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An Orphan’s Wish: The new, most heartwarming of christmas novels you will read in 2018

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Priscilla hung her head.


‘Yes, but it’s not my proper home.’

Lana raised her eyebrows.

‘It’s just for the time being,’ Priscilla explained. ‘Mum and Dad are away at the moment.’ She looked at Lana through misty eyes. ‘But they’re coming back for me soon.’

Lana didn’t know what to say. Priscilla was perfectly old enough to know how her parents had been killed. But the child was denying the truth.

‘Sometimes I start off late because I help some of the younger ones to dress,’ Priscilla went on. ‘And then I get into trouble for going into class when it’s already started. Miss Booth is always understanding, but Mrs Dayton used to report me to the headmaster.’ She burst into tears. ‘I’m glad he’s gone. He was horrible.’ She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and blew her nose.

She began to cry again and Lana put her arm around the child’s slender shoulders. This was worse than she’d imagined. Priscilla really thought her parents were coming back for her. Her mind raced, wondering how to deal with the situation. Was it too soon to remind Priscilla that her parents were never coming back? It wasn’t doing her any good living in a dream when there was no possibility of it coming true.

‘Well, you’re safe at Bingham Hall for now,’ Lana said feebly.

‘But when we win the war they’ll come and fetch me, won’t they?’ Priscilla’s eyes were anxious. She put her finger to her mouth and chewed a nail.

‘I don’t know the full story,’ Lana said, noticing all Priscilla’s nails were bitten to the quick. She’d have to do something about that, but first things first. ‘For now I’m going to take you back to class. Which one are you in?’


Lana’s heart sank. Janice’s.

‘Let’s put the chairs back then,’ Lana said, undoing her raincoat. ‘I’ll leave my things here for the moment.’ She eased her case into a corner with her foot and threw her coat over the top.

Janice’s mouth fell open as Lana strode in to the geography class without her raincoat or suitcase, Priscilla a step behind. The teacher quickly recovered herself and gestured to the children to remain seated, then silently pointed to Priscilla’s desk at the side. The child hurried over and slid behind it as Lana went over to Janice.

‘Sorry to disturb you,’ she said quietly, ‘but Priscilla rescued an injured cat.’

‘I’ll speak to her after class.’

‘There’s no need,’ Lana said, ignoring the flash of anger in Janice’s piercing brown eyes. ‘I already have. But we’ve disturbed you enough.’ She smiled encouragingly at Priscilla who didn’t meet her eye.

Lana returned to the gym and collected her raincoat and case, then walked back to the cottage. Mr Shepherd had given her today to settle in, so she didn’t have to be anywhere particular until tomorrow. She smiled to herself. She knew how she was going to spend the rest of her day.

Chapter Eight (#ulink_312a6f55-c24b-56c7-8f53-cc1910b8013f)

Lana was exhausted but very satisfied. The cottage gleamed. She hadn’t known what to do with some of the piles, but half of the stuff was now in Janice’s bedroom, stacked as neatly as she could. She’d just finished laying the table for supper when she heard the front door open.

Janice must have gone in the sitting room to dump her coat as usual. All was deathly quiet. After a couple of minutes Lana heard the dining room door close. Then a shadow fell at the kitchen door.

‘You decided to come back, then?’ Janice came in slamming the door behind her and sat down at the kitchen table.

‘I think it was the word “quitter” that annoyed me,’ Lana retorted.

‘Nothing to do with Priscilla, then?’

‘Oh, yes, Priscilla was partly to blame because she needs help … anyway, here I am.’

‘Mmm.’ Janice cast her eyes round the kitchen. ‘I see you’ve tidied up a bit.’

‘I wouldn’t say “tidied” was accurate. More like a Herculean effort. But I had nothing else on the list for today.’

‘Just as long as you don’t throw your weight around,’ Janice said, ‘and start nagging.’

‘I shall do just that if you don’t blooming well keep it straight – and clean it sometimes.’

‘Oh, I couldn’t possibly compete with you. You’ve done it so well.’ There was a sarcastic edge to Janice’s tone, which Lana ignored.

‘I hate cleaning, but I hate living in a mess more,’ Lana said. ‘And by the way, I can cook but I refuse to do all of it.’

‘I’m not that interested in food, but I’ll give it a try.’

‘Don’t force yourself,’ Lana said lightly.

The two women ate their meal in silence.

‘Are you sure Cook didn’t make this?’ Janice said, soaking up the last of the cheese sauce with a piece of bread, and popping it into her mouth.

‘All by my own fair hands.’ Lana held them out, palms upward, for Janice to inspect.

‘Hm. Those lily-whites don’t look as though they’ve scrubbed down too many front doorsteps.’

‘I’m not afraid of hard work,’ Lana said, annoyed at Janice’s perpetual sarcasm. ‘I’ve certainly done more than my share today on the cottage.’

Janice’s tight mouth told her not to pursue the subject.

After they’d finished the macaroni cheese and baked apple, Janice sat back in her chair, a look of satisfaction flitting across her narrow face.

‘I think I enjoyed that meal better than any for a long time,’ she said.

‘You’re only saying that to encourage me to continue cooking,’ Lana said, relaxing a little. ‘I think I’m getting to know you now.’

‘What, after only a day?’ Janice leaned forward. ‘Tell me the truth. What happened to bring you back? The last I heard was that you were leaving.’

‘Your Mrs Danvers was quite horrid to Priscilla when she arrived late and she threatened to report her. The child was almost in tears when her only crime was to rescue a cat. The woman didn’t see me until I made myself known and said I’d deal with it.’ She paused. ‘I don’t like her.’

‘None of us do. But she’s been here for donkey’s years and thinks she runs it.’

‘I’m going to keep a close watch on her and if I find she’s being unpleasant to the children I shall take it further.’

‘It would serve the old bat right.’ She hesitated, then said, ‘Just one thing, Lana.’

Lana wondered what was coming. She braced herself.

‘Thanks for doing the cottage. It looks a bloody treat.’
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