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The Society Groom

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The Society Groom
Mary Lyons

Infamous playboy announces engagement! At eighteen, Olivia Johnson had a brief, passionate affair with the infamous, rich socialite Dominic FitzCharles. Madly in love, she'd never forgotten him - even though it seemed he had forgotten her… . Now twenty-eight and a successful businesswoman, Olivia had no time for love affairs.When she met Dominic again at a society wedding, she vowed she'd stay in control. But Dominic had other ideas. He announced their engagement to the press - and in front of London's elite; just how was Olivia supposed to say no?They're gorgeous, they're glamorous… and they're getting married!

Title Page (#u6e192936-3066-5f33-89dd-1a46f574e563)CHAPTER ONE (#u332bce19-beb8-5e8f-8256-d7429578bb4a)CHAPTER TWO (#ubfea67c5-3313-544f-bfd6-e1ed2f0030cc)CHAPTER THREE (#u633f19fb-ab6b-55f6-ab27-750926ef49bb)CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“I hope you haven’t made the big mistake of thinking he’s going to marry you!”

In the appalled, deathly silence that followed these words, Dominic immediately leapt to his feet.

Swiftly bending down and scooping up something from the table, he quickly grabbed hold of Olivia’s left hand.

“It’s not the traditional diamond, of course.” He grinned, slipping a tab from a soft drink can onto the third finger of her left hand. “However, as far as I’m concerned, I definitely intend to marry Olivia. So I think you can all regard this as our engagement party.”

There was another moment’s stunned silence, with everyone around the table staring openmouthed in astonishment as Dominic, pulling Olivia’s trembling and dazed figure to her feet, placed his arms swiftly around her before claiming her lips in a long, warm and tender kiss.

Harlequin Presents

Invites you to see how the other half marry in:

They’re gorgeous, they’re glamorous... and they’re getting married!

In this sensational five-book miniseries you’ll be our VIP guest at some of the most-talked-about weddings of the decade—spectacular events where the cream of society gather to celebrate the marriages of dazzling brides and grooms in equally breathtaking international locations.

At each of these lavish ceremonies you’ll meet some extraspecial men and women—all rich, royal or just renowned!—whose stories are guaranteed to capture your imagination, your heart...and the headlines! For in this sophisticated world of fame and fortune you can be sure of one thing: there’ll be no end to scandal, surprises...and passion!

The Society Groom

Mary Lyons

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)


IT WAS four o’clock on a freezing cold, dark winter’s afternoon in the City of London as the large black limousine slowly came to a halt in front of the church.

‘We’re a bit early, aren’t we?’ Mark Ryland muttered, glancing nervously out of the vehicle at the long flight of steps leading up to the brilliantly lit church porch.

‘Your bride-to-be gave me very clear instructions,’ Dominic FitzCharles told him firmly. ‘Not only was I to keep you as sober as possible at your stag party—but I was to make absolutely sure that we arrived at the church a good half-hour before the wedding.’

‘Anyone would think I was still a kid,’ Mark grumbled.

Dominic gave a quick shake of his dark head. ‘Oh, no. You’re merely that unimportant creature: the bridegroom! ’ he drawled with sardonic amusement. ‘And as such—if you’re a sensible man—you’ll do exactly as you’re told.’

‘Thanks, pal!’

Dominic laughed. ‘According to Sarah, she’s already had to cope with quite enough problems. So, for you to be either suffering from a mammoth hangover or to be late for the ceremony would definitely be the last straw!’

‘She’s got a point,’ Mark agreed as the uniformed chauffeur came around to open the passenger door.

Living in Hong Kong, where he was employed by a merchant bank, and only returning to Britain three days ago for his wedding, Mark had managed to avoid being dragged into any of the various traumas concerned with the organisation of his marriage to Sarah.

However, from what he could make out, it seemed that his fiancée and her mother had been at complete loggerheads with one another—barely able to agree about anything.

Fortunately, one of Sarah’s friends had told her about Society Weddings—a business run by a girl her own age which specialised in taking charge of everything to do with such an occasion. In fact, the service offered by the firm seemed to cover every aspect of a wedding from the marriage ceremony and reception down to even finding the right shoes to match the bride’s dress. And, in his fiancée’s case, it had not only been able to take the burden from her shoulders, but also deal with her formidable mother, Mrs Turnbull

‘It’s wonderful!’ Sarah had breathed in relief down the phone, some months ago. ‘Although I know Olivia’s had plenty of experience in dealing with ultra-glamorous, sophisticated events, she’s been so down-to-earth and helpful. And, what’s more, she’s managed to persuade Mummy to let me have exactly the sort of wedding that I’ve always wanted!’

