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All sciences. №5, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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All sciences. №5, 2023. International Scientific Journal
Saidjon Baxtiyorjonovich Xayitov

Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldashov

Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Maftuna Rahmatillayevna Xayitova

Shaxlo Norqoziyevna Usmonova

Ahliddin Mirzohidovich Qo'chqorov

Abdullajon Odiljonovich Komilov

Foziljon Oripovich Obidov

Javohir Abdurasulovich Jumayev

The international scientific journal «All Sciences», created at OOO «Electron Laboratory» and the Scientific School «Electron», is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, also representing a collection of publications on the above topics by a board of authors and reviewed by the editorial Board (Academic Council) of the Scientific School «Electron» and the Ridero platform monthly.

All sciences. №5, 2023

International Scientific Journal

Authors: Aliyev Ibratjon Xatamovich, Karimov Boxodir Xoshimovich, Qo'ldashov Obbozjon Xokimovich, Komilov Abdullajon Odiljonovich, Jumayev Javohir Abdurasulovich, Qo'chqorov Ahliddin Mirzohidovich, Xayitov Saidjon Baxtiyorjonovich, Xayitova Maftuna Rahmatillayevna, Obidov Foziljon Oripovich, Usmonova Shaxlo Norqoziyevna

Editor-in-Chief Ibtajon Xatamovich Aliyev

Illustrator Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldashov

Illustrator Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

Cover Designer Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Cover Designer Ra'noxon Mukaramovna Aliyeva

Acting Scientific Supervisor Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

Economic Manager Farruh Murodjonovich Sharofutdinov

Economic Consultant Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov

Proofreader Gulnoza Muxtorovna Sobirova

Proofreader Abdurasul Abdusoliyevich Ergashev

Proofreader Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova

© Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, 2023

© Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov, 2023

© Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldashov, 2023

© Abdullajon Odiljonovich Komilov, 2023

© Javohir Abdurasulovich Jumayev, 2023

© Ahliddin Mirzohidovich Qo'chqorov, 2023

© Saidjon Baxtiyorjonovich Xayitov, 2023

© Maftuna Rahmatillayevna Xayitova, 2023

© Foziljon Oripovich Obidov, 2023

© Shaxlo Norqoziyevna Usmonova, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-4653-5 (т. 5)

ISBN 978-5-0059-5900-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system



UDC 621.373.8

Aliyev Ibratjon Xatamovich

3rd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Fergana State University

Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The manufacture of a large number of devices of a very different nature is reduced to the possibility of interaction of modern technology with a variety of types of materials, including refractory ones. For this reason, in order to create a three-dimensional printer device capable of acting on tungsten, quartz and some other materials, by regulating the strength of the melting element, the design of a helium ultraviolet laser was developed.

Keywords: laser, helium, ultraviolet, tungsten, three-dimensional printer, design, device.

Аннотация. Изготовление большого количества устройств самого различного характера сводиться к возможности взаимодействия современной техники с самыми различными типами материалов, в том числе и тугоплавкими. По этой причине, с целью создания устройства трёхмерного принтера способного воздействовать на вольфрам, кварц и некоторые другие материалы, путём регулирования силы плавящего элемента и была разработана конструкция гелиевого ультрафиолетового лазера.

Ключевые слова: лазер, гелий, ультрафиолет, вольфрам, трёхмерных принтер, конструкция, устройство.

The laser device is a cylindrical glass flask with a fixed diameter and an internal division similar to the radius. The thickness of such a bulb is chosen specifically to solve the problem of depressurization of the structure. In such a flask, helium is introduced in the outer part, and coils are installed on both sides, one of which is a direct – filament cathode, and the second is an anode. Due to the fact that the cathode begins to heat up, a current density begins to arise between it and the anode, determined by (1) and from which the kinetic energy of the cathode molecules (2) can be calculated from the temperature value, and after that the velocity of the molecules (3), from which, in turn, the charge is calculated from the value of a certain current density (4).

Further, from the calculations given, it is possible to determine the voltage, that is, the kinetic energy of the charges reaching the anode, from where their voltage (5) manifests itself, and since the value of the current density in the cathode itself (6) is known, depending on the ratio of this current density and the density of the outgoing charge, the percentage of charge output from the cathode can be found (7) or a kind of cathodic efficiency.
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