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The Baby Dilemma

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She sucked in her breath. “Yes. Philippe will be receiving the papers next week.”

“It’s going to kill him.”

“Don’t say that.”

“I have to say it because I know my brother. You think a divorce will force him to marry Yvette, but you’re wrong. He loves you. Our whole family loves you.”

“I love all of you, too,” her voice trembled. “I love you for caring so much, but Yvette and her baby are the important ones here.”

There was a pause. “Kellie?”

She wiped her eyes with the back of her free hand. “Yes?”

“You’re the only wife he wants.”

“He’ll change his mind when he’s there for the delivery and lays eyes on his little lookalike for the first time.”

“I think you’re wrong.”


“I’m sorry. I promised myself I wouldn’t put pressure on you, and that’s all I’ve done since I rang.”

“You have no reason to apologize. I’m so awful I haven’t even asked how things are going with Jules.”

“They’re not.”


“Unlike my brother, I think he’s a real playboy who’ll never settle down. He’s too attractive, has too much money. He can put on a convincing act that I’m the only woman for him, but I know deep down that’s not true.

“One day he’ll get bored and move on. I feel it in my bones. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve had my last date with him. I’ve got to keep looking for Mr. Perfect. Unfortunately no one ever measures up to Philippe.”

It always came down to Philippe.

No one could compare to him, but Kellie did know one man who had many of her husband’s sterling qualities. It was his good friend, Roger. Ever since she’d met him, she’d thought he and Claudine might hit it off. It was a subject she’d intended to broach with her husband.

Now there was no more Philippe. At least not in her world.

“I can tell you want to hang up, Kellie. Please call me once in a while. I couldn’t take it if you cut me off, too.”

“I would never do that. You’ll hear from me soon. I swear it.”

“A tout à l’heure, chérie.”

“À bientôt, chère Claudine.”

Kellie hung up the phone, dissolved in fresh tears.

Unable to bear the pain, she ran through the house to her room and collapsed on the bed.



Her head swerved toward the nurse. “Yes?”

“Dr. Evans wants to talk to you. As soon as you’re dressed, just step into his office.”

“All right.”

Dr. Evans had been the Madsen family doctor for as long as she could remember. He’d seen her through everything from tonsils and stitches to fractures and flu.

Lately she’d been having headaches and could pinpoint the onset of them to the day Kellie’s attorney had sent Philippe’s solicitor the divorce papers by express mail. The packet had gone out a week ago. Since then, the calls from Philippe had stopped.

It was what she’d wanted, but she couldn’t help but be anxious about him and needed to know if the baby had been born yet. She could always phone Claudine. However a part of her was afraid that if she did that, she’d break down crying again and it would make her headaches worse.

Hopefully Kellie’s doctor could prescribe something to take them away. The normal over-the-counter drugs weren’t helping.

A few minutes later she left the examining room and walked into his office. He was waiting for her. “Sit down, Kellie.”

After she’d taken a seat opposite his desk he smiled at her. “I believe I’ve discovered the source of your headaches, but I’ll leave it up to your obstetrician for a final determination.”

Kellie blinked. Obstetrician?

He stared at her. “You didn’t have any idea you were pregnant?”

She lurched in the chair. If she hadn’t been holding on to the sides, she might have fallen out of it.

His expression grew solemn. “I take it you and your husband hadn’t planned on starting a family yet.”

“No— I—I mean we did want a baby. But we c-can’t have one now. We just can’t!” she cried in anguish.

He leaned toward her, looking at her in that confiding way. “Kellie? In twenty-five years I’ve never seen you this emotional. Obviously something traumatic is going on in your life, thus the reason for the headaches.”

His confiding tone had the effect of opening the dam. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

He passed her the box of tissues on his desk. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Dr. Evans had always been like a father confessor, but for the first time in her life, she found she couldn’t talk to him. Not about this.

How could she explain her feelings over finding out she was pregnant with Philippe’s child when he was awaiting the birth of his son right now? Maybe Yvette had already delivered.

“I’m sorry,” she said a few minutes later, lifting her head to wipe her eyes. “Please forgive my outburst. Thank you for seeing me, but right now I’m afraid I have to go.” She shot out of the chair.

His concerned gaze followed her to the door. “I’m the one who’s sorry. In light of your pregnancy, promise me you’ll get hold of an OB right away. Dr. Cutler’s one of the best. His office is on the second floor. Tell him I referred you.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Evans.”
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