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The Tea Shop on Lavender Lane

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“I won’t,” Cecily said as much to herself as to Charley.

Her friend was right. It was silly to take a chance on getting hurt, especially when a woman could pick a solid, dependable man. Cecily hurried back to Sweet Dreams Chocolates and went straight to Luke’s office.

She found him at his desk, frowning in concentration and typing on his computer keyboard with two fingers. He saw her and smiled hopefully. “Hi there. What brings you to my corner of the neighborhood?”

“Dinner. Are you still interested?”

His smile broadened. “Absolutely. How about Friday?”

She didn’t want Bailey to spend her first Friday home alone. “Saturday?”

“I can do that. Schwangau?”

That was certainly a more impressive first date than playing pinball in a seedy tavern. Cecily’s mind started to wander from the tavern to her first kiss at Todd’s house.

She firmly jerked her thoughts off that trail. “Schwangau sounds great.”

“Pick you up at six?”

“Sure,” she said. And then it seemed there was nothing left to say. She turned to go.


She turned back.

“Thanks,” he said softly.

She nodded.

She’d barely returned to her desk when her cell phone rang. It was Todd, and the very sound of his voice revved her hormones.

“Thanks for the flowers,” she said. “They’re beautiful.”

“Just like the woman I sent them to. When are you coming back to my cave to play some more pinball?” he asked. Then, before she could answer, he added, “Oh, yeah. That doesn’t count as a date. So how about dancing at The Red Barn on Friday night?”

“Isn’t Friday a big night at The Man Cave?”

“I’ll give myself the night off for bad behavior.”

Not interested. Just say it. “My sister’s moving back to town, and I’m spending Friday with her.”

“Oh? Where’s she staying?”

“With me.”

“No coming back to your place for a drink after our next date, then,” he said. “And, speaking of...if you can’t do Friday, how about Saturday?”

“Sorry. I’m busy.”

“How long does it take to unpack your sister’s suitcase?”

“I’m not busy with her.”

There was a long silence before he said, “Oh.” Then, “Anyone I know?”

Now the silence was on Cecily’s end. She should come right out and tell him it wasn’t going to happen between them. She was going in a new, smart direction. With Luke.

“Let me guess. The competition.”

Okay, since he asked. “Yes.” Luke was a much better candidate for a long-term relationship. And for fatherhood. He was already a family man, which meant he was solid and dependable, not wired for breaking hearts like some people.

“I hope you aren’t expecting me to say something inane like ‘have a good time,’” Todd said. “You won’t have half as much fun as you had with me, you know.”

“There’s more to life than fun,” she said primly.

“Thanks for enlightening me. Seriously, I’m interested in you, Cecily, and I’m not going away just because some other man is, too. Well, unless at some point you want me to. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a stalker.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“One of my many good qualities,” he said. “Talk to you later.”

He did have good qualities, Cecily thought as she ended the call. He was smart and funny, and he’d proved he could stay calm in the face of trouble. He was obviously responsible enough to own a business. But was he ready to settle down and have a family? It kept coming back to that. Todd Black was a ladies’ man, and she couldn’t really see him staying with one woman.

But if he could...

Her thoughts were interrupted by another call, this one from her friend Margo James in L.A. “Hey, you,” said Margo. “I’m sitting here in front of a cracker box of a house that’s going for a mil, waiting for my client, and figured I’d give you a call. How’s life in Small Town, U.S.A.? You ready to come back to the big city yet?”

California had the sun, and when she’d gone down for a visit in January, she’d gotten a big dose of it. But that hadn’t been enough to make her want to give up the fresh air and beautiful scenery of Icicle Falls. She’d found her footing in her hometown, made new friends, carved out a life. She still didn’t have her love life sorted out, but then, she hadn’t exactly gotten it sorted out in sunny California, either.

“No. The weather’s beautiful up here right now. You should come visit.”

“If I did, you’d probably make me go hiking or introduce me to some hairy mountain man. Speaking of men, guess who’s engaged.”

“Jessica Long.”

“Aw, she told you. Or else you’re psychic.”

It wouldn’t have taken any great mental gifts to know that Jessica was on the verge of getting a ring. When Cecily had been down in January, Jessica and her boyfriend hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other. They’d been a pro bono match-up Cecily had arranged, just two friends she’d thought would enjoy each other. And she’d been right.

“Hardly,” she said. “Anyone could see where that was heading.”

“Well, I’m jealous. When are you going to find me someone perfect?”

“After I find someone for me,” Cecily said.

“You’ve got two men after you. Don’t be greedy. By the way, Darby and Ken are pregnant.”

Why did it feel as if everyone these days was either getting engaged or getting pregnant? “Well, they’ve been trying for a year,” Cecily reminded both Margo and herself.
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