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An Orphan’s Wish: The new, most heartwarming of christmas novels you will read in 2018

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‘Now, Josephine. Perhaps you would like to tell the class that you have a very poor memory and have already forgotten my name. And after class you will write my name out fifty times on your slate before you go home. And I have two more slates you can use as extras so there is no excuse the lines won’t all fit.’

Josephine tapped her shoe up and down as she boldly surveyed Lana.

‘Shall I remind you of my name?’ Lana said evenly.

The child hesitated as though about to say something insolent, but decided against it. ‘No, Miss.’

‘Then would you like to remind the class in case anyone else has forgotten?’

‘It’s Miss Ashwin.’ Josephine’s chest rose with her breath. ‘MISS ASHWIN!’ Her voice rose to a shout as she faced the class.

Giggles from the girls and more sniggers from the boys.

‘Very well,’ Lana said, putting a piece of chalk down by the blackboard. ‘That’s enough. You may go back to your seat. And I don’t want to hear another word from you until class tomorrow.’

Josephine made her way to her desk, then glared at Lana.

‘You never tell her off.’ The child pointed to Priscilla. ‘Prissy gets away with everything. She doesn’t do her homework and she can’t keep up with us in class even though she’s older than us. No one likes her here.’

There was a deathly hush. And then a loud scraping of a chair by the window. Before she had time to stop her, Priscilla had sprung up, grabbed her satchel and rushed out of the room.

‘I hope you’re satisfied now, Josephine,’ Lana said. ‘You will stay behind and explain yourself before you do your lines.’ She threw a glance around the room. ‘We’re finished for the day, children. You may go.’ She waited until the children had disappeared and only Josephine was left, standing sulkily beside the desk.

‘Sit down in one of the front seats,’ Lana said, taking her chair and moving it nearer to Josephine. It was easier not having a desk as a barrier between them, she thought.

‘Now, then. What made you speak in such an unkind way about another pupil?’

Josephine sniffed.

‘Have you a handkerchief?’

‘No, Miss.’

Lana dug in her bag and handed the girl a neatly folded one. She waited patiently. ‘Well, Josephine?’

‘No one likes Prissy, only no one’s brave enough to say it ’cept me.’

‘You mean Priscilla?’

‘We all call her Prissy because she’s such a fusspot. She tidies her desk after every lesson. We all know she’s stupid because she’s always bottom.’

‘No, she’s not stupid. She’s just a very sad little girl. And she needs help. I think you might be just the person.’

‘What do you mean? I don’t even like her.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because she thinks she’s better than us so she doesn’t speak to us. So we do the same.’

‘It’s not that at all,’ Lana said. ‘It’s because she’s embarrassed and angry with herself.’

‘Because she’s stupid.’

‘Don’t say that word again, please,’ Lana said sharply. ‘She’s not stupid.’ She looked at the girl. ‘Do you have a mother and father, Josephine?’

‘Course I do.’

‘Then you’re very lucky. One day Priscilla had her own bedroom at home and a loving mother and father. The next she was told they’d been killed in the blackout and she had to go and live at the orphanage down the road. It’s extremely difficult for her, and you and the others are making it worse by not speaking to her, or including her in your games. I want this to change.’ All this time Lana kept her focus on Josephine who looked shocked and upset at the same time. ‘Can you understand what I’m saying, Josephine?’

The girl hung her head.


Josephine looked up, her eyes flashing. For a moment Lana thought she was going to rebel against her.

‘I didn’t know, Miss, about her mother and father.’

‘There’s a war on, Josephine,’ Lana said gently. ‘Anything can happen at any time to those we love. Do you think you can be kinder to her?’

Josephine nodded.

‘And Priscilla’s far from stupid. She’s a clever girl and I’m sure she would help you with your homework if you got stuck – especially your reading. Then maybe you can put your hand up for a part next time.’

Josephine’s face visibly brightened.

‘In the meantime,’ Lana continued, ‘tell her you will be her friend. Try to understand how she feels. Imagine it had happened to you and you’d lost your parents. You’d want to have a friend to talk to, wouldn’t you?’ Josephine nodded, keeping her eyes averted. ‘And the first way to show her you mean it is to tell her you’re very sorry for speaking the way you did.’

There was a silence. Lana could almost see Josephine weighing everything up. Finally, she said, ‘All right, Miss Ashwin. I’ll tell her I’m sorry.’

‘Just one more thing, Josephine. We’ll forget about writing out my name fifty times, but I’d like you to stand up in class tomorrow morning and tell the children what happened to Priscilla. I’ll make sure she’s not there. But tell them they must not mention it to her afterwards. She’d hate that. Just ask the others to include her – make friends with her. And above all, be kind.’ She paused to give time for her words to sink in. ‘What do you think?’

Josephine was looking at the floor. ‘I’ll do my best, Miss Ashwin,’ she muttered.

‘Your best is exactly what I’m looking for,’ Lana said softly.

Chapter Ten (#ulink_1a226e21-1748-5cfd-ab6f-a1fb910cf494)

Josephine carried out Lana’s instructions but it only resolved the problem in that particular class. Lana could see Priscilla’s mouth set as she went from one lesson to the next, not turning her head to look at anyone.

When Lana spoke to Janice about it one evening she realised the teacher hadn’t changed her mind at all.

‘Of course I won’t tolerate rudeness,’ Janice said, ‘but I just think we must give it time.’

‘I disagree,’ Lana said. ‘If we don’t come out in the open so Priscilla knows we all know and can feel our concern, I can’t see how she’s ever going to overcome this tragedy.’

‘Children are quite resilient,’ Janice said. ‘Priscilla’s quite strong underneath.’

‘Let’s hope so.’ She looked at Janice. ‘Oh, I had a telephone call from Mrs Taylor, the matron at the orphanage. She’s invited our children to join in with their May Day celebrations. They’re having a maypole and it sounded fun.’
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