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Royal Seductions: Diamonds: The King's Convenient Bride

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He was right. She let her arms fall from around his neck and backed away from the temptation. “Is there any way you could spare a few minutes tomorrow afternoon? The decorator will be here and I could show you the plans for the suite. I want to know what you think.”

“You’re free to do whatever you’d like.”

She appreciated his trust in her, but what she would appreciate more was his input. “I want to be sure you like it, too.”

He shrugged. “If it’s that important to you.”

“It is.”

“All right. I suppose, if the designer is adequate, it might be time that I redecorate my own suite.”

It took a second for his words to sink in, and a few more for their meaning to register. Then it made sense. She suddenly knew exactly why he didn’t care what she did with the suite. And it had nothing to do with trusting her taste.

It was of no consequence to him, because he wasn’t going to be living there.

There was something wrong.

Phillip could feel it. He could see it written clearly on Hannah’s face. Although for the life of him, he had no idea what it could be.

He had done everything right tonight. And, with the exception of the stunt Sophie pulled at dinner, it hadn’t been nearly as trying as he’d anticipated. In fact, being with Hannah wasn’t a hardship at all. He enjoyed her company.

Yet, as hard as he’d tried, she was still unhappy.

“What did I do?” he asked.

She blinked rapidly, as though surprised by his question. “Wh-what do you mean?”

Did she honestly think him so daft or self-centered that he wouldn’t notice when she was upset? “You have that look,” he said. “And I have the distinct impression I did or said something wrong.”

She shook her head, too emphatically to be believable, and plastered a smile on her face. “No. Of course not.”

He sighed. “Hannah, you’re a terrible liar.”

She bit her lip and lowered her eyes.

She wasn’t going to make this easy. She was going to make him drag it out of her. As long as he lived, he would never understand the inner workings of the female mind.

Fine then, if that was what she wanted. “Just tell me why you’re upset.”

“It’s really late, and I’m exhausted,” she said, but she wouldn’t look him in the eye.

He folded his arms across his chest. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”

She glanced up at him, saw that he was serious. That he really wasn’t going anywhere. “It’s stupid.”

“Go on.”

“I thought… I just assumed…”

He waited patiently for her to continue.

She looked down at her hands, clenched in front of her, and said softly, “I thought that, after the wedding, we would be sharing a suite.”

He wasn’t sure what surprised him more, that she would want to share a suite, or that it upset her that they wouldn’t. Honestly, it had never crossed his mind. His parents had been married, yet they never shared living quarters. Maybe in her world, that was what married couples did.

But this was not going to be a typical marriage. She knew that going in and he wasn’t about to change his ways. “Hannah—”

“It’s okay. Really.”

Obviously it was not okay. He could see that she was trying to be tough, but her voice had that wobbly sound she got just before she cried. He was sorry she was hurt, but this was not negotiable. “This is the way things are. My parents conducted their marriage the same way and I intend to follow those rules.”

“I understand,” she said. But he could see that she didn’t. She was hurt and confused.

“I thought you knew coming into this that it was an arrangement. I’m sorry if this upsets you or you were misled about my intentions.” Hadn’t they determined, on more than one occasion, that he was the king, and he made the rules?

But that had been in jest. There was nothing funny about this.

She sniffled softly and swiped at her cheek. “I’m well aware of our arrangements. Just forget I said anything.”

It pained him to see her so distraught, and trying so hard to hide it. He wanted to say something, anything, to make her feel better, but the words escaped him. How did she manage, without even trying, to make him feel so helpless?


She took a deep breath and blew it out. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired.” She flashed him a smile that almost looked genuine. “I’m up way past my bedtime. Not to mention that it’s been a really crazy week.”

That it had. Both of their lives had been changed dramatically, but he had to remind himself that hers bore the brunt of it. It was just going to take time for them to adjust. And would it kill him to spare her just a little bit more of his time? At least until she settled in.

“Do you have plans for lunch tomorrow?” he asked.

“Nothing I can’t change.”

He had a ridiculously busy schedule, but he could spare some time if it kept the peace. “We could eat, then take a walk in the garden.”

Her smile grew. “I would love to.”

Though he felt ridiculous for it, the happiness that filled her eyes warmed his heart. “One o’clock?”

She nodded vigorously.

“It’s a date then.” He pressed one last lingering kiss to her lips, then opened the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow,” she said, before she closed the door behind him.

And as he walked to his own suite, he considered the events of the past week, since the minute she stepped out of that car and into his life. He knew she had prepared for her position as his wife, and it was clear she took it very seriously. It was her motivation that had him puzzled. Until she moved to Morgan Isle, he had been sure she’d done it for the title. For the security of her family. Yet she seemed to have every intention of making this marriage work.

She seemed to want the real thing.

But that was more than he was willing, or capable, of giving.
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