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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby

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Giovanni groaned to have to walk away from her. He wanted to stay and make slow, passionate love to her. In all his adult life he’d never known desire like this. But it was too soon to show her how he felt. She needed time to get to know and trust him.

Though the babies were the reason they were together at all, it was the woman herself he’d also been drawn to from the first moment she’d opened the door at the hospital. He loved the way she loved the babies with a fullness of heart.

Valentina had been fearless in defying hospital policy in order to make them happy. When it came down to the wire, she’d forgotten herself in the need to protect her children. Those actions told him reams about her character.

He got ready for bed and slept with one ear open. At ten after three he heard Ric start crying. Throwing on his robe, he hurried into the nursery to change his diaper and feed him. As he reached for a bottle from the fridge and put it in the microwave to warm it up, Valentina came in the room with a fussy Vito. She was a vision in a nightgown and pale yellow robe.

Her eyes searched his. “I’m glad you’re up. Vito must have awakened at the same time as Ric. Vito’s still looking for you. I heard Ric fussing and thought we’d join you.”

Giovanni grinned. If she only knew, he’d willed her to come. “Benvenuta al Caffetteria Laurito, signorina.”

Laughter bubbled out of her as she sat down to feed Vito. He plucked Ric from the crib and sat next to her, thinking this was the way marriage should be. Two parents who’d lost sleep, but were crazy about each other and their babies.

The children could hear both their voices. Long after the babies had dozed off again, he and Valentina were deep in conversation about his life. “Did you always want to work for the family business?”

“Not in the beginning. I went to Sapienza University in Rome, thinking I might pursue medicine.”

“What changed?”

“My father’s constant urging that I join the company.”

“Because he needed his son behind him.”

“My mother and sisters said as much.”

Valentina eyed him thoughtfully. “Are you sorry you didn’t become a doctor?”

“No. I’ve found there’s a strong bent for business in my blood. I derive a certain excitement from winning over a new account.”

“You’re probably sick of my asking you all these questions.”

“No, Valentina. You couldn’t be more wrong about that. It’s so easy to talk to you, I feel like I’ve known you all my life.”

“I feel the same way, but I’d better take Vito back to bed before I wear out my welcome.”

Lines darkened his striking features. “Don’t you know you could never do that?”

She looked away quickly and hurried out of the room with Vito, leaving him bereft. He went back to bed and slept till seven when Ric needed another bottle.

After showering and dressing, he took the baby downstairs and walked out on the patio, where he found his guest with Vito. She saw him coming.

“Good morning. I couldn’t resist coming out here this morning. All this lavender wisteria thrives in such huge clumps, it’s fantastic. And the smell is so heavenly, Giovanni. I’ve always heard that Ravello is the garden town of the Amalfi Coast, but in my opinion it could be the Garden of Eden. You should charge admission.”

He chuckled. “The last thing I want is a stream of people invading my inner sanctum.”

“I know that.” She smiled. “I was only teasing you.”

“The garden and sunroom are the reasons I bought this place. I spend most of my time in the sunroom, where I can wander outside on a whim. Every flower has its season to bloom. I’m constantly delighted myself.”

“I think you have an artist’s soul.”

“What makes you say that?”

“The painting in my bedroom by Gozzoli.”

“At Christmas our mother used to read to us from a storybook about the Magi with that same painting on the cover. I was always fascinated by it. Last year I happened to see the reproduction in a store, taking me back to my childhood. I bought it on the spot and put it in the guest room.”

“I love it. I love the way the room is decorated, the colors. The nursery is adorable with its charming touches. I love your villa, the setting, everything! Forgive me for going on and on about it, but I just can’t help it.”

“Your opinion means a lot to me. Shall I bring your breakfast out here?”

Color filled her cheeks. “You’ve done too much for me already by allowing me to mother your son a little longer.” The tremor in her voice tugged on his heartstrings. She swept past him and entered the house. It took every ounce of self-control not to reach out and pull her into his arms.

She put Vito in his carry-cot and sat down at the table. “Another feast,” she exclaimed when they’d finished eating.

“Wait till you eat the lunch Stanzie has prepared for us.”

Valentina’s gentle laughter warmed his insides. “You’re still hungry?”

“I will be because I’m taking you and the babies out for a picnic.”


“It’s a surprise. On the way we’ll stop in town for another carry-cot stroller so we can push the babies around.”

They went upstairs to get the children ready. While he dressed Ric in a yellow sunsuit, he flicked her a glance. “Do you know I’m having the time of my life?”

She’d put Vito in shorts and a blue-and-white-striped shirt. “Can you believe these are the same unhappy little boys of a few days ago? Vito isn’t fighting me this morning. I think you were inspired to suggest we work together to help them adjust.” She flicked him another glance. “You do know that your unorthodox methods explain why you’re running your family’s company. You get results!”

“Let’s hope it continues.”

“So far so good. Vito’s going to help me get my purse, then we’ll meet you downstairs.”

Before long they left the villa, loaded with a hamper full of food and bottles. Giovanni drove them along a road that led to town. After they’d made their purchase, they got back in the car and wound their way to the famous site of the Villa Rufolo.

“I’ve heard of this place.”

“An Englishman built a strange concoction of structures, cultural elements and mixed styles, but it’s the villa’s garden you’ll fall in love with. We’ll enter through the tower, then walk around first. Later we’ll come back to eat near the temple over there.”

* * *

Valentina couldn’t wait to get started. Once they fastened the babies’ carry-cots in their strollers, they were ready to go. The whole property filled with statues, fountains and an ancient cloister enchanted her. Giovanni was better than any tour guide and incredibly patient as she asked question after question.

Eventually they reached a terraced garden that offered fantastic views of the Church of the Annunziata and the brilliant blue water of the Mediterranean below. “According to Gore Vidal, this is the most beautiful spot on earth.”

“It’s certainly one of them.”

They walked back to the car. Giovanni got out the hamper and carried it to a grassy spot while she pushed both strollers behind him. He spread out a blanket, and they let the boys lie down on their backs while she and Giovanni ate.
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