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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby

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Giovanni nuzzled Vito’s neck and kissed him. Her fragrance went where the baby went. “He gave you a beautiful son.”

She swallowed hard. “He did.”

“So what does your heart say now?”

There was an interminable silence while he waited for her answer. When she looked at him, he saw more tears. “You already know the answer or I would have closed the door on you before Vito got the chance to realize who it was.”

Relief swept through him in waves. “I have a limo waiting. Go ahead and do what you have to do to get ready. I want time to play with Vito. We’ll walk around out here.”

“I’ll have to leave a message for Rini and a note for Bianca. She went to the market.”

“Take your time. You don’t have to bring everything yet. There’ll be other days to come back for more things. We’re in no hurry.”

He wandered around the courtyard, admiring the explosion of flowers and Rinieri’s exquisite taste in buying this two-story villa. Its design reflected a bygone era of elegance and refinement. Like Giovanni, Rinieri had his own helipad at the rear of the estate, but he wouldn’t have been so presumptuous as to use it.

When he saw Valentina come out the front door, he strapped Vito in the car seat, then helped her put her things inside. She disappeared once more for the carry-cot. While he’d waited for her, she’d changed into white pants and a top of navy-and-white stripes that outlined her womanly figure. The sight of her ignited all his senses.

Once everything and everyone were installed, he instructed the driver to take them back to the Positano helipad. He let Vito cling to his finger. She studied the two of them. “Look how excited he is to be with you.”

“If you think he’s happy, wait till Ric discovers you on the premises.” Their eyes met. Her tears were gone.

“I pray we’re doing the right thing, Giovanni. Down the road—”

“Don’t think about that,” he interrupted her. “Let’s enjoy the here and now. The future will take care of itself.” He had plans for them, but after her experience with Matteo, he didn’t want to make a wrong move.

Within minutes they lifted off for the short flight to his villa in Ravello. Though he’d bought it and made it his own, he’d never felt like he’d really come home until the helicopter set them down.

Paolo and Stanzie were out in the garden that bordered the swimming pool, tending Ric. They waved when they saw him climb out. But he hadn’t come alone. When they caught sight of Valentina, Stanzie cried with excitement and hurried toward her with Ric.

“Welcome, Valentina!”

“It’s good to be back, Stanzie.”

Ric heard her voice. Just like Vito, he started wiggling to get to her. This time Giovanni’s eyes filled to see the way he cried and burrowed into her neck. His son knew exactly where he wanted to be. He took after Giovanni in that department. This moment was one he’d treasure all his life.

Valentina rocked Ric in her arms. Over his little head with its black hair she looked at Giovanni. Without being able to resist he said, “Remember that bet I made you a week ago?”

She nodded. “They do remember us and it’s been a lot longer than two days.”

“If you hadn’t been such a terrific mother, Ric wouldn’t have suffered so much. I say we all go for a swim.”

“Won’t the water be too cold for them?”

“We’ll pull them around on the rafts.”

Her blue eyes lit up. “That sounds fun. I’ll hurry inside and change. Come on, Ric. You can help me.”

Stanzie wasn’t ready to give up Vito.

Giovanni followed Valentina into the house with her suitcase. After he set it inside her room, he headed for his own room to change. He threw off his suit and tie, so anxious to get outside he didn’t care about anything else. After pulling on a pair of brown-and-white trunks, he grabbed some towels and hurried out to the back patio.

A couple of children’s toy plastic rafts rested against the wall. He tossed them in the water.

“Come on, Vito. We’re going for our first pool ride.”

He smiled at Stanzie, who gave him up. Hugging him to his chest, he carried him into the pool. After settling him on his back in the middle of one of the rafts, Giovanni started moving it around at the shallow end.

“Don’t be scared. Your mommy’s going to be out here in a minute with your brother.” That was the second time the word had slipped out. While he moved him around he caught sight of Valentina walking toward the pool with Ric. Her long legs and the way she filled out her white one-piece bathing suit knocked the wind out of him. She walked down the steps into the pool and put Ric on his back on the other raft.

* * *

Giovanni pulled the raft over to her. “I told you guys this was going to be fun.”

The babies were so shocked by what was happening, they forgot to cry. Valentina saw their expressions and laughed so hard it infected him. From the beginning they’d shared the same sense of humor. It was just one of the many things he loved about her. If there was heaven on earth, this was the place.

The next half hour of play was pure delight. As long as the babies could see both of them, they were mesmerized. Valentina had put him in the same condition. When he saw those eyes glittering like sapphires above the water as she watched him, he almost had a heart attack.

He swam over to her. “What do you say we take them in and feed them?”

“I was just going to suggest it. One dark head and one blond. Aren’t they adorable?”

Giovanni’s emotions were running all over the place. He grabbed Ric while she reached for Vito. Together they took the babies inside and up the stairs. Then she carried Vito and headed for the nursery in the pants and top she’d worn earlier. Giovanni had slipped into his room to put on shorts and a shirt.

They sat down and fed the babies. Ric finished first. His eyes were closed as Giovanni placed him in the crib with the fish mobile and turned it on. Very soon after Vito had finished, too. As she left the nursery to put him down, she said in a hushed voice, “We’ll have to get a mobile for Vito so he won’t feel left out.”

“Shall we drive into town and get one? While Stanzie and Paolo keep watch, let’s eat dinner out.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t leave the children yet.”

“We won’t be gone long, and I’m the one starving now.”

“So am I,” she confessed. “Give me a minute to change into something more appropriate.”

* * *

Valentina freshened up and decided to wear one of her sundresses with cap sleeves in a pale pink. She met him at the Maserati parked at the side of the villa where a garden of white moonflowers gave off a beguiling scent.

“I feel like I’m wandering in a fantastic dream.” Her eyes had fastened on Giovanni. He looked incredible in charcoal trousers and a silky dark vermilion sport shirt. Open at the neck, she could see the dark hairs on his well-defined chest. She wanted to be in his arms so badly it was killing her.

“I’m taking you to my favorite restaurant at a hotel where Grieg stayed during his travels here. It’s rumored he never wanted to leave Ravello.”

“Of course he didn’t. I adore Grieg. During my pregnancy I must have listened to his first piano concerto dozens of times.”

He drove them out to the main road past flowered terraces and hanging gardens to the village center and pulled into the parking area reserved for the hotel patrons. Twilight had descended.

The maître d’ showed them out to a patio with candlelit tables overlooking the spectacular villa gardens. Sculptured topiary trees surrounded the fountain playing below. The sight took her breath. Grieg’s music, “Wedding Day at Troldhaugen,” could be heard in the background, adding to her sense of entrancement.

Giovanni’s eyes gleamed like jet between black lashes as he reached for her hand across the table. “Will you let me order for you?”
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