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The Boss's Surprise Son / Doctoring the Single Dad: The Boss's Surprise Son / Doctoring the Single Dad

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Oh, better. Looping her arms around his neck, she threaded her fingers through his short, mink-soft hair, holding him to her, drawing his essence in and giving herself back.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the pilot has turned off the seat-belt sign. You are now free to move about the cabin.”

The announcement washed over them like a bucket of cold water. They broke apart, and Savannah buried her face against Rick’s chest.

The world came rushing back—the plane, other passengers, the near-death experience. For a while none of it had mattered; now it all did.

She bit back a groan as her brain reengaged and she realized where she was. In the boss’s arms. This was not good, not good at all. It helped only slightly that Rick’s heartbeat matched the racing pace of her own.

How to extricate herself?

“Restroom.” She fumbled for her seat belt. “I’ve got to go.” Once she found the release, she bolted to her feet and escaped down the aisle. Luckily, there was a line of people waiting. Maybe it would last until they reached New York.

Five people and two hours to kill? Not even she was that optimistic. Which meant she’d have to sit next to him with the blood still speeding way too fast through her system. Thank goodness her jacket hid the aroused state of her nipples because if it was cold in here, she didn’t feel it.

All too soon she was sitting in her seat again, her jacket wrapped around her, staring at the gray hair of the man seated in front of her while Rick focused his attention on the ceiling.

Not comfortable with being uncomfortable, she said, “Thank you. I was scared and you … helped me. It was very kind of you.”

He made a choking sound. “Don’t mention it. Please.”

“I wasn’t propositioning you.”

He turned his head slowly and pinned her with an intense stare. “What are you going on about now?”

“The other night at dinner when I asked about your dating rules. I wasn’t propositioning you.” She cleared her throat and dropped her eyes. “In case you think I’ve been throwing myself at you.”

“I didn’t.” He went back to his contemplation of the ceiling. “I don’t.”

Instead of reassuring Savannah, his simple dismissal struck a contrary chord. It wasn’t as if there was no chemistry between them. The last few minutes had proved that conclusively.

“Well, all right then.” She let silence fall between them, telling herself she should be glad to have that worry gone. But she couldn’t help herself. “Why not?”

Her pique must have sounded in her voice because he sighed.

“I know when I’m being propositioned. And flirting isn’t your style. You’re too straightforward.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me the rules?”

“Because there isn’t a hope in hell you’d ever abide by them.”

“I don’t know how you can know that,” she retorted, stung.

“The rules are about establishing personal boundaries to prevent expectations of a deeper relationship from forming. You have personal relationships with everyone.”

“Not everyone.”

“Everyone,” he insisted. “Including the mail boy.”

“He goes to State, which is where my sister attends college. So yeah, we’ve chatted a few times.”

“What’s his girlfriend’s name?”


“I rest my case.”

“That only proves I’m a good listener.”

“I’ve worked with Molly for twelve years and I don’t even know her daughter’s name.”

“Oh. Well.” His confession stunned her so she had no argument for him. “What was your point again?”

“That my rules aren’t meant for you.”

For a moment it sounded as if he meant that his rules didn’t apply to her, and a wild rush of pleasure bloomed in her. She quickly squashed it, first because she knew how he intended what he’d said, and second because he wasn’t for her.

Anyone who worked with someone for twelve years and didn’t know something as intimate as her daughter’s name was too impersonal for Savannah.

She could never be with someone who believed that work was more important than people. And that described Rick to a T.

“You’re right,” she conceded. “Your rules aren’t for me.”

To Savannah’s relief the trip concluded without further incident and they arrived in London exhausted but ready for the upcoming meeting. After spending fifteen hours practically joined at the thigh with Rick, she was ready to retreat to her own room.

“Beautiful hotel,” she commented on the way to the elevator, admiring the large leather furnishings and dark woods amidst marble and crystal. “I see now why you were drawn to Crosse International.”

“What do you mean?” he asked as they boarded the elevator.

“The ambience. A modern feel in a traditional setting. You know, kind of a comfortable chic.”

Rick simply nodded and she wondered if he was even listening. Except for business, he’d kept conversation between them to a minimum ever since the embrace on the flight to New York.

Savannah closed her eyes and sighed at the thought of stretching out in a bed. She was so ready for some alone time.

“It reminds me of the store back home,” she muttered.

“What does? “Rick held the elevator door for her to exit.

“The hotel. Oh, we’re right here.” Savannah had never been so happy to reach a destination. She slid her key card into the slot. “See you in the morning.”

As she closed her bedroom door, she almost had herself convinced she was pleased by his impersonal attitude.


So call her crazy. She wanted to have her cake and to eat it, too. Working so closely with Rick these last few days had twisted her emotions in a knot. His drive and dedication challenged her while his intelligence and dry sense of humor made the long hours speed by.

Not to mention every little touch tested her ability to remain unaffected, from the accidental brush of skin against skin to the warmth of his breath on her cheek as they bent over the proposed contract.
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