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Your Chinese Horoscope 2011

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The Fire Rat will be well supported in most of what he does throughout the year and should listen carefully to the advice he is given. Although he may have his own thoughts and inclinations, by being receptive he could be alerted to other options or helped with decisions he needs to make. Also, if he has any personal or educational problems, by talking about these he gives others the chance to help and advise.

The Fire Rat will particularly value the support of some very close friends over the year and will not only enjoy sharing interests but also thoughts and confidences. New activities he takes up can also bring him into contact with others and lead to some helpful new friendships.

Although the Fire Rat will often be very much involved with his own activities and studies, he should also aim to contribute to his home life. Whether assisting with certain tasks or just being open and talking to those around him, he will find his involvement and input can make a difference as well as lead to better understanding and rapport. The more involved he is, the better.

For Fire Rats born in 1936 this can also be an interesting year, although throughout they will need to consult closely with others. Whether discussing ideas or plans they may be considering or concerns and problems they may have, by being open and willing to talk, these Fire Rats will often be helped and reassured. This is no year for going it alone or being too independent (or obtuse) in attitude.

Also, while the Fire Rat may be keen for certain plans to come to fruition, especially if related to his accommodation, he will need to show patience over the year. This is not a time favouring rush. In the Rabbit year it is often the case of moving plans forward when the time is right rather than hurrying things through. However, while the slow-moving nature of the year may occasionally frustrate the Fire Rat, it can have its benefits, as delays can lead to better decisions or allow the Fire Rat to benefit from sales and other favourable buying opportunities.

Throughout the year the Fire Rat will derive considerable satisfaction from his interests, with creative pursuits often bringing especial pleasure. Sharing what he does with his friends and loved ones can also bring more enjoyment and meaning to his activities.

He will also delight in some of the travel opportunities that arise and, whether visiting relations or taking a short break, will again enjoy the chance to see places new to him and the social opportunities his travels can often bring.

On a more cautionary note, he does need to be thorough when dealing with money matters and to check any important correspondence and forms he receives and question anything that concerns him. To delay or make assumptions could be to his disadvantage. Fire Rats, take note.

Whether born in 1936 or 1996, the Fire Rat can find the Rabbit year an encouraging one and by making the most of his ideas and opportunities, he can get a lot of value and personal satisfaction from what he does. If he is open to new possibilities and listens closely to others, interesting developments can take place which can be to his benefit. The Rabbit year may not be one of swift events, but it can be constructive and its benefits far-reaching.


Make the most of your opportunities. With willingness, backed by support, a lot can open up for you. Effort and commitment can reward you well both now and in the future.

The Earth Rat

The Earth Rat tends to be more cautious than some of the other types of Rat, preferring to proceed carefully and in a measured way. This approach will serve him well this year and he will enjoy some interesting and pleasing personal developments.

As the Rabbit year starts it will be to the Earth Rat’s advantage to give some thought to what he wants to see happen over the next 12 months. This could involve his work situation, accommodation or personal interests he is keen to pursue, but whatever his ideas, by thinking them through and talking them over with his loved ones, he will find he has more specific aims to work towards and will be able to direct his energies more effectively. Also, as many Earth Rats will discover, Rabbit years do not favour rush, and adapting to the rhythm of the year will bring far better results.

One factor in the Earth Rat’s favour will be the support and advice he receives from those around him. When considering ideas or making decisions, he will find the process of talking things through will clarify his preferences in his own mind as well as give him the chance to benefit from the suggestions of others. This is no year to be too independent-minded.

One area in which particular care is needed is finance and if the Earth Rat receives correspondence that is unclear or causes him concern, it is important that he seeks advice, perhaps from a helpline. Similarly, with any large transaction or obligation he may take on, he should check the terms and conditions. The extra attention he gives to his finances can help prevent mistakes and sometimes save unnecessary outlay.

Many Earth Rats will be keen to proceed with certain accommodation plans during the year, possibly replacing equipment or adding new comforts to their home. Here again, the Earth Rat needs to remain alert. Purchases should not be rushed, and if he takes his time, he may not only be better pleased with his eventual choices but also benefit from some advantageous offers. For Earth Rats who decide to move, again the Rabbit year can be slow moving, with sales, purchases and moves often protracted.

