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Winning Over The Cowboy

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“Looked like they’d stood up to the dry, rocky Texas hillsides for decades and could survive anything. But not oak wilt,” he said as he turned onto Main Street.

“Wow. That was quick.” She scanned the storefronts lining the highway. Ancient rockwork buildings, motorcycles and cars parked in front of each, people strolling along, unhurried. “I could have walked here.”

“I have to go to the log furniture store, get gas for the tractor and hit the hardware store.” He parked halfway between his three destinations. “You can look around if you want.” He checked his watch. “And meet me back here at four.”

“Is lunch in there somewhere?” Her stomach growled and she winced.

“Didn’t you just cook half the day?”

“I can’t eat when I’m cooking. Too many smells.”

“I was gonna just grab something on the go.” He climbed down from the truck. “But tell you what. Let me go to the furniture store, and then we’ll do lunch. Go look around and I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

She met him on the sidewalk, stood there like a lost puppy. “Can I just hang with you?”

What? “It’ll be boring.”

“But I don’t know a soul here. You can introduce me around. I promise not to get in the way.”

“You lived here for eighteen months.” He did not need her tagging along. Looking pretty. Smelling good. Vulnerability shining through. All tempting him to trust her motives. “There are probably folks you knew still around.”

“I never came to town when I lived here except for church. I worked, studied and went to school. Period.”

He squashed a sigh. “Let’s get moving, then.”

“Thanks.” She grinned like he’d just given her the exact gift she’d wanted on Christmas morning.

* * *

Landry could hardly take it all in as she followed Chase through the store. A log dining table with a massive slab of wood for the surface. A log dresser with tree bark drawers. A rocker with a massive log frame and thick, comfy cowhide cushions. She’d thought she’d seen it all at the ranch house. She’d been wrong.

But she couldn’t let herself get distracted. She’d tagged along for the sole purpose of making Chase realize she was a good person—not the interloper he seemed to think she was. She wanted to make him realize running the dude ranch with her wasn’t so bad after all.

“Resa’s usually in the office. You can come with me. Or look around.” He headed to the back of the store.

Resa? Not a common name. The Resa she knew? At a log furniture store? It had to be.

“Chase, there you are.” Landry caught a glimpse of long, dark hair as a woman hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

The voice sounded right. Landry jockeyed for a better glimpse, but Chase followed the woman down a hallway.

Minutes ticked past.

“It’s perfect. I hope our guests will like it.” His voice neared.

Landry ran her hand along a log desk. How could something that used to be a tree be smooth as glass?

“A few may complain, but you can always put them in another room or change bedding. I’ve never had any bad comments from customers on our display.” The woman became visible first. All porcelain skin and contrasting raven hair. Resa. Eden’s friend.

Her thousand-watt smile turned on Landry. “Landry, it’s so good to see you.”

“Yes.” She couldn’t come up with anything else as Resa engulfed her in a hug. A mix of emotion wadded in her throat. Relief in knowing someone, an ally in this town, and grief because the last time she’d seen Resa had been at Eden’s wedding.

“Y’all know each other?” Chase’s frown could have wilted a prickly pear cactus.

“We became friends through Eden.” Resa pulled away. “I was studying drafting, living in San Antonio, while they were in culinary school. We’d meet for lunch at least once a week.”

“Your dream came true.” Landry scrounged up a smile. “You’re the fastest furniture slinger in the west.”

Resa laughed. “Something like that.”

“You own this place?”

“My parents do.”

“I remember now.” Her parents owned a store in San Antonio and this one here in Bandera. And lived next to the dude ranch, Eden and Resa had been lifelong friends.

“What are you doing here?”

“Landry’s my new partner in the ranch.” The resignation in Chase’s voice made her glance at him. But his features were unreadable.

“Of course. Eden’s friend. Why didn’t I realize that when Chase was in here—” Resa linked arms with her. “Don’t let him scare you. He’s all bluster.”

What had Chase said about her? “I love the store. I can’t believe I never visited before.”

“We were too busy studying.” Resa rolled her eyes. “I’m so glad that part of our lives is over. Except for—” She leaned her temple against Landry’s, and her sad tone gave away that she was obviously missing Eden. “We should do lunch sometime. I live at my folks’ place right next to the Donovan property, so we should be able to get together.”

“How about now?” Suddenly lunch with a surly Chase was more than she could handle.

“I’d love to. But I already ate, and I have an appointment with a client.” Resa checked her watch. “He should be here any minute.”

“We’ll get out of your hair, then.” Chase’s large hand settled in the small of Landry’s back.

A shiver went through her.

Not because of him, she told herself. Just at the unexpected touch. Yes, that was it.

“Is he playing nice?” Resa jabbed a finger at him.

“I’ve been a perfect gentlemen.”

Except when you doused me with water. Forced me to unstop a toilet. Used a calf to try to scare me off.

“You call me if he turns ornery.” Resa handed her a business card. “Or for lunch.” She gave Landry one last hug, waved at Chase as he urged her toward the door.

“Chase, how’s it going?” A gray-haired gentleman sat on the church pew outside the store. His skin leathery, a knife in one gnarled hand, an ornate wooden candlestick in the other.

“Things are good. I didn’t see you when we came in.”
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