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Winning Over The Cowboy

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“Just got here. Arthritis is acting up something fierce this morning.” His eyes cut to Landry. “Who’s the pretty lady? Got yourself a girlfriend, do ya?”

“No.” Landry’s face heated as her denial blended with Chase’s.

“Hmm.” The man’s eyes narrowed. “Methinks they doth protest too much.”

“My Shakespeare-quoting friend here is Jed Whitlow, the best woodcarver in Bandera. This is Landry Malone, my new business partner.”

Was it just her imagination, or did Chase’s tone turn sour whenever he said that? Like he’d gotten the bitter edge of a pecan hull in his mouth.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir.”

Jed set his knife down, clasped Landry’s hand with surprising strength in his calloused grip. “You, too, young lady. You keep my friend here in line.” He winked at Chase. “She don’t seem so bad.”

“Let’s go.” Chase set his hand in the small of her back again, propelling her toward the restaurant.

Apparently the whole town knew that Landry had usurped Chase’s inheritance. And that he wasn’t happy about it. She’d just have to change everyone’s mind. Even his. No matter how hard he made it.

* * *

All Chase had to do was get through the rest of his errands with Landry in tow.

The waitress took their drink orders, then scurried away. Old Spanish Trail, or OST, as the locals called it, was Chase’s favorite restaurant. It always stirred memories of coming to town for breakfast with Gramps.

“This place is so cool.” Landry scanned the room.

Chase looked around with fresh eyes at the enormous elk behind the breakfast bar—where servers had to duck underneath the creature to deliver plates to patrons seated on saddle-topped stools—the covered-wagon salad bar, and the John Wayne Room practically wallpapered with pictures and memorabilia celebrating the Duke.

“When I was a kid, on rare occasions when the dude ranch didn’t have guests, Gramps used to bring me here for breakfast.”

“I wish I could have known him.”

“He’s been gone since I was fifteen.”

“I’m sorry.” She touched his hand. “You’ve had a lot of loss.”

His gaze dropped to their hands.

She pulled hers away, opened her menu. “What’s good here?”


Their waitress brought their teas, then took their order of eggs, bacon and pancakes for Chase and a cheeseburger for Landry.

“Still got it?” The gruff voice startled him.

Chase looked up at the older man who’d spoken to him, then dug in his pocket and laid a knife on the table.

“Gave him that knife when he was a young whippersnapper,” the elder continued. “Couldn’t have been more than seven.” His ring-around-the-head hair stood in downy tufts on the sides, looking much like koala bear ears.

“This is Wallace Kern. He was Gramps’s friend.”

“I told him not to lose that knife when I gave it to him, and he hasn’t let me down yet.”

“It’s gotten me out of a lot of scrapes.”

“This your girlfriend?”

“No.” Again they protested together.

“Landry is my new business partner.”

“Ohhhh, so this is her.” Wallace scrutinized her. “Looks harmless enough. Not like some scammer or con artist.”

Landry’s face went scarlet. “You never know. Sometimes those types of folks look pretty ordinary.”

Wallace guffawed. “I like this one. She’s got spunk.” He shoved his hands in his overalls pockets, rocked back on his heels. “I better be getting home to the missus. Nice meetin’ ya, Miss Landry.” Wallace shuffled off.

“So, I guess you complained about me to everybody in town before I got here.”

“Not everybody. Just one somebody who apparently has loose lips.”

“I’m not a scammer.” Something in her eyes tugged at him.

“I sincerely hope not.”

“I never imagined Eden would leave me her share of the dude ranch. I never thought she’d—die.” She looked down at the table. “Yes, I loved my years here, and I love the dude ranch. Yes, living here planted my dream of owning my own someday. But my own.” Her gaze latched on to his. “Not yours.”

The waitress brought their food. Despite the swirling tension, he prayed over their meal, and they fell into silence. Their conversation not bothering their appetites at all.

He wanted to believe her. To trust her. But his family legacy was at stake.

Yet the thing in her eyes that tugged at him—it was hurt.

Chapter Four (#ulink_970e19f7-653b-544e-9fcc-6dbc899564ff)

“I’ll do my shopping now.” Landry hesitated as they stepped outside the restaurant. “Maybe check out a few stores.”

“Suit yourself. Meet me at the truck at four thirty, since we took time to eat.” Chase hurried toward the crosswalk leading to the hardware store. Apparently happy to dump her dead weight.

She’d invited herself along to make him like her. Instead his constant distrust was wearing her thin. She needed a break.

He thought she was a scammer. And half the town knew his fears. Maybe all of them. Would she ever belong?

The Dollar General was on the other side of the furniture store. She retraced her steps. How could she feel so alone as she sidestepped numerous people on the bustling sidewalk?

As she neared the pew in front of the furniture store, Jed patted the seat beside him. “Come sit a spell.”

Would he chew her out for horning in on Chase’s inheritance? Jed’s smile offered nothing other than kindness.
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