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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03

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Count? what?

OCTAVIO (coldly).

The title that you wish'd, I mean.

BUTLER (starts in sudden passion).

Hell and damnation!

OCTAVIO (coldly).

You petition'd for it—

And your petition was repelled—Was it so?


Your insolent scoff shall not go by unpunish'd.



Nay! your sword to 'ts sheath! and tell me calmly,

How all that happen'd. I will not refuse you

Your satisfaction afterward. Calmly, Butler!


Be the whole world acquainted with the weakness

For which I never can forgive myself.

Lieutenant-General! Yes; I have ambition.

Ne'er was I able to endure contempt.

It stung me to the quick, that birth and title

Should have more weight than merit has in the army.

I would fain not be meaner than my equal,

So in an evil hour I let myself

Be tempted to that measure. It was folly!

But yet so hard a penance it deserved not.

It might have been refused; but wherefore barb

And venom the refusal with contempt?

Why dash to earth and crush with heaviest scorn

The gray-hair'd man, the faithful veteran?

Why to the baseness of his parentage

Refer him with such cruel roughness, only

Because he had a weak hour and forgot himself?

But nature gives a sting e'en to the worm

Which wanton Power treads on in sport and



You must have been calumniated. Guess you

The enemy who did you this ill service?


Be't who it will—a most low-hearted scoundrel!

Some vile court-minion must it be, some Spaniard,

Some young squire of some ancient family,

In whose light I may stand; some envious knave,

Stung to his soul by my fair self-earn'd honors!


But tell me, did the Duke approve that measure?


Himself impell'd me to it, used his interest
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