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Your Chinese Horoscope 2011

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This also applies to financial matters. The Metal Tiger should study any financially-related forms carefully and question anything which is unclear. This is a year for care and keeping alert. In addition, if he makes advance provision for some of his plans and keeps a watchful eye on spending, he will find he is able to go ahead with much more as well as benefit from some favourable buying opportunities.

For Metal Tigers in work this will be a busy year, with many facing a heavier workload and new pressures. However, while demanding, it will offer the Metal Tiger an excellent chance to add to his experience. Many Metal Tigers could find their in-depth knowledge particularly valued as colleagues seek their advice or they guide and instruct more junior staff. The Rabbit year can be an exacting one but give the Metal Tiger the opportunity to display and develop his strengths.

For Metal Tigers seeking work, the Rabbit year can present a number of choices. Sometimes these could involve adapting and using their skills in new ways or taking on a temporary position with a view to seeing how it develops, but by remaining open to possibility, many could succeed in taking on an interesting new role. April to early July and September could see important work developments.

Metal Tigers who retire this year can also make this a constructive time. By giving careful thought to what they now want to do and getting their plans underway, they can see the year developing in an encouraging manner.

Overall, the Rabbit year holds promising prospects for the Metal Tiger and by acting on his ideas and opportunities, he will often derive much satisfaction from what he is able to do and the benefits that follow on. An interesting and favourable year.


Think through what you want to achieve and talk your ideas over with those around you. With some clear ideas and the support of others, you can accomplish a great deal this year and also benefit from opportunities.

The Water Tiger

This will be a positive year for the Water Tiger and while it may lack the activity of some, he will often be pleased with the progress he makes. For many Water Tigers this can be an encouraging and personally satisfying time.

With the year’s emphasis on personal development, if there are any particular skills the Water Tiger feels it could be useful to learn or improve on, he should make enquiries and see what is possible. By looking to develop and doing something definite about it, he will often benefit from the knowledge he acquires. New skills could be one of the most important legacies of the Rabbit year.

As far as personal interests are concerned, the Water Tiger could also find it helpful to see what courses, interest groups and amenities are available in his area. With positive action backed by enthusiasm, he can make this a particularly rewarding time. The Water Tiger also has talents as a communicator, and any Water Tigers who enjoy writing should set time aside to enjoy their skills and creativity. In the Rabbit year the Water Tiger should use his strengths and chances wisely.

With the year favouring personal improvement, if the Water Tiger feels he is lacking sufficient exercise or his diet could be improved, it would be worth him seeking advice on the best way to proceed. Appropriate changes can make a noticeable difference, including improving energy levels.

The Water Tiger will value the help and support he is given over the year and, particularly when considering a new activity or project, he should talk over his ideas with those around him. Similarly, by being forthcoming over any concerns he may have, he will enable others to better understand and advise.

In his home life, with often busy lifestyles and different schedules to work around, the Water Tiger will need to ensure there is good co-operation and everyone does their fair share around the home. Also, despite the activity of the year, setting time aside for shared pursuits will not only help rapport and understanding but also add to the quality of home life.

Another feature of the year will be the support the Water Tiger is able to give to both younger and more senior relations, and although he may not want to appear interfering, his assistance can make a difference. The Water Tiger’s people skills will be much in evidence this year.

He will also find this an active and pleasing year socially. With the year’s emphasis on self-development, it is possible he will meet others who have embarked on a self-improvement activity or who share his interests (and sometimes problems), and this can lead to new friendships being made. For the unattached, affairs of the heart are also well aspected. Late April to August and November could see the most social activity.

In the Water Tiger’s work, there will be excellent chances to develop his skills. Often these will be with his present employer, with him being encouraged to make more of his specialist skills and being well placed for greater responsibilities. Admittedly, the headway many Water Tigers make this year will be modest rather than substantial, but a key benefit of the Rabbit year will be the experience the Water Tiger gains. This can prepare him well for future opportunities.

For Water Tigers who are seeking work or would like a change from what they are currently doing, the Rabbit year can be an excellent time to evaluate their position and consider the direction they would now like their career to take. With careful thought and some guidance, many could discover new possibilities to pursue, possibly involving retraining. For quite a few Water Tigers this is a year to take stock, consider what they now want to do and be prepared to adapt and learn. Opportunities could arise at almost any time, but April to early July and September could see some important work developments.

Many Water Tigers can look forward to an increase in earnings this year, but all will need to be disciplined in their spending and allow for their commitments and plans. Without care, anything extra could quickly be spent and not always in the best way. This is a year for good control and careful budgeting.

Overall, the Year of the Rabbit can be an interesting one, but the Water Tiger does need to act. With willingness and enthusiasm, he can make progress, but if he takes a more laid-back approach, valuable time and opportunities could be lost. Water Tigers, take note and do build on what this year offers.


Be willing to learn and venture forward. You have a lot to offer and the positive action you take now can stand you in good stead as well as widen your options for the future. Use this year well, for its lessons and benefits can be far-reaching.