For those in work the Rabbit year can be a generally satisfying one, particularly as the Earth Rat may have more chance to concentrate on his area of expertise. When pressures or problems arise, colleagues will often be keen to draw on his experience as well as admire his resourceful approach. During the year many Earth Rats will find their skills in demand and while they will often be content to remain in their present role, their work can give them a sense of achievement.

Some may, though, decide to take advantage of retirement options or reduce their working commitments. Although this may be something they have been looking forward to for some time, such a change can impact their lives in several ways. To help, these Earth Rats should give serious thought to what it is they now want to do. With carefully considered plans, they can find the Rabbit year can mark the start of an exciting new chapter. As with so much this year, the more the Earth Rat can plan ahead, the better he will fare.

Earth Rats who are interested in altering their working commitments or keen to take on another role could also benefit from ideas they have or opportunities that arise. With resourcefulness, good advice and initiative, they can make the Rabbit year a time of interesting possibilities.

The Earth Rat will also derive much satisfaction from his interests and by setting himself specific aims or projects will be pleased with what he is able to get underway. This is a year which rewards focus and dedication. Another important feature of it will be the opportunities that open up for the Earth Rat, and whether attracted by locally run courses and new activities or joining with others to try out new pursuits, by being open to what is offered, he can greatly benefit.

Throughout the year the Earth Rat will also value the good friendships he has. Not only will he enjoy meeting up with his friends but he can also benefit from their support and goodwill. Many Earth Rats will find their interests will bring them into contact with others and for those keen to extend their social circle this can be a pleasing and interesting year. May, June, August and the closing months of the Rabbit year are likely to be the most active socially.

The Earth Rat’s domestic life can also be rewarding, and by sharing his thoughts, he will find many plans developing well, even if sometimes slowly. Not only can he benefit from the support he is given over the year but he will also do much to advise and assist others, including helping to arrange some important family occasions. Domestically, this can be a full and pleasing year, but the key will be good liaison and co-operation.

The Earth Rat would also do well to try and go away with his loved ones over the year. A break can do everyone a lot of good and if the Earth Rat considers his destination carefully, he will particularly enjoy the places he visits and activities he carries out.

Much will go in the Earth Rat’s favour this year but, as with any year, problems can still arise. When they do, the Earth Rat does need to consult others and find a solution or amicable arrangement. To ignore problems could lead to them escalating or leave them lingering unsatisfactorily in the background. The Earth Rat’s tactful and thoughtful manner can be very useful this year, but at times of concern he does need to be active, involved and forthcoming.

Overall, the Year of the Rabbit is one for going ahead with plans, and with the Earth Rat’s careful approach and the support of others, he will be satisfied with how he is able to develop his ideas and interests. This may not be a year for swift developments, but it can be a quietly satisfying one.


Give yourself some time, especially to develop your personal interests. The skills you use and ideas you follow up can bring you a great deal of pleasure. Also, be open to new activities. These can develop in an often interesting and advantageous manner.


Ben Affleck, Ursula Andress, Louis Armstrong, Lauren Bacall, Dame Shirley Bassey, Kathy Bates, Irving Berlin, Silvio Berlusconi, Kenneth Branagh, Marlon Brando, Charlotte Brontë, Jackson Browne, George H. W. Bush, Glen Campbell, David Carradine, Jimmy Carter, Aaron Copland, Cameron Diaz, David Duchovny, Noël Edmonds, T. S. Eliot, Eminem, Colin Firth, Clark Gable, Liam Gallagher, Al Gore, Hugh Grant, Lewis Hamilton, Thomas Hardy, Prince Harry, Haydn, Charlton Heston, Buddy Holly, Mick Hucknall, Henrik Ibsen, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, Jean-Michel Jarre, Scarlett Johansson, Gene Kelly, Avril Lavigne, Jude Law, Gary Lineker, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ian McEwan, Katie Melua, Claude Monet, Richard Nixon, Ozzy Osbourne, Sean Penn, Terry Pratchett, Ian Rankin, Lou Rawls, Burt Reynolds, Jonathan Ross, Rossini, William Shakespeare, Donna Summer, James Taylor, Leo Tolstoy, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Spencer Tracy, the Prince of Wales, George Washington, the Duke of York, Emile Zola.

THE OX (#ulink_16a76786-3d68-58f5-81f3-d566c17e9b27)


The more considered the way,

the more considerable the journey.

