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All sciences. №5, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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After the charges with the set energy, at a given voltage, fly out of the cathode, they begin to affect the helium located between the electrodes, which begins to be excited and move to the next energy level and after descending from it, which takes microseconds, begins to emit photons of ultraviolet light. There is a reflective foil around the outer part of the bulb, which reflects all these multidirectional rays and reduces them to a single point. In addition, mirrors or the same foil are located at the ends of the sides of this tube, which further increases the effect.

Then the reflected ultraviolet rays begin to move towards the central part, but this central part must be made of quartz glass, which unlike conventional conducts ultraviolet. And in the central flask there is also helium with the same excitation energy, which leads to the fact that helium absorbs the photons that hit it and releases twice as much.

On one side of the central part of the structure there is also a reflecting mirror, and on the other – quartz glass, which releases a stream of concentrated ultraviolet photons with high energy. Thus generating a stream with an energy of at least 28—30 watts, which can be concentrated in sufficiently small areas using powerful lenses and acting on the desired object. For comparison, when using a lens with the possibility of increasing by 5.5—6 thousand times and reducing the beam area to 1 micron, the temperature of tungsten reaches 4.5 thousand degrees, which is several times higher than its melting point. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a design of this kind of three-dimensional printer that will affect the material with great accuracy, causing it to melt at a certain point with an accuracy of up to a micrometer and layer by layer causing the formation of the necessary detail of any scale with sufficiently high strength!

Used literature

1. Bagramov, R. Lasers in dentistry, maxillofacial and reconstructive plastic surgery / R. Bagramov, M. Alexandrov, Yu. Sergeev. – M.: Technosphere, 2010. – 608 p.

2. Bertolotti, M. The history of the laser. Scientific publication / M. Bertolotti. – M.: Intellect, 2015. – 336 p.

3. Bogdanov, A.D. Gyroscopes on lasers / A.D. Bogdanov. – M.: Voenizdat, 1975. – 731 p.

4. Vasiliev, G. M. Kinetic and transport processes in molecular gas lasers / G. M. Vasiliev, S. A. Zhdanok. – M.: Belorusskaya Navuka, 2010. – 206 p.

5. Gamaleya, N. F. Lasers in experiment and clinic / N. F. Gamaleya. – L.: Medicine, 2013. – 232 p.

6. Zastrogin, Yu. F. Control of motion parameters using lasers. Methods and means: monogr. / Yu. F. Zastrogin. – L.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. – 176 p.

7. Zuev, V. E. Laser meteorologist / V. E. Zuev. – M.: Hydrometeoizdat, 2001. – 180 p.

8. Laser—induced chemical processes. – M.: Mir, 1984. – 312 p.

9. Laser and light therapy. Volume 1. Vascular disorders. Hyperpigmentation. Scars. Skin diseases. Epilation (+ DVD-ROM). – Moscow: Reed Elsiver, 2010. – 188 p.

10. Laser and light therapy. Volume 2. Skin rejuvenation. Laser grinding. Laser therapy in patients with dark skin. Cellulite treatment (+ DVD-ROM). – M.: Reed Elsiver, 2010. – 152 p.

11. Lasers in aviation. – M.: Voenizdat, 1982. – 160 p.

12. Lasers in endoscopy / N. E. Chernekhovskaya et al. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2011. – 144 p.

13. Lasers. – M.: Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1996. – 472 p.

14. Maitland, A. Introduction to laser physics / A. Maitland, M. Dunn. – Moscow: Mir, 1978. – 598 p.

15. Nasretdinov, Alexey Voyeurism and combat lasers / Alexey Nasretdinov. – M.: Boslen, 2007. – 128 p.

16. Ochkin, V. N. Waveguide gas lasers / V. N. Ochkin. – M.: Znanie, 1988. – 282 p.


UDC 551.521

Karimov Boxodir Xoshimovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Technological Education" of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University

Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Annotation. Radiation in all its manifestations is an integral part of the entire nuclear industry, along with its other actions on charged particle accelerators, as well as in everyday life, when taking into account the general background radiation, or when searching for radioactive fossils, of which there are quite a lot. And at the same time, it is important to scale this process using more equipment, however, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to organize a favorable ground in the face of more affordable dosimeters, as an example of one of the types of equipment based on Arduino boards.

Keywords: radiation, dosimeter, Arduino, determination, radioactive background, determination and statement of measuring instrument data, measuring instruments.

Аннотация. Радиация во всех её проявлениях является неотъемлемой частью всей ядерной промышленности, наряду с прочими её действиями на ускорителях заряженных частиц, а также в повседневной жизни, при учёте общей фоновой радиации, либо при поиске радиоактивных ископаемых, коих достаточно много. И при этом важно масштабирование этого процесса с использованием большего количества оборудований, однако, для достижения поставленных целей, необходимо организовывать благоприятную почву в лице более доступных дозиметров, как примера одного из типов оборудования на основе плат Arduino.

Ключевые слова: радиация, дозиметр, Arduino, определение, радиоактивный фон, определение и констатация данных измерительных приборов, измерительные приборы.

