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Hunting stories

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Hunting stories
Nael Akchurin

The collection includes stories about hunting and hunters in the USSR, modern Russia and Alaska. And also training and testing of hunting dogs.

Hunting stories

Nael Akchurin

© Nael Akchurin, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4490-1181-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The first exam


My wife is jealous of me to my young dog. She is jealous from the first day of her appearance in our house. She is jealous more than to mistresses. This is understandable. About lovers, she can only guess, and the dog, all time, in front of her eyes. Yes, in addition, she is sure that a person, who passionately fell in love with the hunt, and therefore nature, never change this love for the satisfaction of lust. Even with the most charming woman. In addition, if his own – “Sophia Loren” at home waiting.

Therefore, all the time, it seems to her, that, the words I tell the dog, the most affectionate; I pay too much attention and care about her mood and health, like about small child. I care it, even more, than about my health… However, well and right, but how do you will it become make?

I had many dogs. The dogs with complex the destinies the various breeds, the male dogs and bitches; came in my home, and were living the life, as, if someone had written it beforehand. I loved them all, but as a dog breeder with an experience, heart and soul, I did not become attaching to them.

“Lotta” is German breed – “Draathaar”. The dog is a hunter. It is a cop, a dog that requires training and education; daily communication, as well, and any creature that you brought into the house or tamed.

However, this is a special case. This puppy was giving to me by an old friend, on the day of my birth, who trusting me high task in cultivation and upbringing.

I was shouting: – “No.”

I was proposel him to pick back the expensive gift back. And when the two-month bitch marked the carpet, I sighed heavily. How much, I have, will be, in the future, worry in the sleepless nights and live anxieties, justifying high trust?

While the guests hugged and kissed the puppy, I sat with the outstretched face of the doomed. Then I shook himself, took this event philosophically – it means fate, then a new path, and “this road can pass, only man in going”.

On the first night, Lotta’s place was determined in special box-suitcase for convenient transportation of our “smaller brothers”. By this time in my house, there were already two “gifts” – “Linda”, a ten-year-old bitch, a cross between an “Argentinean mastiff” and a “pit bull”; and a “Murka” the cat, with different eyes, a severed tail, and a thunderstorm of mice, sparrows and small neighbor dogs. They had contemptuous neutrality with “Linda”, but when their interests intersected, they could participate. “Linda” is so jealous to “Murka” the every boyfriend. Our beauty “girl” has it is sufficient, their, even in a sterilized state.

This night I did not sleep. The puppy wanted to communicate. I had to put the box next to the bed, about through two o’clock, about one o’clock in the morning calmed down. Only, the dawn dawned, in the room, together, with a squeak of dog, spread the smell of puppy droppings, like greetings from yesterday’s feast.

The puppy no doubt turned out to be smart. We placed him on a glassed-in veranda, four to four meters, and laid a carpet to lie down comfortably, thrown toys for intellectual development, and, he with zeal found and in turn gnaws through all the wires. Now in the kitchen, we began to dispense with radio, landline phone and a number of television programs. And why do to restore, if he, because of our inattention to him, began to gnaw the facing panels.

But on the street good passers-by tried to pat the puppy and say: what a beauty! And when I tried to punish “Lotta”, they acted like the most zealous animal rights activists.

In the first days, “Murka” began to hunt for the puppy, giving an excuse and other fellow brothers to succumb to this temptation. Once I did not remark. When the puppy, wagging his tail, ran up to get acquainted, “Murka” hit him with claws in the nose. “Lotta” started crying and since then she has not been friends with “Murka”, keeps her from a distance.

The old woman “Linda” still full of energy and strength shows Lotta neglect. Whether the owner wants it or not, he will always pay more attention to the puppy.

In addition, from the very first days, the individual feature of the hunting dog appeared. Puppy, gladly eating the rottenly and shit, when, picked up from land it. Before, I did not notice such qualities, of my dogs, the problem turned out to be new and difficult to solve.

To keep a puppy on a leash, during a walk, means to limit it, in movement and development. And to find an environmentally friendly place all more complicated and difficult.

If earlier, the people lived by the principle: let better, my conscience blow out, than a bladder. Now, with the loss of cultural values, deepens the tradition: he takes off his pants and throws with sacks of garbage in any place he likes.

It was necessary, as soon as possible to find and eliminate the deficiency in vitamins and trace elements. Everything was applying from the chitterlings to imported medicines, but it was not possible to find a worthy replacement in this way.

Puppy, on a stroll, ran headlong, unmistakably found his favorite treat, eaten, it very quickly, so with a fastidious attitude to this process, it was almost impossible, to take away this muck. Having received pleasure, the dog sweetly licked, ready to accept any punishment, head down, shyly wagging its tail, ran, and climbed kissing.

However, any breeder knows, that, if a pet does not succeed, something, it is not the dog to blame, and, in this case, owner should be punishing.

For myself, I decided that only time can cure this ailment.

With all the previous dogs, I spent most of the walking time in the city park. I could walk for hours and even train a dog. However, times have changed, what previously belonged to the people by right, now by right belongs to the new owner.

