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Pregnancy Proposals: The Duke's Baby

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“I believe it.” Geoff smiled. “I watched it happen.”

Andrea decided Geoff was a great actor himself. His comment seemed to throw Corinne. She turned to Andrea.

“How long has it been since you buried your husband? Did I understand two months?”

“Three,” Andrea corrected her.

Her gaze flew to Andrea’s left hand. “It sounds like the fastest courtship in history. Is that the ring your deceased husband gave you?”

“It’s the one I bought for her,” Lance spoke up. He looked at his father. “Last night I asked Andrea to marry me, and she said yes.”

Andrea knew Geoff would always behave like the great gentleman he was, but she didn’t expect to see the illuminating smile that lit up his eyes. He studied both of them for the longest time.

“Except for Lance coming home in one piece, that’s the best news I’ve ever heard. Congratulations you two.” He stood up and walked around to Andrea. “Let me welcome you to the family.”

Lance squeezed her arm before she got to her feet to hug his father. He kissed her on both cheeks. She felt his happiness. It couldn’t all be pretense. The knowledge filled her with relief.

When he reached for Lance, the two men embraced with the kind of warmth between a father and son who loved each other without reservation.

Corinne held back. “You don’t honestly expect people to believe you’re in love this fast—”

“Why not?” Geoff took his place once more. “There’s no accounting for matters of the heart. Lance has asked Andrea to be his wife. We’ve got a wedding to plan.”

“But he can’t marry her—” Corinne blurted.

Geoff studied his stepdaughter for a moment. “Whatever do you mean, ma chérie?“

“They haven’t waited a decent interval. Her husband’s barely dead. What will people say?”

“Corinne?” Andrea addressed her. “Since you and I are going to be related through marriage, there’s something you should know.”

Her jaw hardened. “What else is there?”

“I’m sure you’re familiar with the old expression about a door closing and another one opening. It’s true my husband only passed away recently, but he left me a precious legacy.”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”

“I’m pregnant.”

The news must have stunned Corinne because she went perfectly still.

“For the sake of my health and the baby’s, Lance and I have decided to marry as soon as possible.”

“Did you know about this?” Corinne demanded of Geoff.

A little smile broke the corner of his mouth. “When Dr. Foucher came to see me yesterday morning, he told me Andrea had been to see Dr. Semplis at the clinic the other day. Naturally I was sworn to secrecy. But under the circumstances I can shout it to the world!”

“You’re going to get the grandchild you’ve always wanted, Papa.”

There was an undercurrent of excitement in Lance’s voice that let Andrea know she’d done the right thing to accept his proposal.

“Except that it won’t be a Du Lac.”

Andrea heard his sharp intake of breath. “It will once we say I do at the altar,” Lance informed her. “In fact it will be exactly like the way you became a Du Lac when your mother married my father.”

The strange expression in Corinne’s eyes sent a shudder through Andrea’s body.

“When did you first suspect you were pregnant?” Geoff wanted to know.

“I didn’t have a clue. The doctor had to tell me. No one could have been more surprised than I was.”

In the next breath she told him about her premature menopausal condition and the subsequent chain of events that had happened after Lance found her sick in the forest.

“Your son lived up to his name. He was a true knight who didn’t need anything but Tonnerre for his great deed.”

Geoff laughed. “Now I understand why Brigitte was so worried about you. She said you haven’t eaten anything while you’ve been here. My wife was like that in the beginning. She couldn’t keep anything down.”

“Obviously all that suffering was worth it,” Andrea said.

“Indeed it was.” He stared at Lance. “She gave me a most wonderful son.”

“I agree. You and Lance are blessed to have each other. I can’t wait till my baby’s born.”

“Have you thought of names yet?”

“Give her time, Papa,” Lance broke in. “She barely learned she’s enceinte.“

“Actually I’ve had names picked out for years,” Andrea interjected. “If you can believe, Richard’s great-grandfather was a French-Canadian named Geoffroi Fallon.”

“Incroyable!” Geoff exclaimed.

“I always planned to name a boy after him. When I first met you and learned your name, it took on even deeper meaning for me. Of course if I have a girl, I’ll name her Germaine. That was the middle name of Richard’s great-grandmother.”

The older man’s smile widened. “This calls for a celebration!”

“Not until after the bébé arrives,” Lance declared. “No alcohol for Andrea.”

Always the protector … She had to admit she liked being looked after by him. How did he know so much about a pregnant woman’s needs? It was a luxury totally foreign to her.

She put a hand on Geoff’s arm. “It’s a celebration just to be a guest in your fabulous home. To be honest, ever since I came to Brittany I’ve felt like I was in a beautiful dream.”

Lance’s lips twitched. “Except for the nausea.”

Andrea chuckled. “I suppose you have to accept a little bitter when you’ve been given something so sweet. A miracle has happened to me. I was reading in one of the parenting books Lance bought me. Do you realize that in three months my baby is already fully formed with its little finger and toenails and eyelids.”

A happy laugh broke from Geoff. “You must get a nursery ready.”

“Everything in order, Papa. First thing tomorrow I’m going to drive Andrea to Rennes. I want her to see Maman’s family home. I’ve decided to open it up and we’ll live there.”
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