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Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lexi's Secret

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She stepped forward half a step and stabbed a finger at his rock-hard chest. ‘I might be just an empty-headed party girl with nothing better to do than paint my nails in between organising the next shindig, but this unit, your unit, would not be able to do even half of what it does without my help,’ she said. ‘Maybe you should think about that next time you want to fling an insult my way.’

Suddenly the distance Lexi had been so determined to keep between them had closed significantly. She felt a current of energy pass from his body to hers. It was like receiving a pulse of high-voltage electricity through her fingertip. She felt it run all the way up her arm until her whole body was tingling. She felt the shockingly traitorous drumbeat of desire between her thighs. It was a primitive pulse she could not control. The proximity of his hard male body had jolted hers into a state of acute feminine awareness. She could feel every pore of her skin dilating in anticipation. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and danced. A shiver ran down her spine and then pooled at the base, melting her bones and ligaments until she wasn’t sure what was keeping her upright. She looked into his eyes, those gorgeous sleep-with-me-right-now-and-be-damned-with-the-consequences eyes and her heart gave an almighty stammer.

He felt it too.

The air was vibrating with the heat of their past sexual history. Every moment she had spent in his arms seemed to have assembled and joined them in his office. Every steaming kiss, every smouldering slide of a hand over her breasts or thighs, every blistering caress that had left her senses spinning like a top.

Every heart-stopping orgasm.

She quickly pulled her hand away from his chest, stepping back blindly. ‘I—I have to go …’

She was almost out of the door when he spoke. ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’

Lexi turned back, her heart beating like a hummingbird’s wings as she met his dark satirical gaze. In his hand was his stained shirt. She hadn’t even registered she had dropped it. She stalked back over to him, her mouth set in a grimly determined line. She tried to pluck it from his hand but his other hand came from nowhere and came down on hers, trapping her.

Her breath stopped.

Her heart raced.

Her stomach folded when she looked at his darkly tanned hand covering her lighter-toned one.

Her flesh remembered his. It reacted to his. It flared with heat under his. She could feel the nerves beneath the surface of her skin twitching to fervent life. She could feel the blood galloping through her veins like rocket fuel.

She could feel her self-control slipping.

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