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In Forbidden Territory

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In Forbidden Territory
Shawna Delacorte

Filling in as a guide and companion for his best friend's kid sister was cramping Tyler Farrell's bachelor lifestyle. At least, until a drop-dead-gorgeous, very grown-up Angie melted his bones with one searing kiss. She was supposed to be offlimits…but Tyler liked playing with fire.Angie wanted to prove she wasn't a child anymore. And what better way to do so than a no-strings affair with Tyler–the perfect love 'em and leave 'em guy? Except that the closer she got to Tyler, the hotter the attraction burned and the harder she fell in love. Somehow she had to convince commitment-phobic Tyler that she was his to claim–permanently!

“Maybe I Need A Sign Around My Neck Stating I’m An Adult,” Angie Muttered. “My Brother Seems To Forget That.”

“I don’t think a sign will be necessary,” Tyler told her as his eyes met hers. “You certainly look grown up to me.”

Ty watched as a slight smile turned the corners of her mouth—the same delicious mouth he’d sampled the previous evening. He tried to clear his head of the thoughts, of desires that could only lead to trouble. His blood rushed hot and fast each time he came into physical contact with her. It was a sensation he wanted to pursue even though he knew it was forbidden territory. There was something about her.

Something he couldn’t seem to put into words—something intangible that scared and excited him more than anything else ever had.

Dear Reader,

Silhouette Desire is starting the New Year off with a bang as we introduce our brand-new family-centric continuity, DYNASTIES: THE ASHTONS. Set in the lush wine-making country of Napa Valley, California, the Ashtons are a family divided by a less-than-fatherly patriarch. We think you’ll be thoroughly entranced by all the drama and romance when the wonderful Eileen Wilks starts things off with Entangled. Look for a new book in the series each month…all year long.

The New Year also brings new things from the fabulous Dixie Browning as she launches DIVAS WHO DISH. You’ll love her sassy heroine in Her Passionate Plan B. SONS OF THE DESERT, Alexandra Sellers’s memorable series, is back this month with the dramatic conclusion, The Fierce and Tender Sheikh. RITA

Award-winning author Cindy Gerard will thrill you with the heart-stopping hero in Between Midnight and Morning. (My favorite time of the night. What about you?)

Rounding out the month are two clever stories about shocking romances: Shawna Delacorte’s tale of a sexy hero who falls for his best friend’s sister, In Forbidden Territory, and Shirley Rogers’s story of a secretary who ends up winning her boss in a bachelor auction, Business Affairs.

Here’s to a New Year’s resolution we should all keep: indulging in more desire!

Happy reading,

Melissa Jeglinski

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

In Forbidden Territory

Shawna Delacorte

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)


Although award-winning author Shawna Delacorte has lived most of her life in Los Angeles and has a background working in television production, she is currently living in Wichita, Kansas. Among her writing accomplishments she is honored to include her placement on the USA TODAY bestseller list. In addition to writing full-time, she teaches a fiction writing class in the Division of Continuing Education at Wichita State University. Shawna enjoys hearing from her readers and can be reached at 6505 E. Central, Box #300, Wichita, KS 67206. You may also visit her at her author page at the Harlequin Web site—www.eHarlequin.com.

For Carol.

Your friends and family miss you.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



Tyler Farrell’s business partner barged into his office, panic covering his face as he pleaded, “You’ve got to help me out, Ty. Take her off my hands for the next few days.”

“Take who off your hands?”

“It won’t take that much of your time. She’s just a kid.”

“Who’s just a kid?” Tyler’s confusion began to turn to irritation. “What are you talking about, Mac?”

McConnor Coleman paused a moment as he took a calming breath. “All I know is what Mom said when she called the other day. It seems that my kid sister wants to move from Portland to Seattle, get a job and her own apartment. She arrived last night and is staying with me until I can help her get settled. I promised Mom I’d keep my eye on her. You know, maybe take her to a movie one evening and buy her some pizza. Take her on the harbor tour or to the top of the Space Needle. Stuff like that.”

Mac renewed his determination. “It’s not like you’ll have to put your busy social life on hold so you can wine and dine her. Like I said, she’s just a kid. You know the kind of long hours I’m going to be putting in until this new design is finished. The pivotal point of our company’s expansion plans is dependent on this design. I don’t want her sitting all alone at my house and I certainly don’t want her going out at night by herself.”

Ty made a valiant attempt to put some logic to Mac’s obviously frazzled state of mind. “We’re on Bainbridge Island, not in Seattle. There’s no reason why she can’t go out alone.”

“A young girl should not be out on the streets alone.” Mac’s tone of voice said there was no room for discussion of the matter.

Ty allowed a slight frown to wrinkle across his brow. An image popped into his mind of Angelina Coleman, the annoying little girl he had encountered once at Mac’s parents’ house in Portland, Oregon. He shook his head and emitted a sigh. “I really don’t have the time—”

“Am I too early for lunch?”

Ty whirled around in the direction of the sound. The sultry voice perfectly matched the beautiful blond vision framed in the doorway. A quick surge of desire shoved aside Ty’s initial shock. Could this gorgeous vision be the same person Mac had been referring to as his kid sister?

Mac rushed toward her. “Angie…is it noon already?” He glanced at his watch, a sheepish expression covering his features. “I guess the morning got away from me.”

She shot a teasing grin at her brother. “Why am I not surprised?”

Recovering from his initial shock, Ty leaped into action. He grabbed Angie’s hand, kissed the back of it and made a courtly bow. “Angelina Coleman…Tyler Farrell at your service. You probably don’t remember, but we met several years ago.” A jolt of charged energy emanated from their clasped hands. A heated surge of desire swept up his arm and through his body. Her unwavering gaze, combined with the vibrancy of her expressive green eyes, sent another ripple coursing through him—a strange combination of lustful desire and caution.

“I most certainly do remember you. It was fourteen years ago, a month or so before you and Mac graduated from the University of Washington. Mac was the one worrying about finals. I was the scrawny ten-year-old with braces on my teeth.” A dazzling smile lit her beautiful face and a touch of humor surrounded her words. “And you were the arrogant jerk.”
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