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Fortune's Secret Child

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Fortune's Secret Child
Shawna Delacorte

On a sultry midnight eve, Dr. Shane Fortune came face-to-face with his past. For his "intruder" was the woman he'd once loved but foolishly let go. Now Cynthia McCree and her son were his reluctant houseguests. Her reasons for being under his roof were no secret. But Shane knew that Cynthia was harboring a secret. One that had to do with her son…who bore an uncanny resemblance to him!

Kate Fortune’s Journal Entry

Sterling and I came to Arizona to get away from the cold Minnesota winter, but my old bones are practically quivering from all the troubles that have befallen this branch of the Fortune family. Ever since the accident happened on the construction site for the children’s hospital, an investigator has been prying into the Fortune family’s business. It’s just ludicrous to think that any member of the Fortune clan could have been involved in this terrible tragedy.

There is one bright spot, though. Ever since I ran into Cynthia McCree and her adorable son, Bobby, I’ve known that Bobby isn’t a McCree—he’s a Fortune through and through. Of course, it’s taking Bobby’s parents a little time to put the past behind them…but, from what I’ve heard, the desert sun doesn’t feel nearly as warm as the heat sizzling between them!

Dear Reader,

Thanks to all who have shared, in letters and at our Web site, eHarlequin.com, how much you love Silhouette Desire! One Web visitor told us, “When I was nineteen, this man broke my heart. So I picked up a Silhouette Desire and…lost myself in other people’s happiness, sorrow, desire…. Guys came and went and the books kept entertaining me.” It is so gratifying to know how our books have touched and even changed your lives—especially with Silhouette celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2000.

The incomparable Joan Hohl dreamed up October’s MAN OF THE MONTH. The Dakota Man is used to getting his way until he meets his match in a feisty jilted bride. And Anne Marie Winston offers you a Rancher’s Proposition, which is part of the highly sensual Desire promotion BODY & SOUL.

First Comes Love is another sexy love story by Elizabeth Bevarly. A virgin finds an unexpected champion when she is rumored to be pregnant. The latest installment of the sensational Desire miniseries FORTUNE’S CHILDREN: THE GROOMS is Fortune’s Secret Child by Shawna Delacorte. Maureen Child’s popular BACHELOR BATTALION continues with Marooned with a Marine. And Joan Elliott Pickart returns to Desire with Baby: MacAllister-Made, part of her wonderful miniseries THE BABY BET.

So take your own emotional journey through our six new powerful, passionate, provocative love stories from Silhouette Desire—and keep sending us those letters and e-mails, sharing your enthusiasm for our books!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Fortune’s Secret Child

Shawna Delacorte

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

To Judy Laivo, who has displayed such grace in the face of adversity.


has delayed her move to Washington State, staying in the Midwest in order to spend some additional time with family. She still travels as often as time permits and is looking forward to visiting several new places during the upcoming year while continuing to devote herself to writing full-time. Shawna would appreciate hearing from her readers. She can be reached at 6505 E. Central, Box #300, Wichita, KS 67206-1924.

Meet the Arizona Fortunes—a family with a legacy of wealth, influence and power. As they gather for a host of weddings, a shocking plot against the family is revealed...and passionate new romances are ignited.

DR. SHANE FORTUNE: This proudly independent loner thinks he’s finally gotten his life together, until a weird twist of fate brings his former girlfriend to his house in the middle of the night—and back into his life.

CYNTHIA MCCREE: The single mom has put her past firmly behind her, and nothing—not even an undeniable passion—is going to bring her back to the man who’d once been the love of her life. Not when she has so much at stake…

BOBBY MCCREE: This five-year-old is the most important thing in Cynthia’s life—that is, until a midnight collision brings her smack into the arms of his Native American father!



Chapter One (#u432246d0-770e-53c1-9d4c-1743a1f0fcbb)

Chapter Two (#u200baddc-a051-572d-bdf8-4d58038a0d11)

Chapter Three (#u4c535adb-a25d-5a9a-840f-d8b25e549893)

Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)


Cynthia McCree awoke with a start. She sat bolt upright in bed, shaking the fogginess from her head as she collected her bearings in the unfamiliar surroundings. She furrowed her brow, straining to hear the noise that had woken her. There it was again, the same sound. Her muscles tensed and an uncomfortable dryness closed off her throat. She tried to swallow her apprehension, but it refused to go away.

She slid out of bed and pulled on her robe. Her heartbeat quickened. Her stomach jittered nervously. She quietly made her way down the darkened hallway to her son’s bedroom. She tried to calm her nerves by telling herself that the sound was just Bobby, having a restless night due to his new surroundings. She opened the door and stepped inside.

