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Slav, dressed in police uniform, enters the garden and puts on his balaclava. He approaches Fyodor and throws Tatyana’s handkerchief at him.

Slav. Tatyana sends you her regards.

Fyodor. And who are you, postie?

Slav punches Fyodor, the latter falls off his chair. Moray walks up to Fyodor and presses his foot against Fyodor’s neck.

Moray. I’m gonna break your neck, scumbag.

Slav. [He draws out a hunting knife and holds it to Fyodor’s face.] Be reasonable, chump. If you don’t tell us the alarm password, we will just pass your bitch around. And then I will personally choke the life out of her.

Moray takes his foot off Fyodor’s neck. Fyodor clears his throat and spits blood. Slav takes the knife away and helps Moray get Fyodor on the chair.

Chopper. Last suit has no pockets, Fyodor. Give us the icons. You will save your wench and your friends.

Fyodor. You are pieces of shit. Blast you.


Chopper. Is it settled then, Kolosov? Their lives are in your hands.


Fyodor. How can I be sure that you won’t kill us after I tell you the password?

Chopper. We are not savages. You will have to take my word for it.


Fyodor. I’ll give you the icons. If you lay a finger on Tatyana, I’ll make mincemeat out of you.

Chopper. That’s a bargain. We are men of business. [He takes his mobile phone out and presses the call button.] Karen, he is good to go. Write down the password. [He holds the phone to Fyodor’s mouth.]

Fyodor. Front door. One. Six. Oh. Six. One. Nine. The door to the study. Oh. Three. Oh. Five. Eight. Oh.

Chopper. [To Fyodor.] You made your choice. [He stuffs his phone into his pocket.] Now we wait.

Fyodor. Blessed are You O Christ Our God / You have revealed the fishermen as most wise / by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit / through them You drew the world into Your net / O Lover of Man, Glory to You.

Scene 8

Night. Moray’s house.

Natalia and Khlora are sitting at the table opposite to each other. There are an open bottle of vodka and two glasses on the table. Artyom is lying unconscious on the floor, he is tied hand and foot.

Khlora. What next?

Natalia. Go.

Khlora. I won’t leave without Ivan.

Natalia. Think of your baby, you idiot.

Khlora. I won’t leave without Ivan!

Natalia. They will kill you both. You and Moray. You are his weak spot.

Khlora. If you let me go, Chopper won’t take it lying down.

Natalia. I will deal with it. Tie me up. And go while Jacket is still out cold.

Khlora. They will kill us all.

Natalia. Yes. Maybe.

Khlora. Do you know what my father used to say? The best defense is a good offense.

Scene 9

Night. Fyodor Kolosov’s summer cottage.

Fyodor is tied to a chair, his mouth is taped shut. Slav and Moray are standing by. Chopper is talking on the phone.

Chopper. Karen, stick to the plan. Out. [He stops the call and puts the phone back into his pocket.] All good, Slav. We’ve got the icons.

Slav approaches Moray from behind and knocks him out with a truncheon. Fyodor is trying to free himself, squirming on his chair.

Chopper. Don’t move, Kolosov. You have lived a disgraceful life but you will die the death of a righteous man.

Slav. Don’t take it personally, old man. We are just tying up loose ends.

Slav puts the truncheon on the table, ties Moray’s hands and legs with plastic cable ties, and drags him along the path towards the banya.

Slav. The bastard is heavy.

Slav and Moray whip out of sight. Tatyana, with the rifle in her hands, comes out of the dark and points the rifle at Chopper.

Tatyana. Just a twitch and I’ll shoot you, scumbag.

Chopper. Hello, Tatyana.

Tatyana. Who are you?

Chopper. You are just like a guardian angel coming down from heaven.

Tatyana. Untie him. Now!

Chopper. I have respect for bold people, Tatyana. Give me the rifle.

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