So, thanks to the unknown Olivia, it had looked as if it was all going to be plain sailing as far as the arrangements for his forthcoming marriage were concerned.

But then his younger brother, James, had been suddenly rushed to hospital with acute appendicitis, only a few days ago. Which had left Mark in a dire fix, and urgently trying to find someone to act as his best man.

‘Sarah and I are both so grateful,’ Mark said as he stepped out of the limousine. ‘Getting off the plane from Hong Kong to hear about poor old James was a bit of a shock. In fact, I honestly don’t know what we’d have done if you hadn’t come to our rescue.’

‘Nonsense! It was the least I could do for an old school-friend.’ Dominic grinned at the other man as he joined him on the pavement.

‘Besides, it isn’t the first time that I’ve acted as someone’s best man—and I don’t suppose it will be the last,’ he added, casting a critical eye over the groom’s black morning tailcoat and pinstriped trousers—which, together with a crisp white shirt, doeskin waistcoat and pale grey tie, mirrored his own attire. ‘Hold it just a second...’ Dominic. murmured, quickly reaching over to adjust the red carnation in the shorter man’s buttonhole.

‘OK—that’s it. You’re looking very smart!’ he added, handing Mark a black silk top hat and gloves before giving the groom a cheerful, comforting slap on the back as they began mounting the long flight of steps leading up to the church. ‘By the way, what’s the latest news of your brother?’

‘He seems to be recovering well from the operation. Although, as you can imagine, he’s as sick as a parrot at being stuck in hospital and missing a good party,’ Mark told him. ‘All the same, I can’t help wondering if maybe I should have cancelled the wedding and waited until he was back on his feet again, after all?’

‘I don’t suppose that Sarah’s mother would have been too happy about the marriage being suddenly postponed at the last minute!’ Dominic murmured blandly. Despite only having had one brief meeting with the hard faced, strongminded Mrs Turnbull, he was profoundly grateful that she wasn’t going to be his mother-in-law!

‘No, you’re quite right—she wouldn’t,’ Mark agreed with a slight grimace, thanking his lucky stars that, following their honeymoon in the Caribbean, he and Sarah would be living in Hong Kong for the next few years—and well out of reach of her mother.

‘And what about you? How come you haven’t got married yet?’ Mark asked, pausing halfway up the long, steep flight of steps. ‘Isn’t it about time you thought of settling down with one of your glamorous girlfriends?’

Dominic turned his dark head to gaze at him in astonishment. ‘Good heavens! Why on earth would I want to get hitched?’

‘I just thought...’ Mark shrugged. ‘I mean, there’s all that business of needing a son to pass on the title, and...’

‘You’re way behind the times.’ His friend gave a dry bark of laughter. ‘Not only are the Government busy abolishing the House of Lords, but, quite frankly, no one cares very much about that sort of thing nowadays.’

‘So there’s been no pressure from your mother?’ Mark queried, his voice heavy with disbelief as they continued on their way up the steps.

From what he recalled of their school days at Eton, the Dowager Countess of Tenterden was a frighteningly imperious lady: stiff with family pride and altogether a very tough act. So the chances of her not badgering Dominic to provide a son and heir to inherit his ancient title were very slim indeed!

‘Ah! Well, yes...I must admit that my dear mama has expressed some firm views on the subject!’ Dominic agreed ruefully, while nodding at some of his friends amongst the crowd of ushers waiting to greet the wedding guests and show them to their seats inside the church.

‘However, I’m certainly in no hurry to “settle down”, as you put it,’ he continued. ‘For one thing I’m far too busy nowadays. And for another...well, let’s just say that I haven’t yet found the right girl.’

Oh, yeah? Mark told himself with cynical amusement as Dominic, his dark brows drawn together in a slight frown, took a quick step forward, peering into the dim interior of the large church porch.

He might have been living and working abroad for some time, but nevertheless Mark was perfectly well aware of Dominic’s regular appearance in the newspaper gossip columns and glossy magazines. Not only was he a highly eligible bachelor, but his fast turnover of stunningly beautiful, glamorous girlfriends seemed guaranteed to keep him in the headlines for some time to come.

Which meant that if Dominic FitzCharles, fourteenth Earl of Tenterden, hadn’t yet found the right girl...it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying!

It was difficult for one man to judge another, of course. However, there was absolutely no doubt that, while Dominic might not be outstandingly handsome, women had always seemed to find his friend amazingly attractive.
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