As you know, there are several types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma, which are almost always found together in nature. And it is possible to create meter designs for each type of radiation, therefore in this model the type of dosimeter for the determination of beta radiation will be considered. To do this, a small beta Geiger counter with a mica window will be used, from where all types of radioactive radiation pass. After that, a special printed circuit board is created based on the Arduino Pro Mini and a 128 by 32 pixel OLED display, and a TP4056 battery is installed under the module. The MT3608 boost module is located under the board itself, to increase the voltage from the battery to 5 V. After printing the board, it was time to use a special library, of which there were enough types.

In one of the tested libraries, it was possible to observe slowness in operation, in others indistinct indicators on a small display, etc., as a result of such a sample, the resulting type of library GyverOLED and GyverButton, operating at a frequency of 80 kHz, was determined. When the circuit was assembled, experimental launches were made, however, they showed that the step-up module led to a rapid burnout of a large number of parts, including the Arduino board itself, which caused it to be replaced with an auto generator with a stable voltage with a throttle and two windings – a surface one for 3 turns and a step-down one for 5 turns. Also, an MPM transistor of type 13003 or KT815 is used for grounding.

Fig. 1. Diagram of the dosimeter device on Arduino Pro Mini

As a result, the circuit of the device looked like in Fig. 1., while the resistor data (marked with an asterisk) had to be selected to increase the accuracy of the device, which could be seen when connected to an oscilloscope, using a 100 kOhm resistor is sufficient for low accuracy. And the diode (also marked with an asterisk) is necessary for the input voltage drop for the autotransformer, since depending on the input voltage, the output voltage is obtained, the value of which should be an increase of the order of 350-400 V.

Next, a case was created that fits all the necessary parts on a 3D printer with battery compartments, a boozer or speaker that goes to the front panel, the front panel itself, buttons, the board itself, and so on. Finally, the device was turned on and tested.

The display showed data on the loading of values (on the left about the achievement of the maximum accuracy), the radiation value itself, under it the unit of measurement is mkR / h, then next to the mode – alpha, beta, gamma, alpha + beta, beta + gamma, alpha + gamma or alpha + beta + gamma. There was also a radiation icon nearby, indicating the arrival of a charged particle of one type or another, and next to it was the battery charge level.

2 buttons are organized for control. Pressing the first of them leads to the display of the dose value of the radiation received from the moment the dosimeter is turned on. Pressing again returns to the main screen. A long press of the first button resets the readings and repeats the analysis, which leads to the zeroing of the "readiness indicator" that was on the left on the main panel. Double-clicking changes the unit of measurement to mSv/h, and the dose reading will also be in these units.

The lower button, when pressed once, shows the maximum dose of radiation received. When pressed twice, the search mode starts every second, however, these values have low accuracy, however, this mode signals well about the presence of any radiation sources, even with relatively low radiation. In addition, it is worth saying that with an increased radiation background, the accuracy may drop, but the counting speed increases dramatically for faster signaling for the user.

Testing The device was also tested using uranium glass and professional sensors, the data of which practically coincided during measurements and the difference in values was no more than hundredths of an mP/h. Some other sources were also used, during testing of which, the data again coincided.

As a result, a device was created that allows determining the level of background radiation with sufficient accuracy for practical use using Arduino.

Used literature

1. Histo-hematic barriers and ionizing radiation: monogr.. – M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 2013. – 216 p.

2. Dielectrics and radiation. In 4 books. Book 1. Radiation electrical conductivity / N. S. Kostyukov et al. – L.: Nauka, 2012. – 256 p.

3. Dielectrics and radiation. In 4 books. Book 3. Mechanical and electrical strength and structure change under irradiation / N. S. Kostyukov et al. – L.: Nauka, 2015. – 256 p.

4. Dielectrics and radiation. In 8 books. Book 7. The influence of transmutants on the properties of ceramic dielectrics: monograph / N. S. Kostyukov et al. – L.: Nauka, 2015. – 280 p.

5. Egorov, A. P. Hematopoiesis and ionizing radiation: monograph / A. P. Egorov, V. V. Bochkarev. – M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature, 2012. – 256 p.

6. Li, D. E. The effect of radiation on living cells / D. E. Li. – M.: State Publishing House of Literature on Atomic Energy science and Technology of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the Use of Atomic Energy, 2014. – 288 p.

7. Livanov, M. N. Some problems of the effect of ionizing radiation on the nervous system: monograph / M. N. Livanov. – M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature, 2013. – 196 p.

8. Nadareishvili, K. Sh. Questions of the influence of ionizing radiation on the cardiovascular system / K. Sh. Nadareishvili. – M.: Metsniereba, 2011. – 300 p.

9. Nikolay, Daineko und Sergey Timofeev Radiation and medicinal plants / Nikolay Daineko und Sergey Timofeev. – M.: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014. – 156 p.

10. Pobedinsky, M. N. Methods of examination of the function of the genital glands in women working with sources of ionizing radiation / M. N. Pobedinsky. – M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature, 2014. – 28 p.
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