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Языковое путешествие: Изучение английского через культуру Великобритании

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In addition to its history and sporting culture, Cardiff is also known for its thriving arts scene. The city has several theaters, including the iconic Wales Millennium Centre, which regularly hosts performances by Welsh National Opera, orchestras, and dance companies. There are also numerous music venues, pubs, and clubs where visitors can enjoy live music from local and international artists.

Finally, no visit to Cardiff would be complete without exploring its vibrant food and drink scene. The city has a diverse range of restaurants, cafes, and bars serving up everything from traditional Welsh dishes to international cuisine. Visitors can sample local specialties such as Welsh cakes, bara brith (a fruit loaf), and cawl (a hearty soup made with lamb or beef).


Fortress – крепость

Opulent – роскошный

Heritage – наследие

Venue – место проведения

Thriving – процветающий

Diverse – разнообразный

Specialties – специальные блюда


1. Match the following words with their definitions:

– Heritage

– Landmark

– Diverse

– Thriving

a) A special dish that is typical of a particular region or culture.

b) A famous building or object that is easily recognizable and often visited by tourists.

c) The traditions and values that have been passed down from previous generations.

d) A place where a lot of activity is happening and things are going well.

Sample answer:

– Heritage: c

– Landmark: b

– Diverse: a

– Thriving: d

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct vocabulary word:

Cardiff is famous for its _______ food and drink scene, which offers a wide range of _______ restaurants and bars. One of the most popular landmarks in the city is _______ Castle, which was built in the 11th century. Another must-visit attraction is the National Museum Cardiff, which houses an impressive collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological _______.

Sample answer:

Cardiff is famous for its diverse food and drink scene, which offers a wide range of specialty restaurants and bars. One of the most popular landmarks in the city is Cardiff Castle, which was built in the 11th century. Another must-visit attraction is the National Museum Cardiff, which houses an impressive collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological heritage.

3. Write a paragraph about your favourite attraction in Cardiff, using at least three of the vocabulary words.

Sample answer: My favourite attraction in Cardiff is the National Museum Cardiff. It’s a wonderful place to learn about the city’s rich heritage and culture. The museum has a diverse collection of artifacts, from ancient objects dating back to the Bronze Age to modern pieces of art. I particularly enjoy the natural history exhibits, which showcase the unique flora and fauna of Wales. Overall, the museum is a thriving hub of knowledge and creativity that is not to be missed.






Exploring Manchester: A city of history, culture and innovation

Manchester is a vibrant and bustling city located in the northwest of England. It is known as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and one of the most famous football cities in the world. The city has a rich history that dates back to Roman times and has played an important role in shaping British culture and society.

One of the most popular attractions in Manchester is the Museum of Science and Industry where visitors can learn about the city’s industrial heritage. The museum is housed in a former railway station and features exhibitions on textile production, transport, communication and power. Visitors can see steam engines, airplanes, and interactive displays that show how machines have transformed people’s lives.

Another must-visit spot in Manchester is the John Rylands Library, which is home to a large collection of rare books and manuscripts. The library was founded by Enriqueta Rylands in memory of her husband, John Rylands, and opened its doors to the public in 1900. Visitors can explore the stunning neo-Gothic architecture and see some of the most valuable books in the world, including a Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century.

For sports enthusiasts, a visit to Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium is a must. The stadium is considered one of the most iconic football venues in the world and has hosted some of the biggest matches in football history. Visitors can take a tour of the stadium and see the dressing rooms, tunnel, and pitch where legends like David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo once played.

Manchester is also a city of culture and hosts a range of events throughout the year. One of the most popular events is the Manchester International Festival, which takes place every two years and showcases music, art, theatre, and dance from around the world. There are also many theaters, galleries, and music venues that host regular performances and exhibitions.


vibrant – жизнерадостный/динамичный

bustling – оживленный

industrial heritage – промышленное наследие

rare books and manuscripts – редкие книги и рукописи

neo-Gothic architecture – неоготическая архитектура

dressing rooms – раздевалки

pitch – футбольное поле
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