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A Short History of French Literature

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Madame de la Fayette also wrote La Comtesse de Tende, and interesting Memoirs of Henrietta of England. Zaïde was published under the name of Segrais, who was a nouvelle-writer of no great merit, though a pleasant poet.


See H. Bonhomme, Le Cabinet des Fées.


Ed. Lefèvre. Paris, 1875. Ed. Lang. Oxford, 1888.


The following paragraph contains, except as far as Mézeray is concerned, chiefly second-hand information. I have hitherto been unable to devote the time necessary to enable me to speak at first hand of these books, which are very bulky, not as a rule interesting or important in manner, and for the most part long obsolete in matter.


The legend, familiar probably to most readers, is that Vertot required documents for his account of a certain military operation. Tired with waiting for them, he constructed the history out of his own head, and when they arrived made the ejaculation in the text.


This, with some other of the pieces here mentioned, will be found in two volumes of the Collection Didot, entitled Petits Chefs d'œuvre Historiques.


Ed. Feillet, Gourdault and Chantelauze. Paris (in progress).


Ed. Gilbert et Gourdault. Paris, 1868-81.


Ed. Feuillet de Conches. 19 vols. Paris, 1854-61.


Memoirs, ed. Chéruel. 20 vols. Paris, 1873. Now being re-edited by M. de Boislisle. Miscellaneous works are also appearing.


Ed. Bertrand et de Cosnac. Vol. i. Paris, 1882.


Ed. Monmerqué. 14 vols. Paris, 1861-66, to which must be added 2 vols. of Lettres Inédites discovered and published by M. Capmas.


A full and excellently edited selection has been given by A. Geffroy. 2 vols. Paris, 1887.


10 vols. Paris, 1855-63.


10 vols. in 5. Ed. Monmerqué. Third edition. Paris, n. d.


He has not recently been re-edited, but a selection was published in 1822.


Editions of Pascal are numerous, but a complete and definite one is still wanting. Of the Pensées, etc., the editions of Faugère, Havet, and Rocher may be mentioned; of the Provinciales, the edition of 1867.


Ed. Giraud. 3 vols. Paris, 1866. (A selection only, but containing almost everything of importance.)


Perhaps Anthony Hamilton should be added, as a channel of communication with Saint Evremond and some of the seventeenth century coterie-writers.


Ed. as before noticed. The Maxims have been constantly reprinted by themselves.


Ed. Servois. Paris, 1865-1882.


Under the head of this chapter, in an exhaustive history, not a few classes of writers might be ranged. Such are, besides great numbers of miscellaneous writers of criticism from Corneille in his Examens downwards, the classical commentators, editors, and translators. Few of these have left a very enduring reputation. In the earlier part of the century Perrot d'Ablancourt, a fertile translator, may be mentioned. His work was so free that his versions were called 'les belles infidèles,' but Boileau himself admitted that he was a master of French style. In the latter part the best-known and perhaps the most remarkable name is that of the still famous Madame Dacier. Many of the early members of the Academy, and some who never attained to its ranks, have left a reputation more anecdotic than strictly literary, such as Ménage (a representative of the class), Cotin, Costar, Bautru, etc. But they can only be alluded to here. Law also contributed in the person of Patru, a writer for the most part on professional topics, but occasionally on literature, who is ranked by Boileau with Perrot d'Ablancourt in respect of style.


Not fully edited yet. Cousin's edition is the fullest, but the important French works figure in many popular collections and are easily accessible.


He was 'as restless as a hyæna,' says De Quincey, not unjustly.


Professor Mahaffy, Descartes. Blackwood, 1880.

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