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Pregnancy Proposals: The Duke's Baby

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Andrea was aghast.

“I told her to go to hell, then I drove away and stayed at Giles’s house. He’s my best friend. We talked everything over and came to the conclusion that the only thing I could do was leave the country for an indefinite period. That way Corinne couldn’t have access to me on any level, and she’d give up.”

“That’s why you joined the military?” Andrea cried.

He eyed her solemnly. “It was the only solution.”

“What a brilliant move on your part,” Andrea murmured. “You had a legitimate excuse for being gone where she couldn’t come after you. But it had to be the last thing you ever thought of doing in your life.”

“I was young, I needed to leave and it seemed like an exciting option,” his voice grated.

“Your father must have suffered terrible pain when he found out.”

“Except for the fact that he had a new wife and stepdaughter to keep him occupied. By the time their marriage ended he was used to my being gone.

“I must say that from the beginning he hid it well. Once he got back from his honeymoon, I phoned to tell him I’d decided to go into the service as a classified officer where I could use my engineering training. I half expected to hear that Corinne had carried out her threat, and he wanted an accounting. When he answered, I was prepared for the worst.

“To my astonishment, he said he was proud of me for choosing to serve our country. Then he confided what he’d learned from Corinne.

“Apparently she told him the two of us had gotten physically involved and were so attracted, I thought it best to leave for a discreet amount of time. On my next leave, we’d explore our emotional feelings and see if they led to marriage.”

“You’re right,” Andrea murmured. “She’s incredibly clever.”

“Clever like a psychotic vixen. I decided to let Papa go on believing her lie for the sake of peace in his new marriage. I hoped that in time Corinne would give up her impossible fantasy and move out.

“After my father’s second divorce she ended up in the hospital following a failed suicide attempt.”

Sickened by what she’d just heard, Andrea couldn’t lie there any longer and slid off the bed. “Did she really mean it?”

His hands curled into fists. “I doubt she intended to go through with it, but you never know. Her talent for manipulation is unexcelled. She’d claimed Papa for her new father and wasn’t about to let that relationship go.

“He felt sorry for her and brought her home. Slowly she began wrapping her tentacles around him. I’m afraid he allowed it because of the guilt he felt over his second marriage not working.”

“I can understand that. Guilt has a lot to answer for.”


“Yet while he suffered, her true intent was to lie in wait for you.”

“Afraid so. Father set up Odette in a new apartment in Paris, but Corinne stayed on with him, and never left the château except to travel.

“After I learned about my condition, I saw no point to my life except to stay in the service. I worked my leaves around her absences to visit Papa, but there were times when I couldn’t avoid her.”

“Ten years in exile is too high a price to pay.”

This time it was Lance who groaned. “When you don’t give a damn about anything, you don’t notice time passing. Not until I received a phone call from Henri telling me about Papa’s illness. It made me realize he needed me. That’s when I decided to come home for good.”

She took a fortifying breath. “Are you sure Corinne isn’t the real reason you asked me to marry you?”

His eyes turned to flint.

“If you can ask me that question, then you don’t know me at all and a marriage between us would never work.”

“Don’t go, Lance—” she cried as he started to leave the room. “I’m trying to understand. When you kissed me in front of her—”

“I did what came naturally,” he cut her off. “We’re going to be married soon. We’re having a baby. In private I’ll never ask you to do anything you don’t want to do, but in public I plan to treat you like my wife. If you have a problem with that, tell me now.”

She swallowed hard. “No, of course not.”

“Then let’s go downstairs.”

As they left her room, Andrea felt Lance’s fingers twine through hers in a tight grasp. When they reached the doors leading to the terrace, he turned and put his hands on her shoulders. His eyes held a fierce glint.

“You don’t have to do this if Corinne makes you uncomfortable. I’ll talk to Papa in private.”

“No, Lance. She’s part of your family. If not now, when?” Only a sick woman would hold him and his father captive with her lies all these years.

“Andrea—” his voice grated. She had the curious feeling he was about to kiss her again when Corinne opened the doors. She must have been standing there waiting for them.

The other woman flashed Lance an odd smile. “Geoff’s been counting the minutes.”

“So have we.”

He ushered Andrea past Corinne. They moved out to the patio where lunch had been served.

Geoff’s gaze fastened on Andrea. “Excellent. We’re all together. Where did Lance take you to dinner last night?”

“A little inn called Le Marronier d’Or. The bacon crêpe was out of this world.”

“That means he took you to Merlin’s trysting place as well.”

Andrea nodded. “We saw a magnificent stag.”

He smiled. “Were you able to get a picture?”

“No.” She let out a soft laugh. “Isn’t that the way it always goes?”

Lance put a hand on her thigh beneath the table. She felt the heat curl through her sensitized body. “I’ll take her another night when we’re more prepared.”

Corinne had seated herself next to Geoff. “I told him you had news of vital importance, Lance.”

“But I couldn’t pry it out of her,” Geoff admitted.

“I can always count on Corinne.” Lance sounded so sincere, Andrea wouldn’t have understood the double entendre if she hadn’t known all the facts. “In truth you’ve been such a good stepsister to keep my secret, I give you permission to tell Papa right now.”

It was obvious Corinne hadn’t been prepared for that sally, but she recovered with remarkable aplomb. She turned to Lance’s father with her fingers woven together around her wineglass.

“Would you believe Lance and Mrs. Fallon have fallen in love and are planning to be married right away? What has it been? All of three or four days since Lance came home?”
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