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Christmas In Icicle Falls

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'Sheila Roberts makes me laugh. I read her books & come away hopeful and happy.' Debbie MacomberEscape to Icicle Falls this Christmas!When Muriel Sterling released her new book, A Guide to Happy Holidays, she felt like the queen of Christmas. So she’s thrilled when her new tree arrives – until she realises it’s not quite what she ordered…Rather than letting the ugly tree ruin Christmas, Muriel decides to shower it in festive decorations and realises that there’s a lesson to be learnt: everything and everyone has potential!She’s spent years batting back her old friend Arnie’s advances, but maybe if she starts to look past his flaws, this Christmas might turn out to be Muriel’s happiest holiday yet!Don’t miss the final instalment in bestselling author Sheila Roberts’ enchanting Icicle Falls series.
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