The Wood Tiger

There is a Chinese proverb that could be helpful for the Wood Tiger this year: ‘There is no trick to a bountiful harvest – simply work your hoe with diligence.’ In the Rabbit year the Wood Tiger can accomplish a great deal, but it will require discipline and diligence.

In his work the Rabbit year can see some significant developments. For those Wood Tigers who are employed in relatively large organizations, vacancies could arise in other departments and by applying and indicating their desire to progress, they can make encouraging headway and in the process gain valuable new experience.

For those who feel opportunities are limited where they are or who would welcome new challenges, this is also a time to look at other possibilities and actively make enquiries. Once they start they will be setting important (and unstoppable) wheels in motion. The year will see many Wood Tigers having to adapt to new situations and learn new skills. While these may be initially daunting, the Wood Tiger will welcome the chance to prove himself in new ways. The trick in the Rabbit year is to show resolve and willingness.

A factor in the Wood Tiger’s favour is the good working relations he enjoys with so many. Senior colleagues could prove particularly helpful in putting in recommendations, encouraging his career progression or providing him with positive references. In the Rabbit year the Wood Tiger should continue to make the most of his people skills and, if applicable, consider joining a professional body connected with his industry. Getting himself better known will not only give him more connections but also help his long-term prospects. What is achieved this year can be significant.

For Wood Tigers seeking work, the Rabbit year can again bring some interesting opportunities. These may differ from what the Wood Tiger is used to but give him an excellent chance to widen his experience. One of the key features of the Rabbit year is that it favours personal development and any new skills the Wood Tiger can gain can be a major legacy of the year. April to early July and September could see some good opportunities, but throughout the year all Wood Tigers should keep alert for chances to pursue. This is a time for resolve and initiative.

The progress many Wood Tigers are able to make at work can bring an increase in income and some will also benefit from an additional sum during the year. However, while many can look forward to an improvement in their fortunes, all Wood Tigers will need to remain disciplined and prudent in their spending. With care and good management, they will be able to improve their situation over the year; if not, any gains could be frittered away.

The Rabbit year can also bring some travel opportunities and even if some Wood Tigers do not actually travel too far in distance, a change of scene and break from routine can do them a lot of good. Sometimes chances to go away can appear at short notice, but wherever possible the Wood Tiger should try to take them up.

As far as his personal interests are concerned, the Rabbit year can be an immensely satisfying one. Although the Wood Tiger’s free time may be limited, by setting some aside for activities he enjoys, he can develop certain ideas and skills. The Rabbit year holds considerable potential for the Wood Tiger and his personal interests are another outlet for his talents and creativity.

For many Wood Tigers their work and interests will also have a pleasing social element and be a good way to meet others. As with so much this year, by making the most of situations, the Wood Tiger stands to benefit. And for the unattached, the Rabbit year can present some fine romantic opportunities.

The Wood Tiger’s domestic life is also set to be busy and eventful. During the year there will be many demands on his time and he may despair of all that is being asked of him, but by remaining organized, deciding on priorities and using his time effectively, he will not only be able to cope but also accomplish a great deal. Throughout the year it is also important that he is forthcoming about his plans and concerns. This is a year for sharing with others.

Overall, the Rabbit year is very much a time for the Wood Tiger to build on his skills and strengths and look to move forward. With resolve and willingness, he can make this an interesting and fulfilling year. Throughout, he will be helped by the support and goodwill of those around him and his relations with others will be an important and encouraging factor in his progress.


You have great people skills – use them well. With support, you will find your prospects – and year – will be so much better.

The Fire Tiger

The Fire Tiger will have seen a lot happen in recent years. He will have had personal successes and gained much valuable experience, but he will also have had disappointments and regrets. In 2011 he is set for a rewarding year which will give him the chance to build on his strengths and enjoy positive developments in several areas of his life.

His personal life could be particularly special this year, with some exciting developments to look forward to. Some Fire Tigers may become parents or see the realization of some long-held hopes, including marriage, a move to more suitable accommodation or the achievement of a personal objective. A lot can go the Fire Tiger’s way this year, but he does need to act determinedly. This is a year for initiative and for setting plans in motion. As Virgil wrote, ‘Fortune favours the bold,’ and to get the most from the year the Fire Tiger will need to be bold and believing.

He will be helped by the support he receives and will find that by sharing activities and pooling ideas and energy, more will get to happen, and more quickly. In addition if the Fire Tiger has any concerns or doubts, it is important that he talks to others and gets clarification and advice. More senior relations may also do much to assist him over the year.

In addition to the positive developments in the Fire Tiger’s personal life, his social life can bring him much pleasure. Once again he will appreciate the camaraderie of good friends and welcome the chance to talk over news and run over ideas. Some of his personal interests may also have a strong social element and the Fire Tiger will enjoy going to events and meeting other enthusiasts. This is very much a year for action.

The Rabbit year also favours affairs of the heart and for Fire Tigers who are unattached or have recently experienced some personal difficulty, this can be a year of exciting developments, with many meeting someone special by chance. Love, whether existing or new, can add a sparkle to many a Fire Tiger’s year. Mid-April to August and November could see the most social activity.

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