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The Baby Dilemma

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“I’m afraid it’s always been the other way around,” Kellie whispered in pain. “After what you’ve told me, getting on my knees isn’t going to be nearly enough.”

“Love will find a way.”

“I pray that’s true because I love him more than life itself!”

They regarded each other for a long moment before Lee said, “You have to admit it’s an amazing coincidence that our husbands married American women. To find out you and I are the same nationality has been so exciting for me.”

“Me, too. The truth is, Philippe and I could hardly wait for you to return from your honeymoon. We had this whole evening planned to welcome you back and really get acquainted.”

“So did we! You should hear Raoul talk about all the things the four of us are going to do together in the future.”

“If there is one,” Kellie’s voice broke.

Lee’s expression sobered. “When we found out you were divorcing him, you have no idea what a crushing blow it was to us. My husband has taken it very hard. He’ll do anything to facilitate a reunion.”

“Your presence here is testimony of that fact. Philippe’s blessed to have such friends. He told me about the time Raoul saved him on the mountain. Now you’re here to rescue him again.”

“It’s no more than Philippe did for Raoul.”

“What do you mean?”

“If it weren’t for your husband, Raoul and I would never have met. I’ll tell you about it on the plane.”

“I want to hear everything. Please excuse me while I talk to my family and pack. I’ll try not to take long.”

“Don’t worry. In the meantime, I’ll call my husband and let him know what’s happening.”

“Come in my grandfather’s den where there’s a phone and you can have your privacy.”

Thirteen hours later their private jet landed in Geneva where the official came on board to stamp their passports. When he left, Lee and Kellie went out to the black limousine bearing the D’Arillac royal crest. It sat parked a few feet beyond the stairs. The tinted glass prevented anyone from seeing inside.

One of the stewards stowed their bags in the trunk while Kellie followed Lee into the back of the limo. The door closed and they were off to Neuchàtel.

“Petite—” she heard the prince cry an endearment before pulling his wife into his arms.

Kellie took the seat opposite them and tried to look anywhere else while he kissed her. Talk about two people in love! They reminded her so much of the way it had once been between her and Philippe, she was wounded all over again.

“Raoul, darling?” she heard Lee finally say in a husky voice. “Meet Kellie Didier.”

“How do you do, your highness.”

His brilliant blue gaze flicked to Kellie. “Please—call me Raoul,” he said in English with hardly a trace of accent. With one arm still hugging his wife tightly, he clasped Kellie’s hand for a moment before letting go. “Thank God you came. Philippe is badly in need of his wife.”

Kellie struggled not to fall apart. “I need him even more. Thanks to you and the princess, I know what’s happened. You have no idea how grateful I am for all you’ve done to make this easier for me. As I told your wife, someday I’ll find a way to repay you.”

A grave expression spread over his attractive features. “The only thing of importance is that you’re here now. You do understand his fragile emotional state?” he asked with an underlying trace of demand.

She couldn’t blame him for being protective of his best friend. In fact she loved him for it.

“Darling,” Lee cautioned softly. “Kellie’s in a pretty fragile state herself.”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t tell him?” Kellie asked her.

Lee shook her head. “I didn’t think it was my place.”

Raoul stared at Kellie. “Tell me what?”

“I found out I’m going to have a baby.”

He shook his handsome dark-blond head. “Unbelievable.”

Her news had shocked him. But not as much as it had shocked Kellie who still couldn’t comprehend the fact that she was going to be a mother.

“I should be congratulating you,” he added. “Instead all I can think of is that when Philippe hears the news, he’ll believe it’s the only reason you came to Switzerland.”

“I’m way ahead of you,” Kellie’s voice shook. “That’s why he mustn’t be told about it until—until—”

“How can we help?” he broke in.

“You’ve already done so much, I’m ashamed.”

“Kellie— I know in my gut you and Philippe would do the same thing for us if our positions were reversed.”

“Of course we would,” she avowed. “Philippe looks on you as a brother.”

“The feeling’s mutual so there’ll be no more talk on that score.” He sat back in the seat while he clung to his wife. “Do you have a plan of what you want to do first? It goes without saying that our home is at your disposal.”

“Thank you.” She smoothed the hair out of her eyes. “During the flight I thought of several ways to approach him, but in the end I was afraid they’d all fail. Then Lee told me about Philippe’s plan to help you when you found out your marriage date to Princess Sophie had been brought forward. That’s when an idea came to me.”

“What a black day that was,” he confessed.

“As I understand it, Philippe talked you into luring the princess to your chalet in Zermatt with the hope she’d call off your wedding when she found out the two of you had nothing in common.”

Raoul nodded before smiling at his wife. “Then you showed up in her place.” He kissed her again.

Kellie cleared her throat. “I—I was thinking we might try his strategy in reverse?”

The prince was quick on the uptake. He turned his head and looked at Kellie with a shrewd regard. “So Philippe shows up at the chalet before the climb and finds you in residence.”

“Yes. For one thing, it might be better for us to meet on neutral ground where we’re away from his work or any associations to do with us. The apartment has too many memories that could tear both of us apart.

“For another, I left my keys on the dresser before I left Neuchàtel. I’d have to ask the concierge to let me in the apartment. He’d probably warn Philippe firs—”

“There’s no probably about it. The penthouse has become a fortress,” Raoul was swift to respond. It gave Kellie a deeper glimpse into Philippe’s tortured psyche. She shivered at the uphill battle ahead of her.

“Beyond surprising my husband at your chalet, I don’t have any other ideas yet.”
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