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Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 2 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)

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• Провели форум «Бизнес и социальные организации», объединивший на одной площадке компании и социальные государственные и некоммерческие организации.

• Провели выставку-ярмарку «Профессиональный маршрут», в которой приняли участие более 300 молодых людей с низкими стартовыми возможностями.

• Запустили новую услугу «карьерное консультирование» для кандидатов с инвалидностью с опытом работы.

• На 100 % расширили количество трудоустройств в малый бизнес за счет кооперации с крупным бизнесом по модели организации рабочих мест (закрытие квотированных вакансий).

• Усилили блок фандрайзинга и продаж в проекте.

• Сделали более 200 коммуникационных материалов на тему инклюзивного трудоустройства и инноваций в этой сфере, включая выступления и освещение на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме, Международном форуме труда, Форуме ESG.


В 2021 году добавилось 87 новых кейсов трудоустройства, что является самым высоким показателем, начиная с 2019 года, остальные трудоустроенные кандидаты продолжали получать поддержку с 2020 года. В итоге к концу 2021 года 687 кандидатов получили первый опыт работы с поддержкой центра.


• Общее количество молодых людей, получивших поддержку в трудоустройстве – 535.

• 143 соискателя работали продолжительное время.

• Кандидаты были трудоустроены в 49 компаний на 66 разных вакансий.


• Компании получают дополнительный персонал, развивают инклюзивный наём.

• Молодые люди – участники проекта – получают оплачиваемое место занятости.

• Модель трудоустройства через организацию рабочих мест и аутстаффинг в малый бизнес – это пример шеринг-экономики.

• В целом, проект приводит к существенному положительному изменению жизненных траекторий его участников за счет их закрепления на открытом рынке труда и получения инструментов для дальнейшей экономической самостоятельности.


Финансовая устойчивость достигается за счет сочетания дохода в ООО (получения валовой прибыли) и благотворительных пожертвований в БФ. Доход в ООО – реализация услуг (трудоустройство в штат компаний, предоставление персонала (аутстаффинг), организация рабочих мест для компаний с целью закрытия квотированных вакансий и исполнения законодательства.

New Life of the Publishing Project "Catalog "Social Entrepreneurship of Russia"

In this issue, we have compiled a list of businesses implementing social impact projects. The organizations are numerous, but not all of them match their activities with the emerging opportunities of Social Impact Bonds (SIB). Their format is defined by Decree of the Russian Government No.1491 of 21.11.2019 "On the Organization of Pilot Testing of Social Impact Projects by the Subjects of the Russian Federation in 2019–2024" and described in detail in the articles by Yuliya Vyatkina "The Long Game: Growth Points and Prospects of Social Impact Bonds in Russia" and Ivan Smekalin "The Social Investment Sandboxes: How Social Impact Bonds are Developing Globally".

In each case below, we find it important to show the reader that an environment for social investment is already actively developing in Russia, which may include not only large businesses, large corporations and entire regions of the Russian Federation, but also those agents that remain invisible on the social investment map of business publications, but actually represent the real foundation of this social investment and act on the cutting edge of social and economic development.

If this invisible "middle class" of social investors, on the one hand, and another frequently invisible class of the leaders of positive changes – social entrepreneurs, on the other hand, can get together and join efforts, understand and create a shared vision of the future, then the social entrepreneurship market will benefit from increased awareness and a surge of social investment using a variety of tools, including SIB.

Enjoy discovering a new, positive economic agenda for our country!

Vladimir Vainer

Director of Positive Changes Factory

Special Assembly

A Social Enterprise for Employment of People with Intellectual Disabilities


The Special Assembly Project provides a full range of hand-packing services for small and medium-sized businesses and assembling corporate gifts. The social enterprise employs more than 100 employees with special needs. They perform commercial orders and get paid regularly. The most successful participants are employed in various enterprises of the city, if they wish.


There are more than 3,000 people with mental disabilities in Moscow that would like to get a job but remain unemployed. The "Special Assembly" social enterprise was created specifically for the employment of people with intellectual disabilities. Most of them are very responsible people who want to do good for the society. They are ready to perform simple labor tasks following a given pattern for a long time.


Repeated winner of the Presidential Grants Fund, the Absolute-Help Foundation, the SAP UP Grand Prix, winner of the Russian Public Chamber’s competition "My Project for My Country".


RUB 13.5 million


The social enterprise has reached the break-even point; the School of Employment, which trains and employs people with mental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the open labor market, was established; an original "inclusive employment" technology has been developed and implemented. The School of Employment operates all year round, training people with special needs on the basics of various professions (picker, courier, baker’s assistant, call center operator, cloakroom attendant). The school is open to the most successful employees of the "Special Assembly" social enterprise who have mastered the necessary work competencies and are socialized in the work team to the greatest extent.


30 people have been employed in the open labor market; 123 people worked at the "Special Assembly" social enterprise.


All the project beneficiaries improved their financial situation. 87 % of parents had extra free time to spend on leisure and work. 75 % of project participants have developed strong social ties, and 95 % feel more successful. The result is an improved quality of life for all project beneficiaries.


The company provides services including manual packaging, labeling, assembly, picking, quality control of commercial products for small and medium-sized businesses. The services are provided by people with disabilities, and in doing so they acquire work skills that allow them to find employment in the open labor market.

The New Friendly Town

An Innovative Program for Children with Special Needs and Abilities


The Friendly Town is an inclusive camp project that socializes children and young adults with disabilities. Here children learn things beyond the school curriculum, things they cannot always learn at home, such as accepting themselves and others as bright individuals, being ready for challenges and changes in life, being able to listen and negotiate, accepting failures positively and striving for development. The project also features the Inclusive Gathering – an experience-sharing and training event for representatives of NGOs and educational institutions of the Perm Territory. The event brings together those eager to contribute to the development of an inclusive environment for children and youth.


Socialization of children with disabilities and the formation of an inclusive space for children and youth.
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