in me.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


Letter to Reader

Questions for Discussion

Chapter One

There! A sound floated to him on the breeze. A call for help. Seth Graham was sure of it.

The hairs on his neck standing on end, he hurried to the ocean’s edge, his bare feet chopping through the sand. He shaded his eyes with his hand and scanned the water, frowning. Had he imagined the thready call for help?

But then his gaze snagged on an indistinct form about thirty yards from the beach. He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out if he was seeing a glob of kelp.

Or a person.

His best friend, Drew, ran up and stood beside him, the Frisbee they’d been throwing back and forth on the beach dangling from his fingers. “You see anything?”

Seth blinked, still staring at the shape. “I’m not sure…”

Then an arm flailed up from the dark mass and another scream sounded, more distinct this time.
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