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Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 2 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)

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• 2.6 million interest-free loan to open a co-working space.


1. Everland has opened Moscow's first inclusive co-working space for people with disabilities to learn and work, as well as to test hypotheses for offline work together with businesses.

2. Everland has completed more than 10 high-level projects with businesses to make services accessible to customers with disabilities in offline infrastructure (Perekrestok – 5 regions, 400 stores, 4,000 employees trained) and online infrastructure (website, mobile app): Tinkoff Bank, Alfa Bank, Pyaterochka, M.Video – Eldorado Group, Leaders of Russia competition, Sovcombank, MegaFon, Rosbank, etc.).

3. Large-scale projects have been implemented to create inclusive teams in three companies – more than 160 people employed in total.

4. Another large-scale project, called «OncoNavigator», has been launched to raise awareness of cancer patients. Roadmaps have been developed for 20 localizations of cancer (lung, breast, nasopharynx, reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Materials are presented in the form of patient guidelines adapted to the Russian experience. The project audience is more than 3 million people.

5. The following research has been conducted:

• accessibility of digital infrastructure (websites and mobile applications) for blind users – 12 industries, 50 companies, more than 100 platforms;

• the key barriers to entry into the labor market for job seekers with disabilities.

6. Everland participated in an international project involving a study of the barriers and incentives for social entrepreneurial projects operated by people with disabilities. The study was conducted jointly with the INTAMT (International Academy of Management and Technology) on behalf of the German Foreign Ministry. In addition, Everland founder Igor Novikov worked on developing a strategy for employing people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan.


More than 550 people with disabilities got jobs in the open labor market with an average salary of 18,000 to 40,000 rubles a month.


We believe the key effect is the identification of the niches that will help us reduce the cost of impact to 25,000 rubles and improve the consistency and sustainability of our work by introducing a system of employment pre-training for people with disabilities. Also we managed to implement several major projects in different areas, to ensure the service availability – these will likely be implemented on our partner companies’ platforms. This is extremely important for the business and for our target audience. We managed to create two sustainable projects for the employment of people with disabilities in partner companies – more than 20 people were hired in the first project and more than 100 people in the second one, they went through onboarding and have been working for more than 8 months so far. We were also able to launch an inclusive co-working space and test important hypotheses related to offline work for people with disabilities.


Sustainable and real integration of people with various types of disabilities into the open labor market, with performance-based compensation based on general market terms. Empowering a person with a disability from an encumbrance into a full-fledged value-adding member of the society.


70 % of project’s income comes from provision of services and 30 % is raised from various programs.

My career

Developing Young People's Employment Skills


My Career project aims to create conditions for an equal and successful start in life for vulnerable groups of young people. This goal is achieved by developing their social skills, increasing motivation and opportunities for employment and career building. The project includes online job skills training, on-the-job internships and trainings.


The secondary vocational education (SVE) system produces between 750,000 and 1.2 million graduates a year. At the same time, graduates of these programs demonstrate a high unemployment rate (31 % in Russia as of 2019). About 40 % of SVE graduates work outside their profession, mainly choosing jobs that do not require special education. Young people from this group feel less confident in the labor market, with little opportunity to "see the profession from the inside" and to see what suits them best. My Career project addresses the issue of the lack of preparation for the start of professional activity.


1. Vocational guidance, improvement of employment skills and career development for the graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions with the aim of realizing the abilities of young people from vulnerable groups, improving the competitiveness of human capital.

2. Improving the quality of life for graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions from vulnerable groups, as well as their family members.

3. Developing the practices of vocational guidance and additional career education systems for primary and secondary vocational education graduates.


• Two-day training sessions for teachers and staff of the SVE institutions on the use of My Career online platform.

• Deployment of My Career online platform, enabling vocational guidance and development of employment skills for vulnerable youth at SVE institutions. Organization and support of training for vulnerable youth on My Career platform, with special modules for young people with disabilities. Conducting two online workshops (webinars on two topics built into the training course on the platform) and 10 face-to-face ones and/or consultations by experts and representatives of employers for students on the My Career platform.

• Selecting at least 20 most active students for My Career Journey peer mentor training.

• A 5-day My Career Journey training program.

• Cooperation with regional employers and HR departments, Center for Promotion of Graduate Employment, strengthening interdepartmental cooperation between all stakeholders.

• Organizing and supporting training for vulnerable groups of youth on My Career platform, with a special "Starting Your Own Business" module, and other courses. Organizing internships and tours of production facilities and companies for project participants.

• Organizing support/mentoring for graduates with disabilities and people of other vulnerable categories: locating a mentor, organizing meetings and workshops, special events (preparing an individual plan, job search, support during interviews).

• Organizing supported employment for vulnerable groups of graduates, monitoring and support for workplace retention.


2nd place in the "Leaders of corporate philanthropy" competition (2016), the project is the winner of the Presidential Grants Fund competition (2018), the competition of the Public Relations Committee of Moscow, a finalist of the competition "Testing Pilot Projects of Social Impact in Supported Employment, Development of the Monitoring and Evaluation of Socially-Oriented Non-Profit Supported Employment Organizations under the Government Decree No. 1491 of 21 November 2019 "On the Organization of Trials of Social Impact Projects by the Constituent Units of the Russian Federation in 2019–2024"


11.7 million rubles


• More than 90 educators received training with My Career online tool. 3,200 young people from six regions registered on My Career platform; almost 1,035 completed all training courses and prepared a high-quality resume; of these, more than 250 gained experience of temporary or regular employment, more than 340 people participated in internships at hotels, banks, manufacturing companies and small businesses;

• For 80 adolescents with disabilities, the training program was adapted – using the platform under the guidance of supervisors, including active college students. The participants learned not only the basic employment skills, but also the safe job search rules, which is very important for this category; 148 vulnerable teenagers were trained on the "Starting Your Own Business" platform module;

• 600 high school and college students from 6 Russian regions (City of St. Petersburg and Leningrad, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk and Moscow regions) attended two online lectures on successful career building and job search, held together with representatives of large businesses – Schneider Electric, Caterpillar and SVEZA.


A survey of project participants trained on My Career platform showed the following results: 80.7 % of the respondents made a choice of their future profession;

75.2 % reported a significant improvement in communication, presentation, and resume writing skills;

44 % of the respondents said the platform helped them shape their plans for the future;

46 % of the respondents believe it is currently possible to find employment in their chosen profession or in the field of work that is attractive to them;
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