The night-light in the adjoining bathroom provided just enough illumination for her to see. She pulled up the sheet and tucked it around the shoulders of the sleeping five-year-old boy. She placed a tender kiss on his forehead. A soft warmth settled over her and wrapped around her senses as she watched him. He was the most important thing in her life. He’d been through so much upheaval during the past two weeks. She hoped things would settle down for him now. For both of them.

She was jerked out of her moment of reverie. There it was again. Her body stiffened, and the loving glow that had filtered through her consciousness just moments earlier was shoved aside. Her anxiety level shot up. Her heart lodged in her throat. The noise came from downstairs. Did she dare go to investigate? She glanced back at her sleeping son, then set her jaw in a hard line of determination. She drew a steadying breath, then stepped into the hallway.

Downstairs in the kitchen Shane Fortune had just popped a frozen dinner into the microwave. He leaned back against the counter and closed his eyes. The weariness from the long day had finally caught up with him. The three-day medical conference was exhausting enough without tackling the one-hundred-mile drive from Phoenix back to his home in Pueblo, Arizona.

A sound broke the quiet, yanking him out of his thoughts. An adrenaline surge put his senses on full alert. Someone had stepped on the squeaky stair between the foyer and the second floor. He made his way from the kitchen, through the utility room and down the back hall, arriving at the arched opening underneath the stairs. He paused for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the dim illumination filtering in through the windows from the outside street light.

A shadowy figure crossed the foyer toward the front door. Shane moved silently through the darkness in much the same way as a cat stalks its prey, or as one of his Native American ancestors would have stealthily picked his way through a rocky canyon. He sprang from behind, knocking the intruder to the ground. He easily pinned the struggling body against the terra-cotta floor in the entry-way. Then his hand grazed a decidedly female breast and he heard a woman gasp.

Shane yanked his hand away. He focused on the face of the intruder. Her identity exploded in his consciousness, leaving him frozen in stunned silence. Waves of conflicting emotions swept through him. He had not seen her in six years, but there was no mistaking who she was even in the darkened surroundings. No one had eyes like hers, eyes that seemed to glow an iridescent blue. He couldn’t find enough breath even to speak. He finally forced out one word, managing only a hushed whisper. “Cynthia.”

He hovered directly above her, their mouths almost in contact. Sexual electricity leapt between them. It was the same sensual excitement that had once been part of their life together. It wrenched all the old emotions from the past—both good ones and bad—and deposited them in the here and now. What weird twist of fate had brought her to his house in the middle of the night?

She stopped struggling, but her muscles remained tensed. Every heated desire he had ever felt for Cynthia McCree came rushing back full force. Memories of long ago—the smell of her perfume, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her naked body pressed along the length of his, the many passion-filled nights of lovemaking—came from the same hidden place that also held old feelings of confusion and anger.

Cynthia wasn’t sure if any of this was real or only a cruel trick of her mind prompted by her return to Pueblo. Shane Fortune...was it possible that she was still in bed fast asleep and this was only a bad dream? She felt his heartbeat as his body pressed against hers—at least, she thought it was his heartbeat. It could just as easily have been her own. Their lips were so close she could almost feel the contact. All the old emotions flooded over her—times of unbridled passion and times of deep sorrow. He had been the love of her life. He was also the man who had broken her heart and hurt her more than she thought possible.

None of this made sense. She shook off the past and renewed her struggle as she tried to collect her wits. She shoved hard against his chest with both hands in an effort to push him away. She had to pull herself together and do it quickly. There was a lot more at stake here than being physically thrown together with the last man on earth she had expected to be with or even wanted to be with.

She noticed a moment of hesitation on his part when he resisted her efforts to dislodge him. It almost seemed as if he intended to close the few inches of space separating their mouths. A sharp jolt of fear surged through her body—not fear of what Shane might do, but rather fear that she would be a willing accomplice. Then as suddenly as it had all begun, he relinquished his hold on her and stood up. A very shaken Cynthia scrambled to her feet, then leaned against the staircase banister to steady her wobbly legs. She gasped for breath as anxiety ran rampant through her body. She kept a wary eye on him while he reached for a light switch.

Shane’s logical and analytical mind tried to dismiss the emotions and put things into some type of order. He couldn’t make any sense of what had happened. He had not been this confused since the day he’d told Cynthia they had no future together and their affair was over. Those years had been very intense for him, filled with inner turmoil and conflicts. He had cut her out of his life with surgical efficiency, and there had been no further contact between them—until now. He didn’t like the nervous uncertainty that jittered inside him. He clicked on a light, then took a calming breath before turning to face her.
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