This general Governor Panchulidzev – the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, “strangler of freedoms” and “satrap” gave, it to citizens of the city. From generation to generation, it was passing on, as a recreation area and the main attraction of the city. It is here cozy and beautiful at all times. The oak grove, planted by captives French, grew to the skies. During the period of communist rule, the park gained its importance. Now the enterprising children of the “workers and peasants”, divided it into sectors and spheres of influence, establish their rigid orders, consisting of ten items, of which cannot be done, including, walking with the dogs.

However, we in the “democratic society” for their rights began to fight. We are a dozen of breeders who, without a walk in the park, consider the day spent in vain. And, as, the guards in uniform did not try to block access to the park, nothing came of it. The case go, before came that, what, a newly appointed director of the park, a military pensioner, personally went with a rifle and fired stray dogs. However, we become lived so.

I am not a superstitious person; I am a believer, so I tried to explain to the zealous security chief, why the directors of park change, so often.

– “Breeders are not ordinary people”…

– “What, you steeper, than our director park here?” – The executive husband grimaced with disgust.

– “No, it is just that people have achieved something in life, which means that their thoughts and desires reach their goal. If all ten of us think about the same thing, then the desires are fulfilling.”

– “I’ll call the police right now,” – an old man sniffed heavily.

I did not see the security chief again. A week has not passed, since; he has been got firing from park. However, the sediment of our defectiveness penetrates deeper and deeper into consciousness. When you watch TV, it seems that somewhere, far away, taken away gas, oil, electricity, businesses, roads, and the fleet. It is all that was formerly general. But, here everything is close, the stadium is taking away, and they are preparing to build a house. Now, in addition, they are forcing, as if army system, walking, in the park us.

One day we walked with “Lotta” to the park in a roundabout way and came upon the hapless owner of the pit bull cable, who, choosing a secluded corner, trained the dog to the command of an “aport” without a muzzle. Lotta’s ear instantly become “aport”. The puppy screamed with fear and pain so that my heart nearly exploded. While the old man was gathering his thoughts, I rushed to pull the dogs. However, the gambling grip pit bull, first turned out to be dead. “Grandfather” ran around in circles, Lotta squealed, the dog wagged his tail, and I pulled the collar upward to tear it off the ground. Pit bull was an inexperienced fighter – his jaw opened and the Lotta’s ear, freed. The owner finally managed to grab onto dog collar. From fright, in bewilderment, he waved his hands: – “Do you know? She bites only domestic dogs. And the homeless do not interest her.”

Examining the bitten ear, I just, to told, to this unlucky owner: – “You look it, that this creature does not gnaw your whole family.”

For “Lotta” this is the first lesson in life, of course, not the successful. The dog experienced stress. However, you know that, not only dogs, but also people, often to meeting on the life way with of pit bulls in the human form.

Looking at dog fates, you will involuntarily become a fatalist. You can train a dog as much as you want, feed, groom, cherish. And all is in vain. It contains what is laid. A loyal friend she will always be, but an excellent hunter, bloodhound, fighter – with a certain percentage of probability. Well, if your pet’s age is long. But it is necessary to engage with the dog every day, whatever the data in it was laid, otherwise a creature will grow up next to you, which, will ruffle your nerves and give, you a dream, – to get rid, of it, as soon as possible.

With this attitude, I started my educational work. I conducted it creatively, deviating from established canons.

There is controversy: whether it is worthwhile to take the puppy out at an early age to hunt in the hunting grounds, thereby, endangering, to spoil, the hunting qualities young dog. We did not ask this question. Every dog the working instincts, manifest themselves in different ways. At someone in three months, at someone in three years, and at someone never, and what do you order, until this time, the dog on the chain to keep?

In the field we drove off, barely “Lotta” fulfilled five months. Let dog run; get acquainted with the new situation. Of course, such an exit can hardly be calling a hunt. However, does the hunter live not only the shooting and prey?

Field, this is the cosmodrome, the launching pad for the accumulation of energy and the flight of thought into the universe. Here, in the elements of the Earth and the cosmos, lies a huge force, which places the mosaic of nature in a unique and precise pattern. Here all living things are subject only to her breathing. Only the king of beasts, person, with his an ugly steps, try to violate her innocence.

With excitement and trepidation, you stepping on the field, inhaling fresh unique flavors, you are filling with tender feelings and you barely hold back, so as not to scream off: – “Lord! How good and beautiful everything that you created”.

With joy, the dogs jump out of the car. It seems that they are filling by the same emotions and feelings. They start dancing and cannot get to end rejoice. No hunting, passion, at these moments, does not show, not only, my puppy, but his mother is an excellent hunter dog, clever, three-year-old “Dolly” bitch.

“Dolly”, she is in a passport, and in way of life, owner is – a military pensioner Vladlen Prokhovshchikov calls her “Stasi”, under the name of German intelligence. I am always amazing by the fanatical addiction of people to names and nicknames, sometimes and simply discouraging; involuntarily the thought smoothly leads to the “Bolsheviks” and revolution, ignorance and bloody lawlessness. As a result, the mood is spoiled.
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