The Ox is born under the signs of equilibrium and tenacity. He is a hard and conscientious worker and sets about everything he does in a resolute, methodical and determined manner. He has considerable leadership qualities and is often admired for his tough and uncompromising nature. He knows what he wants to achieve in life and, as far as possible, will not be deflected from his ultimate objective.

The Ox takes his responsibilities and duties very seriously. He is decisive and quick to take advantage of any opportunity that comes his way. He is also sincere and places a great deal of trust in his friends and colleagues. He is, nevertheless, something of a loner. He is a quiet and private individual and often keeps his thoughts to himself. He also cherishes his independence and prefers to set about things in his own way rather than be bound by the dictates of others or influenced by outside pressures.

The Ox tends to have a calm and tranquil nature, but if something angers him or he feels that someone has let him down, he can have a fearsome temper. He can also be stubborn and obstinate and this can lead him into conflict with others. Usually he will succeed in getting his own way, but should things go against him he is a poor loser and will take any defeat or setback extremely badly.

The Ox is often a deep thinker and rather studious. He is not particularly renowned for his sense of humour and does not take kindly to new gimmicks or anything too innovative. He is too solid and traditional for that and prefers to stick to the more conventional norm.

His home is very important to him and in some respects he treats it as a private sanctuary. His family tends to be closely knit and the Ox will make sure that each member does their fair share around the house. He tends to be a hoarder, but he is always well organized and neat. He also places great importance on punctuality and there is nothing that infuriates him more than to be kept waiting, particularly if it is due to someone’s inefficiency. The Ox can be a hard taskmaster!

Once settled in a job or house the Ox will quite happily remain there for many years. He does not like change and he is also not particularly keen on travel. He does, however, enjoy gardening and other outdoor pursuits and he will often spend much of his spare time out of doors. He is usually an excellent gardener and whenever possible will make sure he has a large area of ground to maintain. He usually prefers to live in the country than the town.

Due to his dedicated and dependable nature the Ox will usually do well in his chosen career, providing he is given enough freedom to act on his own initiative. He invariably does well in politics, agriculture and in careers that need specialized training. He is also very gifted artistically and many Oxen have enjoyed considerable success as musicians or composers.

The Ox is not as outgoing as some and it often takes him a long time to establish friendships and feel relaxed in another person’s company. His courtships are likely to be long, but once he is settled he will remain devoted and loyal to his partner. He is particularly well suited to those born under the signs of the Rat, Rabbit, Snake and Rooster. He can also establish a good relationship with the Monkey, Dog, Pig and another Ox, but he will find that he has little in common with the whimsical and sensitive Goat. He will also find it difficult to get on with the Horse, Dragon and Tiger – the Ox prefers a quiet and peaceful existence and those born under these three signs tend to be a little too lively and impulsive for his liking.

The female Ox has a kind and caring nature and her home and family are very much her pride and joy. She always tries to do her best for her partner and can be a most conscientious and loving parent. She is an excellent organizer and a very determined person who will often succeed in getting what she wants in life. She usually has a deep interest in the arts and is often a talented artist or musician.

The Ox is a very down-to-earth character. He is sincere, loyal and unpretentious. He can, however, be rather reserved and to some he may appear distant and aloof. He has a quiet nature, but underneath he is very strong-willed and ambitious. He has the courage of his convictions and is often prepared to stand up for what he believes to be right, regardless of the consequences. He inspires confidence and trust and throughout his life he will rarely be short of people who are ready to support him.


In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Ox are described below, together with the years in which they were exercising their influence. Therefore those Oxen born in 1961 are Metal Oxen, those born in 1913 and 1973 are Water Oxen, and so on.

Metal Ox: 1961

This Ox is confident and very strong-willed. He can be blunt and forthright in his views and is not afraid of speaking his mind. He sets about his objectives with a dogged determination, but he can become so involved in his various activities that he can be oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of those around him, and this can sometimes be to his detriment. He is honest and dependable and will never promise more than he can deliver. He has a good appreciation of the arts and usually has a small circle of very good and loyal friends.

Water Ox: 1913, 1973

This Ox has a sharp and penetrating mind. He is a good organizer and sets about his work in a methodical manner. He is not as narrow-minded as some of the other types of Ox and is more willing to involve others in his plans and aspirations. He usually has very high moral standards and is often attracted to careers in public service. He is a good judge of character and has such a friendly and persuasive manner that he usually experiences little difficulty in securing his objectives. He is popular and has an excellent way with children.
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