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The Conformist. City life scenes in four acts

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The Conformist. City life scenes in four acts
Maxim Titovets

«В ежедневной суете мы не замечаем, как стареют наши родители. К сожалению, мы не замечаем, как меняются самые близкие нам люди, не видим и не слышим друг друга. И только в минуты горести начинаем обращать друг на друга внимание и прислушиваться к словам родных». Максим Титовец, 2017. Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

The Conformist

City life scenes in four acts

Maxim Titovets

© Maxim Titovets, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4498-6265-5

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Maxim Titovets
maxtitovets@mail.ru (mailto:maxtitovets@mail.ru)



City life scenes in four acts

Maxim Titovets



Sergey Lebedev, a professor, a neuro surgeon, 65.

Victoria Pavlovna, his wife, an owner of an art gallery, 62.

Aglaya, his eldest daughter, art expert, 28.

Inna, his younger daughter, 23.

Nikolay Orlov, an aspiring painter, 25.

Olga Orlova, his mother, a high-level public official at the ministry of education, 50.

Leonid Gromov, a retired general, a businessman, 63.

Mitya Gromov, his son, a man of pleasure, 25.

Liliya Vasilievna, Mitya’s mother, general Gromov’s wife, 54.

Alexander Veselov, the director of the art gallery, 30.

Katya, Inna’s friend, 23.

Domeniko Longhi, a professor of painting.

Slepyen, a facilitator, Boss’s assistant.

Exhibition guests, journalists, pub visitors and others.

Bright new life.

The action takes place in Russia at the present time. Seventeen months pass after Act 4.


Scene 1

Sunday evening. Professor Lebedev’s house. There’s a big living room with a door to a terrace. The window is closed. The light is dim.

Lebedev is sitting on a wooden chair at a huge desk, he’s taking some items and children’s paintings from its drawers, looking at them, touching them. Victoria Pavlovna is sitting in the armchair near the unlit fireplace with a book, on her lap we see a cat.

Lebedev. My treasures’ treasures. (Pensively) Time passes by really fast. (Takes off his glasses, locks them in a drawer)

Is everything in the modern world really organized in such a way as to make every person think only about their pocket and how to line them better, how to fix their offsprings better… What about mission, duty for the society, love, after all? Could it happen to be important for anybody?

Victoria Pavlovna. These things don’t exclude each other if one just knows the limits. But you’ll always be romantic, Sergey.

Lebedev. This quality is what helped me take you away from Leonid Gromov thirty years ago, Victoria.

Victoria Pavlovna. A boaster, too. (Smiling) Right, I haven’t made a general’s wife.

Lebedev. But you have made the best wife and mother in the world. (He stands up and hugs his wife)

Victoria Pavlovna. This Wednesday will be the fifth anniversary of Alexey’s death, it’s the fourteenth of July, his name day. It was raining. I thought I wouldn’t endure that. You were at a conference in Berlin, Aglaya went down with a pneumonia the day before… Everything was like in a fog and I felt almost dead. I worried most about Inna, she worshipped her older brother and I was afraid she would commit suicide, our little rebel. It was then, after the news of his death that she refused to continue her studies in Moscow and came back.

The cat jumps off her lap. Lebedev straightens up.

But now, five years later, I speak of it calmly, the girls have got over it and your insomnia has gone. I remember his funeral, a lot of people came to the cemetery, there was a military orchestra and they shot… anyway, the weather was dull, windy and everybody soon left.

Lebedev. This is a painful memory!

The door opens, Inna runs in, laughing, she’s holding a paper envelope in her hand. She is followed by Aglaya.

Inna. You’ve made It so dark in here! (Turns on the light) Here! (gives the envelope to Victoria Pavlovna).

Aglaya. Calm her down at last! She’s set everybody at edge! (Laughs)

Inna. I’ve got the first prize at the theatre contest!
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