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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby

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He lifted his hands. “I swear.”

If he’d take off his sunglasses, she’d be able to see if he was kidding her.

“He said something else, too, but then you’d turn red like a lobster.”

“Thank you for editing his remarks.”

Giovanni’s low laughter resonated inside her. “Did you know the Ravello summer music festival is putting on a performance of Wagner’s Parsifal near the end of August? I don’t know who the tenor will be, but I’ll get front-row tickets for us whether it’s held indoors or outside.”

To see that with Giovanni would be another thrill of a lifetime. The thrills were stacking up minute by minute. Though she would probably be in Naples by that date, she kept the thought to herself. Valentina didn’t want to spoil their time together during this trip.

“You do too much. I can never repay you.”

“Our relationship isn’t based on payment.”

“I know. But I still want to thank you for your unending generosity.” Time to change the subject. “Where are we headed next, Captain?”

A smile broke out on his tanned face. “There’s another cove five minutes away where we’ll anchor for the night.”

* * *

After they carried the babies back to the boat, they took them downstairs to get them ready for bed. Then Giovanni went up on deck to drive the boat to the spot where they would spend the night. As he was lowering the anchor, his cell phone rang.

He’d put it in a dashboard compartment. After reaching for it, he checked the caller ID. His father knew he’d taken some time off. He wondered what reason had prompted him to call while Giovanni was on holiday.

He clicked on. “Papà?”

“Quanto tempo, figlio mio.”

It hadn’t been that long since they’d seen each other. This call was about something else.

“What’s the problem?”

“Claudio told me he saw you out dining last night with a very beautiful blonde woman. She’s Vito’s mamma, so don’t deny it.”

“I’m denying nothing. She’s with me now.”

“Tatania’s family is outraged that you’ve brought that woman into your house.”

His father misspoke. Only Salvatore was upset because it interfered with his plans to get Tatania back with Giovanni. “It’s my business surely. Our divorce was final months ago and don’t forget, she divorced me.”

“They’re suing the hospital. When you file suit, too, the publicity won’t be good if you’re involved with the Montanari woman.”

Ah. Now his father had gotten to the point. “I have no intention of suing the hospital.”

“Of course you will. This should never have happened.”

“Valentina and I talked it over. It was a terrible mistake, but there was no malice in what happened. Therefore there’s no justification in suing anyone. Since Tatania refused to see the baby after it was delivered, the switch meant nothing to her. Papà, you know full well that this is all coming from Salvatore and not Violeta, who is a reasonable woman and loves my birth son.

“As for Valentina and me, we’ve rectified the situation to our satisfaction. Now we’re involved in helping our babies adjust to the switch. It’s working beautifully.”

“Giovanni—” He lowered his voice. “Putting the suit aside, the Montanari woman was never married. Everyone’s talking about the sister of Rinieri Montanari who got pregnant out of wedlock by that amorous professor from the university. It doesn’t look good for my son who’s the CEO of Laurito’s to be seen in her company. Your judgment should be beyond reproach.”

“That’s too bad, Papà, because she has moved in with me. We and the babies are very happy. I’m on vacation and won’t be back in the office for a couple of days. We’ll talk then if you wish. I love you and Mamma. Ciao.”

Valentina was standing by him when he clicked off. His eyes swerved to her. “How much did you hear?”

“It’s started, hasn’t it? That man who stopped at our table last night, the one who kept undressing me with his eyes? He’s already gone running to your father.”

Giovanni nodded. Claudio might be married, but he had other women on the side. The way he’d looked at Valentina had disgusted him. “We knew this kind of trouble had to happen and have already discussed it.”

“But I know you love your father,” she persisted, “and you don’t want to disappoint him.”

“I know you love yours, but no one else is involved in this except you and me and our children.”

She moistened her lips nervously. “It could get ugly for you.”

“I won’t let it. We’re partners, remember?”

“How could I possibly forget?”

“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. Now let’s go downstairs to bed.”

He set the boat alarm and they went below. She changed into a pair of navy sweats he loved. Both children slept in their carry-cots in his cabin. When she would have gone to the other cabin, he said, “Stay in here with me tonight, Valentina. The queen-size bed is perfect for us. This way I can guard the three of you with no worry.”

Without waiting for her response, he swung her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed. “I might want to have my way with you, but only with your permission.”

“Not in front of the children,” she teased, but she stayed right there. “Where are you taking us tomorrow?”

“We’ll travel along the coast to the medieval village of Castellabate. It’s a World Heritage Site. Later in the day we’ll take the children ashore in their strollers so we can explore the small streets and alleys. You’ll love it. And if we’re up to it, we can walk to the thirteenth-century castle at the top for a spectacular view.”

“I’ve never been there before.”

“I seem to remember a restaurant that serves the best calamari and saffron risotto with porcini you ever tasted. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.”

“One would think that’s all you have on your mind.”

“That’s how much you know.” Without hesitation, Giovanni brushed her mouth briefly with his own. He’d been needing to do that or go out of his mind. She kissed him back, then turned to face the babies.

“Where did you go?” he whispered against her neck.

“This is happening too fast.”

“But I want to do it, again and again. Don’t tell me you didn’t like it because I wouldn’t believe you.”

His declaration was like a bolt of lightning penetrating her body. “I did like it. That’s not the point.”

“Then what is?”
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