So, the Ten of Cups is a transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of feelings, emotions, memories.
For example, this corresponds to expressions such as "to be reborn", "to become a different person", "spiritual rebirth".
Fig. 2.10.1 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. Meditation, yoga, prayer as a process of spiritual transformation. [235 - Downloaded fromмедитация-человек-медитировать-2717462 / (]
Fig. 2.10.2 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. Prayer. "To be born in the spirit".[236 - Downloaded fromфантазия-монах-ангел-молиться-свет-3311091 / (]
Fig. 2.10.3 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. "To become a different person".[237 - Downloaded fromбуддизм-монах-храм-панорама-2214532 / (]
Fig. 2.10.4 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. Prayer.[238 - Downloaded fromмолитва-мусульманин-религия-хира-4753957 / (]
Fig. 2.10.5 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. Communion as a means of spiritual transformation.[239 - Downloaded fromевхаристия-тело-христа-церковь-1591663 / (]
Fig. 2.10.6 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception into a new state. Initiation.[240 - Downloaded fromженщина-молитва-полагать-надеяться-4629323 / (]
Fig. 2.10.7 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of feelings into a new state. "Polar Bear". "To become a different person".[241 - Downloaded fromзима-мороз-день-прорубь-купание-3403737 / (]
Fig. 2.10.8 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of emotions into a new state. The transition of affection to a new level – a relationship, a couple. "To be reborn".[242 - Downloaded fromсвадьба-пляж-любовь-пара-1770860 / (]
The distinctive feature of the Ten of Cups – the transformation of emotions and memories.
The Ten of Cups is often associated with the Seven of Cups. In this case, one process smoothly transitions into another. Therefore, it's easy to confuse them.
However, the Seven is usually the reason behind the Ten.
In most cases, we begin with the Seven (purification), and the Ten (transformation) follows.
Although here, as always, there are exceptions to the rule.
Page of Cups
– Don't piss me off, asshole! Hell hath no fury like me when I'm angry!
– You're not exactly a bed of roses when you're in a good mood either…
The Page, according to Kabbalah, is a messenger, a herald.
Cups (Hearts) are emotions, feelings, memories.
Accordingly, the Page of Cups is a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality.
For example, it may symbolize some good news.[243 - As earlier, emotions, feelings, memories, are meant in a positive sense.]
Usually the messenger himself (Page of Cups) is an actual person. Although this isn't always the case.
Fig. 2.11.1 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. Festive sweets. Cakes, custards, tiramisu, etc..[244 - Downloaded fromторт-на-день-рождения-гореть-свечи-757103 / (]
Fig. 2.11.2 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. Recreational, festive alcohol. Champagne, cider, beer. [245 - Downloaded fromшампанское-бутылки-охлаждение-вино-438448 / (]
Fig. 2.11.3 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. Foods for a picnic, spending some time in the great outdoors with friends. A shishkabob, barbecue.[246 - Downloaded fromшашлык-мясо-мангал-шампуры-питание-4706939 / (]
Fig. 2.11.4 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. Smoking mixtures and other recreational devices. A hookah. [247 - Downloaded fromдым-пар-арабский-кальян-восточная-5129777 / (]
Fig. 2.11.5 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. A package, a surprise, a gift.[248 - Downloaded fromкурьер-цветок-флорист-доставка-4102605 / (]
Fig. 2.11.6 Page of Cups – a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that emotions or feelings are ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. A billboard, an advertisement for a night club or strip bar.[249 - Downloaded fromдевочка-танцевать-люди-дискотека-114441 / (]