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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby

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“Oh, I do. She would have loved Vito and teaching me how to be a good mother.”

“Trust me, Valentina. You already are because you’ve put his happiness before your own. That takes a very special person. If she were alive, she’d be tremendously proud of you.”

His praise caused her throat to swell. “I could say the same thing about your fatherly virtues, even if you do love business.”

“I love exploring new markets, but not the administrative duties.”

“Well, your company is depending on you to go on doing great things for them.”

“What about you?”

“I’ve made up my mind to take classes this winter semester to finish my degree.”

After a long silence, he said, “You can fly to Naples with me on the days you have classes. I’ll fly you home after.”

She raised herself up on one elbow. “Giovanni? You and I will be partners forever. But when I told you I’d live with you, I didn’t mean forever and neither did you. Once August is over, the boys will be better able to handle the separation. I’m planning to find an apartment in Naples near the university and put Vito in day care attached to the university. I’ll always want you to come by and bring Ric, but I need to make my own way.”

His brows furrowed. “If you’re thinking of doing this to protect my reputation, then forget it, Valentina.”

“Giovanni—this isn’t about you. It’s about me becoming independent. The women in the Montanari family don’t have careers. I’ll be the first.”

“You can do that. I’ll help you.”

“That’s the problem. I’ve been helped all my life. Now that I have a baby, I need to do this by myself.”

“How will you finance everything?”

“A student loan. If I’m careful, I can get through school. After that I’ll find a job and pay it back like thousands of other husbandless women do. You have no idea how much it would mean to me to make something of myself. Rini and Carlo have done it. So can I.”

“Your brothers got help, too. With your name being Montanari, the university won’t give you a loan.”

“You’re probably right, so I’ll apply under my mother’s maiden name.”

“That’s illegal. If you need a loan, I’ll give you one.”

She slid off the bench. “You’re a man in a million, Giovanni. I’ve always been given help, and now here you are offering to pay my expenses so I can finish school. As if I’d let you do that. I have to do this by myself, even if I have to get an entry-level job first and take another couple of years to get my degree. Please tell me you understand.”

He exhaled slowly. “I do. You’re the woman born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth. My admiration for you just keeps growing because you want to make your own way.”

Valentina hadn’t expected an answer like that. He always had a way to distill a potential problem. “Thank you for taking me seriously and for offering to help me financially.” She took another drink of water, then lay back down.

“You’re welcome. How soon are you going to look for a job?”

“In a couple of weeks.”

“Good. Then let’s forget those plans and enjoy the time we have together. How does that sound?”

Giovanni was being so kind and agreeable she hardly knew what to say. “I don’t deserve your kindness.”

“Deserve is an odd word. Why do you use it?”

She bit her lip. “I went against the principles I was brought up with by getting involved with Matteo. If I try hard to be the best mother and provider I can be for the rest of my life, then maybe I’ll be able to forgive myself.”

“That’s a lot of guilt you’re carrying around. I’m sure your family doesn’t make you feel that way. You’re an amazing woman. You need to be kind to yourself.”

“Thank you for saying that. You’re a terrific listener. It explains why your family looks to you for leadership.”

“I’ve noticed you have trouble accepting a compliment. You’d better get used to it because as I told you, I’ve never been so attracted to a woman.”

This wave of euphoria with the children would pass for him. However Valentina feared her attachment to him went much deeper than that. She buried her face in her arms until she knew no more.

CHAPTER SEVEN (#u92268d9d-279b-5cb9-ad43-b3a18bd3bb16)

VALENTINA PROPPED THE babies in their swings by the pool while she looked for a job on her laptop. Since Giovanni had taken them down the coast on the cruiser two weeks ago, the time had flown by and she needed to get busy.

He’d gone to work each business day, but had come home early to play with the children. They’d settled down to a routine and last weekend had spent time touring the grounds of the Villa Cimbrone, for which Ravello was famous.

Their long walks and talks while they enjoyed the babies had been heavenly. But pretty soon she needed to register for school if she was going to go at all.

“Valentina?” She looked up to see Giovanni walking toward her. “I missed you at breakfast. What’s going on?”

She was always so thrilled to see him, she could hardly breathe. “I got up early to look for a part-time job that will fit with my studies.”

“I’m glad you’re going ahead with your plans.”

“You really mean that?”

“Of course. I know how important getting that degree is to you. Have you decided where you want to live?”

“I’ve already found an apartment online, but I need to see it in person and visit the day-care center I have my eye on. Rini told me he’d give me enough money until I receive my first paycheck from the job. Then I’ll pay him back.”

“Good for you.”

“Giovanni—you have no idea how much your support means to me.” Her voice caught. “You’ve done everything for me and I’ve done nothing in return.”

“What are you talking about?” He gripped her upper arms, pulling her out of the deck chair. Lines had darkened his face. “You’ve helped me transition from being a robot into a flesh-and-blood human being and father. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Don’t you understand?”

He pressed a kiss to her lips and shook her gently before his hands slid away with seeming reluctance. The contact sent her pulse racing. “A-are you leaving now?” she asked, her voice faltering.

“Yes. I’ll see all of you after I get home from work and we’ll talk some more about your plans.” He acted like he wanted to say more, then changed his mind and walked back in the house. Before long she saw the helicopter fly off, taking her heart with him.

No sooner had he gone than she heard a voice. “Valentina?” She turned her head in time to see Giovanni’s mother-in-law walking toward her.

“Violeta—how nice to see you.” Both she and Giovanni’s mother had come by twice in the past two weeks. Valentina had missed her mother horribly and enjoyed both women’s company.

“The babies are adorable, but it’s you I need to talk to.”

“Please sit down, Violeta. How are you?”
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