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Royal Seductions: Diamonds: The King's Convenient Bride

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He grinned down at her. “Do I need a reason?”

Heck no.

But if he kept doing stuff like that, looking at her like a hungry wolf, this was going to be the longest week of her life.

The car dropped Hannah and Phillip at Sophie’s residence. When they knocked, a butler answered the door. He nodded and motioned them inside, just as Sophie swept into the foyer.

She wore a flowing, gauzy dress that complimented her long, willowy figure. She wore her long, dark hair up and off her face. She looked utterly elegant, if you overlooked the fact that she was barefoot.

“You’re right on time!” She pulled Hannah into a warm embrace and kissed her cheek. She smelled of honeysuckle and faintly of apples. Then she stepped back and looked them both up and down. “Aren’t you two the handsome couple.”

Phillip handed her the bottles of wine. “I hope these will do.”

She read the labels, then flashed him a bright smile. “Perfect.”

She passed them along to the butler. “Would either of you like a drink before dinner?”

Hannah shook her head. “No, thank you.”

“Me neither,” Phillip said. “Unless you think I might need a drink.”

She smiled sweetly, but with just a hint of sass. “Why would I think that?”

There was something going on, Hannah could feel it. Sophie was up to something. Or at least, Phillip suspected she was.

“Dinner will be a few minutes yet. Why don’t we wait in the study?”

Her residence was as richly decorated and furnished as the palace. More modern, but just as warm and inviting. And the scents coming from the kitchen were mouthwatering.

“Your house is beautiful,” Hannah told her.

“Thank you, Hannah. After dinner I can give you the full tour.”

“I’d like that.”

As they entered the study, Hannah was so busy taking in the interior that, only when she felt Phillip go board stiff beside her, did she realize something was wrong.

She followed his line of sight and realized there was someone else in the room with them. For a second she was confused, then she recognized the man sitting in the winged leather chair across the room.

The family resemblance was undeniable.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Philip demanded. Hannah actually took a step aside, so she wouldn’t get caught in the crosshairs. “You never said he would be coming.”

Sophie shrugged. “You never asked.”

Phillip’s half brother rose from his seat and shot Sophie a stern look. “I’m a bit surprised myself.”

“I knew you were up to something,” Phillip told his sister. “But I never imagined you would pull something like this.”

He looked seconds from blowing his top. Hannah wouldn’t have been at all surprised if steam shot from his ears. She had never seen Phillip this way and, frankly, it intimidated as much as fascinated her. She was just happy that the animosity he shot like laser beams from his charcoal eyes wasn’t directed her way.

Sophie, on the other hand, didn’t look the least bit rattled. The glare Phillip shot her would have crushed the average person, but she didn’t even flinch.

She had probably seen it so many times, she was immune.

“I invited you over for a family dinner. And we’re all family, aren’t we?” She turned to Hannah. “I don’t believe you’ve met our brother.”

Hannah didn’t miss the fact that she said brother, not half brother. “No, I haven’t.”

“Hannah, this is Ethan Rafferty. Ethan, this is Phillip’s fiancée, Hannah Renault.”

Hannah stepped forward and shook his hand. His grip was firm and unashamed.

“It’s a pleasure, Hannah.” He spoke with a very distinct American accent, and though it was silly, she couldn’t help liking him instantly.

She had seen photos of him in the paper and always thought he bore a resemblance to Phillip, but in person, the similarities were striking. They were built similarly, even though Ethan wasn’t as tall, and their coloring was the same. Intense smoky-gray eyes and dark hair, although, while Phillip’s was short and wavy, Ethan’s hung long and straight to his shoulders.

They also wore identical angry expressions.

Hannah had the distinct impression that this was not going to be the pleasant family dinner she had been hoping for.

“We’re leaving,” Phillip said.

“Great idea,” Ethan replied.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, you two are acting like spoiled children. Grow up, already.”

They refocused their glare from each other to their sister. They looked so much alike, it gave Hannah chills. If only they could see themselves. But Hannah was sure neither would be able to see past their preconceived notions of one another.

And though Hannah was inclined to agree with Sophie, and would have happily backed her, she was still an outsider. It wasn’t her place to interfere with family issues. Besides, she didn’t have siblings, much less illegitimate ones, so how could she begin to understand the complicated relationship they must have?

“Glare at me all you like,” Sophie told them. “Whether you like it or not, you two are related. So just deal with it.” With a frustrated huff, she turned to the door. “What is it, Wilson?”

Hannah turned to see that the butler was standing in the doorway.

“Dinner is served, miss.”

Sophie turned back to her brothers. “Is one civilized meal together really too much to ask for? Can’t we put aside our differences, forget the past for one night and try to get along like mature adults?”

Hannah could see, by both men’s expressions, that she had hit a nerve. After a moment, they both grumbled an agreement.

“Thank you.” Sophie led them all to the dining room, and had the good sense to seat the men on opposite sides of the table.

The food was beyond fantastic, each course more delectable than the next. The conversation however was pathetically lacking. Though Sophie tried to start a dialogue, extracting more than a one-word answer from either of them was like pulling wisdom teeth with a pair of tweezers. Despite what Phillip had told Hannah about Sophie being a free spirit, it was clear that she cared very deeply for both her brothers, and wanted to see them acting like a family.

“Everything was delicious,” Hannah told Sophie as the dessert dishes were being cleared.

Sophie smiled. “Thank you, Hannah. I don’t get in the kitchen nearly as much as I’d like these days. It’s nice to know that I haven’t lost my touch.”
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