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The Boss's Surprise Son / Doctoring the Single Dad: The Boss's Surprise Son / Doctoring the Single Dad

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“You got it, doll. I’ll bring you something pale.” She turned her attention to Rick. Friendly when she spoke to Savannah, her gaze turned downright predatory as it ran over his body. “How about you, sweet thing?”

Savannah hid a smile behind her hand as red color flooded his cheeks.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll have the same.”

“Aye, and I’ll bring you something dark.” She shifted closer to him with a roll of well-rounded hips. “You look man enough to handle it.”

With a lingering backward glance she disappeared into the crowd.

“Oh, she likes you,” Savannah teased him. “Just let me know if you need me to make myself scarce.”

“That woman just ate me alive with her eyes.” He shook his finger at Savannah. “Under no circumstances are you to leave me alone with that cougar.”

“Cougar?” She laughed. “Oh my, does she scare you?”

“I’m an intelligent man, so hell yeah.”

She grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect your virtue—or should I say manhood? I mean really, what if we were a couple?”

He pinned her with an intent stare. “Sweetheart, for the next hour, we are.”

“What? You don’t think she’d play by your rules?” How dangerous to play with him like this, but she couldn’t resist.

“The rules are there so no one gets hurt.” He defended his system with a flick of his eyes toward the bar and the woman under discussion. “She doesn’t look like she’s afraid of pain.”

“It hurts so good?” she teased provocatively.

His gaze flashed back to her. “You’re shocking me, Ms. Jones.”

Yeah, she’d rather shocked herself. “You brought it up. Besides, I’m not as innocent as you seem to think.”

“Sure you are,” he assured her, certainty clear as crystal in his tone, “and it has nothing to do with how many lovers you’ve had. You’re caring and giving. Genuine. You bring everyone around you to a higher level.”

“Wow,” she breathed, inordinately pleased by his assessment. She knew she got on his nerves sometimes and she was nowhere near his intellectual equal, so his comment touched her deeply. About to gush, she pulled herself back. He’d hate that. Instead she blessed him with a cheeky smile. “So you do like me.”

He grinned and shook his head. “Sometimes.”

“Uh-uh, be nice. Here comes the waitress with our food.”

He lifted one dark brow. “Maybe you’re not so innocent after all. You’ve got a mean streak.”

“Oh, I bet I’m just a kitten next to the cougar.”

“Just stay close.”

“I will, I promise.” She scooted back her chair. “As soon as I get back from the restroom.”

“What?” he demanded in mock outrage. “Some friend you are.”

“Come on, we both know you can handle her. Be right back.”

She made quick work of her trip to the bathroom, not because she was worried about Rick—he could take care of himself. But she was having fun and didn’t want to miss a minute of the adventure.

Over fish and chips they got involved in the rugby game, she rooting for Ireland while he cheered for Wales. The dart tournament got louder still, the waitress flirted some more and Savannah had a ball.

The game ended and they donned their coats and walked down the street toward Buckingham Palace to catch a cab. It amazed her that some of the shops were still open, but when she glanced at her watch it was only seven.

“Wait. In here.” Rick caught her hand. Startled by the searing touch she stopped in her tracks. He pulled her toward a leather and coat shop. “We can get you some gloves.”

“Oh, no,” She held back. “I’ll find some closer to the hotel.”

“Come on. Let’s at least see what they have.” He opened the door and ushered her inside.

The rich scent of leather pleasantly filled the small store. Savannah reluctantly followed Rick to the accessory section where he selected several pairs for her to try on. She did so, marveling at the suppleness and warmth. She particularly enjoyed a pair made of leather with a fleece lining; the quality and fit were exquisite. They were so soft, so warm she didn’t want to take them off. But she must.

“Those are a nice fit,” Rick said.

“Yes.” A little sad, a little embarrassed, she pulled them off. “Rick, it’s so nice of you to stop here, but, really, I can’t afford these.”

“But you like them?”

“Of course.” She placed them back on the rack. “But that’s not the point.”

“It’s exactly the point.” He retrieved the gloves and handed them to the hovering clerk along with a pair of men’s gloves. “We’ll take both.”

“Rick, no,” Savannah protested. “I can’t get these.”

“You’re not. I’m getting them.”

Touched, she still shook her head. “I can’t let you do that.”

“You have no choice. They’re a gift for your help today.” He handed the clerk his credit card.

“Rick, this isn’t necessary.”

“I know. I want to get them for you.” After pocketing his wallet he placed the bag in her hands. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.” Letting the fun and ease of the evening direct her, she gave in to impulse and lifted onto her toes to kiss his cheek.

Desire flared in his eyes. He appeared to struggle with himself for a moment, then he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. For one glorious minute he consumed her, drawing a response from her that met his passionate demand.

When he pulled back, she’d all but forgotten where she was.

While she regrouped, he ran a finger down her cheek. “My apologies. That’s the last time that can happen.”

Not quite able to wrap her tongue around words, she nodded mutely.

With a return to his stoic expression, he stepped back. “We should head back to the hotel.”
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