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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby

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CHAPTER FOUR (#u92268d9d-279b-5cb9-ad43-b3a18bd3bb16)

GIOVANNI DIDN’T COMMENT. Instead he made a left turn onto another road that climbed higher up the mountain. At the top sprawled the refined jewel town of Ravello with its dreamy gardens and magnificent views. Royals as well as composers like Wagner had stayed in the spectacular villas dotting the landscape. Valentina could understand why.

They kept climbing through a grove of green olive and lemon trees. He slowed down at the side of a stunning two-story white villa with burnt red tiles built in the Mediterranean style. Pale blue shutters adorned the windows. She’d thought there could be nothing more fabulous than her brother’s ochre colored villa, but this place was spectacular.

Deep purple and red bougainvillea draped over the several terraces. A rock garden with palm trees formed a backdrop for the rectangular swimming pool. The profusion of flowers created poetry of such perfection, she wished she were an artist. Turning toward the sea, she gasped softly. “You live in heaven, Giovanni.”

“That’s what I thought when I first explored this spot years ago.”

“Your darling Ric will grow up in a virtual wonderland.”

Giovanni shut off the engine and levered himself from the car with a masculine grace he wasn’t aware of. She slid out her side and they both opened the rear doors to get the children. Ric was still asleep, but Vito had awakened. His gaze fastened on Giovanni.

She smiled at him. “See how he searches for you?”

While he kissed her son, she plucked Ric from the car seat and followed his father across a patio into a fabulous sunroom. She gasped softly. It was circular in design with a tall ceiling and tall rounded windows filled with light that looked out on the gardens and sea below.

He kept moving through the breathtaking house to the curving staircase inlaid with stone tiles, enhancing the earth-toned colors of the surrounding landscape. Once they reached the second floor, he walked down a hall with a balustrade that overlooked a portion of the villa below.

“Your room is right here with its en suite bathroom.” He opened the door and they entered a bedroom on the right. The moment she entered, she fell in love with the decor: oranges and yellows with cream walls and dark timbers overhead. An old armoire and an antique queen-size bed delighted her.

Over in another corner she spied a beautiful walnut crib all made up for the baby. She turned to him. “When did you get this?”

“After you phoned me this morning, I asked Paolo to run into town and get one that matches Ric’s. He bought all the things to go with it. While I was gone, he put it together.

“As you know, he and his wife are here temporarily, looking after the house. They fell in love with Vito and now they love Ric.”

“That’s because he’s made in your image,” she broke in on him. Ric was still asleep. One day he’d be a heartbreaker like his arresting father.

“I’ll bring up your things from the car and be right back.”

She put Ric on the bed and changed his diaper, and then explored the room. The dresser had a hand-painted flowered design in the citrus tones. On the wall above the dresser was a large reproduction of the Procession of the Magi in marvelous colors, a famous fresco by Gozzoli. If Giovanni was the one who chose the art work, then it told her he was a man with many admirable facets, not the least of which were his parenting skills.

To think Matteo didn’t even want to be told when the baby was born. For whatever deep-seated reason, Giovanni’s ex-wife hadn’t wanted to see her son. Both parents were missing out on the greatest joy of life and didn’t know it.

Giovanni was still holding Vito when he arrived with her suitcase and purse. “Bring Ric with you and I’ll show you the nursery. It adjoins my room.”

She picked up the baby and followed him down the hall past the staircase. His room was clearly a man’s bedroom. Through the open paneled doors she could see the charming nursery and an adult rocking chair.

The crib had a cute mobile of colorful fish. “How darling!”

“My mother helped decorate.”

“It’s wonderful.”

He put Vito in the crib and changed him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a minifridge propped against the wall to hold the bottles. With Ric in the crook of her arm, she looked at the baby furniture and stuffed animals. She loved the little walnut rocking chair with Giovanni the Bear sitting inside it. In the bookcase several baby books were displayed, including her favorite, Papa Piccolo, the Cat.

“Oh, look, Ric. Elmer the Patchwork Elephant!” She drew it from the shelf and showed it to him. The toy seemed to distract him. “He’s pink and yellow and blue. And he’s soft.” She nudged his cheek with it, then walked over to the mobile and wound up the little music box. It started to turn and played “Giro Giro Tondo,” a cute tune. Both babies watched the little fish go round and round. The music stimulated them and their bodies grew animated.

“You’ve learned to like that, haven’t you, sweetheart.” She kissed Ric’s neck and cheek.

Giovanni’s smile filled her universe with sunshine. He moved closer. In a low voice he said, “Do you know how great it is to be in here with no noise except the sound of the music box?”

Her heart pounded hard in her chest. With the stress lines gone from his striking face, he was too gorgeous. She averted her eyes before he could catch her staring at him.

“Stanzie has fixed lunch and served it on the table in the sunroom. Let’s take the children downstairs and put them in the playpen while we eat. There’s a bathroom off the sunroom where you can freshen up.”

Together the four of them left the nursery. “I love the layout of your home. How long have you lived here?” They started down the stairs.

“Three years. Tatania and I were married soon after.”

She followed him past the living and dining rooms to the sunroom and put Vito in the playpen. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Valentina found the bathroom and freshened up. Once she’d washed her hands, she returned to see Giovanni leaning over the playpen. He was talking to their sons who appeared to be listening to him. The precious moment seized her by the throat and she fought tears.

This plan to help their babies get used to the change was a good plan. Everyone was happier. He must have sensed her standing there and turned around. “I finally have a chance to welcome you. The boys have told me they’re glad to be here.”

Giovanni... “I am, too.” She was filled with so many new emotions bombarding her, she could hardly talk.

“Our plan is working, Valentina. You feel it, too. I know you do.”

How could she possibly deny it?

When she would have found her voice, an elegantly dressed woman probably in her fifties with dark hair appeared outside the screen of the open double doors of the sunroom. “Giovanni? May I come in? I’ve brought a toy for the baby.”

He looked over his shoulder. “Violeta— By all means, come in. I didn’t know you were coming.” In a few long strides he opened the screen door so she could enter.

“I tried to reach you, but your phone was on voice mail.” She handed him a gift bag.

“I’m afraid I was too busy with the babies to check my messages. Violeta Corleto, I’d like to introduce you to Valentina Montanari. She’s the mother whose baby was switched with mine and Tatania’s.”

The lovely older woman was obviously shocked to see Valentina there.

“How do you do, Signora Corleto?” Valentina crossed the expanse to shake her hand.

Ric’s grandmother studied her with unsmiling eyes. Then she looked at Giovanni for an explanation. “I don’t understand.”

“The babies grew hysterical when we made the first exchange, so we decided to get together for a few days in order for them to get used to both of us.”

Her dark brown eyes looked haunted. “I can’t believe the hospital allowed you to meet each other.”

“The hospital director handled things the best way he knew how. But the babies were so upset, Valentina and I sought each other out so we could comfort them.”

“My husband is suing the hospital for what has happened.”

Valentina took a steadying breath. “I heard your daughter had a hard time. Is she getting better?”


“I’m so glad. The odds of both of us being in a crash on the way to the hospital are astronomical. We just have to be thankful the babies are fine and thriving.”
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